FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: APRIL 6, 2019 (all photos, below) THE SICK HEALED AND WITCH HUTS BURNED! TWO WITCH HUTS WENT UP IN SMOKE THIS MONTH! This is thanks to Pastors Alberto and Francisco, evangelizing in Namuno District south of Balama. To top that, 2 adults were healed after prayer! Prayer STOPPED an asthmatic’s attack, and an epileptic man’s seizure. NEITHER ILLNESS has returned to these adults since their healing. THANK YOU JESUS!!! MARCH SALVATIONS (Balama and Namuno Districts) 47 adults, 52 teenagers, and 90 children. BALAMA BBC GROUPS (Village Pastors, motorbikes, and bicycle groups) teaching the Bible to well over 30,000 children a week! Testimony: A Muslim Leader in a remote village had a stroke 7 months ago, and has been bedridden ever since. He tried praying to his god, and when that didn’t work he went to a witch doctor. When that failed to heal him, he gave the order to “call the Jesus man” to pray for me. THREE DAYS after being prayed for by our MANGO TREE CHURCH PASTOR, the man was seen WALKING WEAKLY out of his hut! He is getting stronger daily, and gives all the credit to Jesus! His family has not interfered, which is unusual, for it is normal to exile a Muslim who receives Jesus as their Lord and Savior. The family is pushing him to travel to Tanzania, and it is my opinion they want to get him away from his Christian supporters in his village. So we shall see if he stands his ground. ONLY GOD KNOWS where this man belongs right now. Just as Jesus used that “JEW HATING SAUL” to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ, He can use this man’s mighty testimony where ever he goes! When a Muslim Leader finds Jesus, many begin to follow, for the truth has been revealed! YOUR GIFTS ADVANCING THE RESCUE WORK The news has moved on, as the hardest part of any rescue work continues. In this case, the needs will be great until the next harvest. PTL that seeds have been delivered by a relief group, and are being distributed so these farmers can once again support themselves in 2020. Mercy Air’s 2 helicopters, whom you are supporting with fuel, are working long hours out of a Christian’s farm near the wiped out area of the Buzi River. EACH HELICOPTER moves 20+ TONS of food and essential items/day, for many people are still cut off by flood waters. Eric, our RSA Coordinator, and his friend Wikkie, drove long hours for 3 days last weekend to reach this farm with a load of supplies, included 12,000 water purification packets. Those packets will clean up to 250,000 LITERS OF WATER (more than 62,500 GALLONS). Waterborne diseases are the most serious threat to these people at present for diarrhea can kill an adult in 3 days. WE THANK ALL OF YOU FOR MAKING THE SACRIFICE TO HELP THOSE WHO HAVE NOTHING LEFT. Eric said the hard part was seeing the lack of hope in the eyes of the survivors. JESUS BRINGS HOPE TO ALL WHO HAVE SUFFERED GREAT LOSS. THE CHRISTIAN TEAMS WORKING THIS DISASTER ARE MAKING SURE THOSE WHO HAVE LOST THEIR HOPE, KNOW THAT JESUS CAN AND WILL RETURN THE “LIGHT OF HOPE” TO THEIR EYES! MAF FLIES IN SUPPLIES FOR THE BALAMA TEAM MAF (Missions Aviation Fellowship) diverted on March 18th to help with the cyclone disaster relief. Eric was supposed to rendezvous with MAF in Inhambane on March 19th to hand off our annual supplies, which are not available in northern Mozambique. Since MAF could not meet Eric, they arranged safe storage for our supplies in Inhambane City until their plane could fetch them. As promised, MAF fetched and delivered those life-saving supplies to a landing strip near us just yesterday. We are very grateful to the Nampula based MAF Team for all they do to help missionaries throughout all of Mozambique. JESUS WANTS ALL OF US TO NETWORK, SHARING HIS LOVE WITH EVERYONE WE MEET. YOU ARE A BIG PART OF THAT NETWORK IN MOZAMBIQUE, AND FOR THAT WE ARE MOST GRATEFUL. BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |