Challenges never cease around here.
Since I last wrote, we had a bandit break into one of our orphan homes (Mother Assias’ house) for those of you who have been here and know her.
This happened at 4:30 a.m. last Thursday morning.
A guy beat in the door to the house, awakening foster mother Assia, Buy Xenical Online Without Prescription who immediately confronted him.
He whacked her in the face with his flashlight, breaking her nose. Her screams brought the neighbors, and the guy fled.
Both the1 year old orphan baby sleeping next to Assia, and 2 year old Angelica in the next bedroom were terrified, but unharmed.
The 6 orphans sleeping in the 2nd house were also unharmed. Calming words, hugs, and a promise of a night guard helped to restore peace in the kid’s hearts.
Assia spent the day in emergency because of her bleeding nose and mild concussion.
We PTL that she recovered in a record 4 days as her face was quite swollen the first 2 days.
A woman from our church will stay with the kids for the next week, as well as a night guard outside her house.
No one knows why this guy broke in since it wasn’t payday, and Thursday is the day they receive all their food supplies.
There was absolutely nothing of value in the house to take.
The Road Building Bulldozer and crew showed up last week, making a mess of our neighborhood.
Plowing up a 60 yard wide swath to within 100 yards of our teenage boy’s dorm left everyone a bit nervous, since they haven’t officially condemned the houses yet.
The carpenter I was training for roofing had to be pushed into service (with me watching closely over his shoulder), so that Assias’ new 4 house complex can be finished in the next 4 weeks.
We now have 2 complete roofing teams, and 5 brick layer teams working together to get the needed houses ready for occupancy.
Even with all these workers, it will still take another 4 weeks minimum to finish this one complex.
With 400 orphans living in Meluco county (9 hours north east of us), our 6 ton truck is busy doing weekly food deliveries to fill their barn before the rainy season starts in December.
Meluco County basically lost their harvest this year due to drought, so our food stash is essential to their survival till harvest time next March.
Manuel, a Christian and our 6 ton truck driver, was on his way back from a delivery last Saturday, when I suddenly felt the Holy Spirit urge me to call him.
All I could hear was screaming and yelling when he answered, as he had been stopped by a mob of angry people just outside of Montepuez (the town that is 30 miles from us).
He still doesn’t know what caused the riot, but people were fighting and blocking the road, and Montepuez’s businesses were closed tight!
I began to pray and notified several others to join with me.
We asked the Lord to PART THE SEA OF PEOPLE just as He did for Moses at the Red Sea.
Then the phone service went dead, and I had no contact with Manuel for the next hour.
We were putting together a rescue party of men, when I got a message from Manuel that they had gotten through the crowd and were on their way home.
When the 3 man crew arrived, they were super excited because they said the crowd just opened up and let them through!
No one was hurt and the truck was not damaged.
He never fails us, and all we have to do is ASK and we SHALL RECEIVE!
To top it off, I was just notified an hour ago that a very strong twister wind wiped out our youth pastor’s house in Rovuma village while everyone was in church!
It was scheduled to be roofed this week, and now has to be rebuilt.
Seems there is a witchdoctor living nearby who doesn’t want the pastor there, so that guy is going to find out about the power of prayer this week!
Thanks for your continued prayer for us during our times of extraordinary challenges.
Blessings, Bush Bunny Brenda