Subject: Blog from BBB-Nov. 7, 2010
Eric’s knee is doing remarkably well as he is now 30 days post op.
We thank all of you for your prayers and love gifts that made this
possible. Unknown to all of us, Eric had developed Type B Diabetes which
was uncovered because of this surgery. His blood sugar is now stabilizing
in the normal range, and he is expected to return in early January.
Because of this, I am now expected to arrive in the USA late January.
Any church or group who would like to book a speaking date with me, should
contact me directly at this address:
Please cc your message to Linda at our office (
incase the international internet decides to eat your message.
I will also be interviewing people who would like to help us this year as
we have a donor who would like to help support someone who can give 2 or
more years of service to the Lord with our ministry.
It’s been a hectic year with many unexpected challenges, so I really look
forward to seeing as many people as possible on this tour.
The tour will begin in early Feb. and end first Sunday in April.
Blessings and much thanks for all you do to save the lives of children in
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