June 1st found our 92 man crew hopping through the Balama bush fetching over 600 sacks of corn.
Thursday through Saturday we worked long hours getting 2200 sacks processed for storage. As of Saturday this week, we have only need 865 more sacks to feed the orphans until December. The 2 large trucks make it possible for us to bring in the harvest faster than ever before, and it seems we get better at it each year.
These last 865 sacks will be brought in over Monday and Tuesday so we can hopefully wrap up the process by Wed.
Your prayers for our “smooth run” are greatly appreciated.
Peter Worley and his sponsored orphans, ALI. Few sponsors ever get to meet their child in person, so Peter and his wife Alex are thrilled to be able to impact Ali’s future and give him a chance to go on to High School in 2017.
We are great multitaskers, as the last corn load rolled in just 30 minutes before our children’s party was to begin at 10:30a.m. on June 1st.
Below are photos that show the fun we had as Syrah Resources, the Australian based Graphite Mining company, brought gifts of yoghurt and Orange juice in small individual packs as gifts to our children. The kids have never had any liquid THROUGH A STRAW. It was a real laugh as we taught the kids how to tear the straw off the pack, and put it into the juice box. Many tried to put the short end of the bendable straw in the hole, and suck from the long end.
Our fast growing toddler, Daniel, 1.5 years, showing his gifts of yoghurt and juice pack.
Daniel and some of our older orphan girls. These girls do not need play dolls to learn good mothering skills, for it is customary in this culture for the older girls to learn by caring for the smaller orphans.
Andy and Ashlee filming the Kid’s Day celebration. Andy has his tiny camera on a homemade bamboo BOOM to get an aerial shot.
A big thanks to Syrah Resources and Sodexo for providing these wonderful treats!