Beating osteomyelitis (bone infection) is like trying to kill a room full of fleas with a stick, but Zito is a mighty warrior who KNOWS that JESUS HEALS WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS. I just spoke to Zito by phone, and he is in good spirits, for his leg is no longer painful.

Left: Our Children’s Director Pastor Fred with Zito before surgery. Right: Zito recovering just after surgery. His long leg incision remains open in 2 spots as the last of the infection leaves his body. Dr. Li told us last night that he believes Zito will beat this horrific infection if given another week of treatment. THAT IS GREAT NEWS for the alternative is not one anyone desires.

Dr. LI, giving it his all to help Zito heal. ZITO’S hospital bill is now at $6,000 on Sunday, with donations just under $5,000. YOUR LOVE GIFTS ARE MAKING IT POSSIBLE FOR ZITO TO KEEP HIS LEG. His body just needs a little more time. PLEASE keep your prayers and love gifts flowing in, so that Zito can walk out of this hospital. He desires to be a walking testimony to all he meets that JESUS LOVES EVERYONE NO MATTER WHO THEY ARE OR WHERE THEY LIVE. FOOD DISTRIBUTION BEGINS The widows and orphans were smiles from ear to ear as our truck rolled into 3 different villages this week, bringing them nutritious corn and beans, along with iodized salt, and bath soap. Your Love Gifts at work!

Happy Granny receiving soap for herself and the 2 orphans she cares for.

Aunts and Grannies preparing their corn and beans so the kids can help carry it home.

Older children help carry the little ones to their homes.

Life saving beans for protein is scarce during the dry season.BIBLE CONFERENCE BEGINS MONDAY Larry Friend, International Bible Teacher and Bawana Games Instructor, flies in today for 5 days of teaching God’s Word to 70 Pastors working in 3 Counties/Districts. I am in Pemba to fetch him at 1pm, keeping this short, as I am typing this on my phone. Larry is an encourager and down to earth teacher who travels internationally to motivate and enhance those working with their local communities. Keep us all in prayer for it will be an action packed 5 days for Jesus!
Bush Bunny Brenda Lange And the Balama Team