In the last 14 days, Pastor Alberto, has been evangelizing in NAMUNO DISTRICT. Specifically the 6 remote (unreached) villages surrounding our SHIMWHEELY (Shim-wheel-ee) church. His new off-road motor bike is greatly paying for itself as it gets him to places where the gospel of Jesus Christ has never been heard. The numbers above reflect only ADULT attendance, as the children at each meeting were “too numerous to count”! The harvest is ripe and Jesus is moving in a big way in rural areas! UNUSUAL CHALLENGES Last week a huge swarm of HONEY BEES attached him as he rode back to Shimwheely from an evangelistic meeting in one of these villages. He scraped a tree, as he tried to out distance them, and, PTL, was not injured besides a few bee stings. Only minor damage was done to the mirror and light on the bike, so we are grateful that both man and bike survived the attack. Our bees are known for killing people here with the sheer mass of venom that a swarm can inject into a person. Keep Pastor Alberto in prayer for safety. COLD WEATHER: AN ADDED FIRE HAZARD WITH GRASS ROOFS Pastor Alberto called Friday afternoon to ask help as the Shimwheely Church’s Assistant Pastor’s house caught fire on Friday. They lost everything. The parents were harvesting food in their field, leaving the oldest child to look after the younger children at home. The oldest was cooking breakfast for the younger ones, when a heavy wind swirled by, picking up embers from the fire, and lofted them into the grass roof of their mud hut. MUD HUTS WITH GRASS ROOFS explode into flames faster than a dried up Christmas Tree! I’ve seen this first hand, and everything inside the mud hut is lost in about 10 minutes. YOUR GIFTS AT WORK: We are getting together a “care package” of essentials to help them out, and will be sending it to their location Sunday morning. Pastor Alberto will return with the truck for a few days brief visit to his family before returning to the bush to disciple these new believers. 30 TONS OF RICE IN THE BARN, WITH 117 TONS OF SUPER DRY CORN ON IT’S WAY Our trucks don’t rest during food buying time, and this week’s program was RICE (in the hull)! We buy it from the villagers, straight from their fields located under MAKU MOUNTAIN, just 12 miles away. Maku is the tallest mountain in all of Mozambique, and looks just like a huge set of Micky Mouse Ears. Busy week ahead for sure, but then the barns will be full. August begins distribution time, when all that has come in, will then go out to the orphans in need. Baby Sozinho and Foster Mother Fatima, came bundled up to receive additional baby food today. Sozinho now weighs 9.9 lbs (4.45kg) at 6.5 months. 51F AND WINDY, NOT FUNNY WHEN THAT IS BEDROOM CONDITIONS AT 4 A.M. Bundled Bunny is a better name for me these days as I usually wear 2 layers of clothes to bed, and put on a 3rd when getting up predawn. In Moz., we only have 2 “cool” months which have turned into RECORD COLD MONTHS this year. This week’s low set a new record with temps recorded at 51F (13C) INSIDE our homes, and a bitter 48F (12C) outside, made worse by a strong, steady wind. You may laugh, but we have no heat in our homes, since HOT is our norm. So huddling over a hot cup of tea, is the usual routine for me as I get up pre-dawn to have time with the Lord, and get ready for the day’s work. Taking a bath at midday is the norm, as it is too cold by sundown. So while you sweat in the USA, remember that Bush Bunny’s do NOT come with Snow Suits! Until next week! Blessings, Bush Bunny Brenda Lange |