THE OLD COMES DOWN SO THE NEW CAN BE BUILT While I am in RSA fetching the life saving Hypo food packets for our malnourished babies, the building team helpers (better known as the tractor group) is taking down 2 of our 10 year old “granny homes”. This makes way for 2 new orphan homes donated by 2 very generous organizations a few months back. THANK YOU TO THE 2 DONORS FOR MAKING THIS POSSIBLE. Bush Bunny’s motto is all about multi-tasking, so we usually have at least 2 projects going at the same time. Clearing out the old while waiting on permits means we can jump right in when all the paperwork is in order. Granny Mapone and her 6 orphaned grandchildren Granny Mapone and her 6 orphaned grandchildren have been moved into this 2 mud hut complex until their new home is built. I will be speaking at LIFE IN CHRIST CHURCH THIS SUNDAY which is South of Joburg. Looking fwd to seeing my RSA friends there for a great time of fellowship with the Lord. KEEP CAPENA, our office manager, and all our Balama family covered in prayer while I am gone. CAPENA has his hands full while I am gone. Esperanca (Joy) says “Mama Brenda please don’t be gone long!” She loves having her photo taken. BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF. |