Subject: Bush Bunny Blog, Oct. 24, 2010
The last 3 days I’ve been on the road, as the new Administrator of Meluco County asked to meet with me.
Jose has just been transferred from 2nd in charge of another county to 1st in charge of Meluco County and he has a great heart for kids.
He was concerned for 9 orphans who were dismissed from our program 2 years ago by local government officials who didn’t like them living near our mission station (1 mile out of town).
We offered to buy a house in town and move the kids, but were told the kids were better off with their family, (who had dumped them on the street to eat garbage).
So these 9 orphans, ages 4–11, received our food but had no one to care for them over the last 2 years.
The oldest girl of 11 married a man at 13 just to get a roof over her head.
After hearing our report, the Administrator gave us permission to organize a new home near our mission station and fetch the 8 remaining children.
We are all amazed that none of them died of neglect!
Sylvai wasted no time in checking out the area for a house to buy but none are available.
Land is plentiful in this area, so we plan to purchase a lot near our mission ($100) and rapidly build a home of “pao pickey”.
This is a fence post laced with bamboo type of construction that is then plastered with cement and painted to seal the Buy Xenical Online walls.
It can be built in a matter of 10 days and will serve as a great home for the kids, as it is super solid.
The rainy season is upon us, so timing is critical since the rains are expected to start in mid November.
GOD HAS MADE A WAY for these little ones and we are all so, so happy!
Under our new County Leader, our assistance to the orphans without family will now thrive!
ERIC is doing well at 2 weeks post op and begins additional physical therapy on Oct. 25th.
Keep your prayers coming, as his blood sugar is still unstable, and he’s feeling very tired due to all the changes his body is feeling.
Will be a busy week in Balama as we hope to put the finishing touches on the new orphans houses and get the kids moved.
The bulldozers have worked all around us (as we prayed they would stay away a few more days).
Doors and widows go in and then most of the kids can move to their new places.
Keep those prayers coming and know we love and appreciate all of you!
Blessings, BBB and the Balama gang