July 18, 2010 BLOG
On Wed., July 14th, the Balama government informed me that the new highway coming through Balama till take out 9 of our 18 orphan houses.
This includes the concrete brick dorm that houses our Jr. High and High School orphans. (A $10,000 loss)
This SHOCK WAVE rocked our mission station.
I expected to only lose 3 orphan homes and not until next year!
The Road Crew will be coming this week, July 19th, to tell us when we have to vacate.
More than 300 mud huts will be destroyed, so speed is of the essence if housing or land is to be found before prices sky rocket.
Taking immediate action, I sent 2 pastors into the neighborhood to find out what mud huts were for sale.
8 MUD HUTS are for sale within 300 yards of our mission station. ($550-$600/hut)
Thanks to several extra love gifts given last month, we have enough to purchase these buy drugs without a prescription huts this week.
God is never late. He knew what was coming and provided before we even knew the need.
We PRAISE THE LORD and send our thanks to the donors who gave those gifts last month.
Your funds are at work.
As if this news wasn’t enough, another shock wave hits…
On Thursday, July 15th, Social Services sent us a grandmother with 10 ORPHANS (included 8 day old twins).
With no food, no help, and only one small mud hut, she can’t cope.
One look at the twins, and we rushed them to the Balama hospital. The male twin was near death with diarrhea and a respiratory infection. The female twin was looking ill also.
With no house to put them in, Capena, our project manager, organized food for the 8 orphans, (7 under age 5 and one teenage boy), and then drove them back to their home village. The village chief organized neighbors to care for the children until we could provide them a new home in Balama.
Grandmother and a 2nd neighbor woman stayed to care for the twins in the hospital. As I write this, both twins are recovering in the hospital and looking much perkier.
How did this happen?
A man with 2 wives had a total of 8 kids and the 2nd wife was pregnant. Late in 2009, the man and his first wife died, leaving the orphaned teenage boy and 4 children under age 5 with the grandmother.
Being a strong woman, she coped, but then the 2nd wife, pregnant with twins, died the same day she gave birth. This left grandmother with new born twins and 3 more toddlers!
The husband was muslim, so the village mosque took up an offering to buy a can of baby formula ($6) and a baby bottle ($1). This was a BIG gesture from a village that has little income.
Grandma lacked education in how to prepare the formula, so the male twin picked up a deadly type of diarrhea that kills infants in less than a day.
It was a miracle that they both didn’t have diarrhea as they ate from the same bottle.
By God’s grace, the twins were saved because neighbors brought them to us the same day the twins got sick.
MIRACLE HOUSING: A lot with 2 mud huts and a $700 tag, was located within 200 yards of our mission station.
With the emergency reserve funds which your love gifts provide, we purchased these 2 huts that day. With a few improvements, the 7 toddlers will be able to move in with a foster mother this week.
Sponsors are needed to help us care for these 7 little ones at $30/month/child.
Photos will be provided to each sponsor.
The twins will need milk formula and an additional foster mother’s care for the next year. TWO sponsors are needed at $50/month.
Please feel free too write.
I’ll keep everyone updated and answer questions via this blog.
Bush Bunny Brenda