FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: August 19, 2023 BABY JUMAIDA FINALLY HOME! Baby Jumaida and Foster Mother Estivania much happier now that they are home At Noon on Monday, August 14, the hospital released this sweet 7‑week-old infant girl, but the thrush in her mouth continues to be a problem. We are changing treatments in hopes that making her mouth less acidic with a super diluted bicarbonate of soda will kill it out. Otherwise, she seems fine as she now weighs 4.1 kg/9 lbs. which is amazing! (Her admission weight was 3.5kg/7.7 lbs.) An infant that gains weight in hospital while ill is not something I have seen before. Keep praying for her immune system to strengthen, as that will take care of the thrush problem and give her a safety shield. AUGUST FOOD DISTRIBUTIONS NOW COMPLETED This week found our food distribution teams in 3 locations giving out the last of the corn that these orphans will receive this year. Orphans really happy with their food and soap gifts No matter how young, these children know the value of this sack of corn and are making sure no one takes it while Granny is fetching their beans The September distribution will be rice, along with the much needed beans, soap, and salt. It’s a different world for all of us, as we switch gears at the end of August from corn to rice. With worldwide food shortages, I am thrilled that we can provide our family of orphans with good, nutritious food, even if it is not exactly what they are use to.
Typical scene with the orphans helping their Aunt who divides corn while her own infant sleeps Granny divides the corn sack so her orphaned grandsons can help carry the load back to their mud hut THREE BEDROOM HOUSE NOW AT ROOFING LEVEL The empty lot I showed you a few months ago now holds a 3 bedroom house with walls up to 3 meters/9.75 feet! Walls almost completed on 3 bedroom home for toddlers These bedrooms are 6 X 6 meters/19.5 ft square, so there is plenty of room for our ever-growing little ones. The roofing will begin next Wednesday if all goes as scheduled. Doing our best to get it finished as soon as possible, as our little ones are fast out growing their junior beds! WE APPRECIATE ALL OF YOUR PRAYERS AND LOVE GIFTS, FOR OUR STAFF AND THE BUSH BUNNY COULDN’T DO THIS JOB WITHOUT YOU! BLESSINGS AND MUCH THANKS! BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |