FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: JULY 11, 2020 SURPRISE PREGNANCY PRODUCES TWINS IN NEED OF FORMULA Friday, July 10th, an elderly looking couple walked into our mission with a beautiful set of twin girls, Liana and Riana. Much to our surprise, these folks were the PARENTS, not the grandparents with orphaned babies. The mother looks to be in her late 40’s so TWINS in addition to this surprise “late life” pregnancy has overwhelmed this couple. ![]() Twins Liana and Riana, 10 days old with parents. The mother developed nasty abscesses on 1breast, and her 2nd breast dried up on Thursday, leaving the infants with no milk! They rushed to the hospital on Friday, July 10th, looking for baby formula and treatment for the mother. Social Services was called in and sent them to us for formula assistance. These 10-day-old girls were in need of urgent sustenance! THANKS TO YOUR LOVE GIFTS, 2 baby bottles, 2 cans of formula, and 2 bottles of sterile water for mixing the formula were provided immediately. Few realize how important every LOVE GIFT is, for it can mean the difference in life and death to newborns. ![]() Children’s Director Anna teaching formula preparation to parents. LIFE FOR THESE 2 LITTLE ONES WAS A MERE $15 the first week and $10/week until they are 6 months old. This couple could never have afforded even the baby bottles at our market. ($1.50/R25 each) THANKS FOR BEING “GOD’S SAVING GRACE” IN THESE EMERGENCY SITUATIONS. BUSY WEEK BEHIND US… Our corn barn is now full, PTL! THE RICE CROP, “straight from the field”, is in its final week of being sun dried. Our trucks will begin fetching the rice on July 20th from those farmers who grew it. Growing and harvesting rice by hand is a back breaking job, for there are no machines to help plant or harvest it. We waste no funds on a “middle man” when we buy food for the orphans. All our bulk food supplies are bought DIRECT from the farmers, so that they alone get the benefit of your LOVE GIFTS. For most of these farmers, it is the ONLY income they receive each year. It means new clothes for their children and other household items they need. YOUR LOVE GIFTS PROVIDE A 2‑FOLD BENEFIT, 1st to the farmer’s family and 2nd to the orphans who receive it. THANK YOU FOR MAKING THIS ALL POSSIBLE. MELUCO HERE WE COME… While waiting for the Rice to dry this week, our 7‑ton truck and 3‑man team will take 2 loads of life-saving food to the 515 orphans of Meluco District, 9 hours drive northeast of our Balama base. TOGETHER WE ARE CHANGING MORE LIVES THAN ANY OF US CAN IMAGINE. Personal note: I truly appreciated the encouraging emails I received this last week. Please continue to drop me a line when you can, as it really helps during this time of isolation. BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |