HEIGHT OF THE HUNGER SEASON On Friday, April 20th, Grandparents Mariano and Assena walked 14 km (7 miles) carrying their 2 newly orphaned grandchildren on their backs to ask help from Social Services in Balama. The family was brought to us immediately for long term assistance. Severely malnourished, the hospital staff thought the 2 orphans were very young due to their small sizes. Their birth records showed the shocking truth! Little boy, Mateus, weighing only 5.5kg (12 lbs.) is 16 MONTHS OLD! As I held him in my arms, I felt like I was holding a doll made of feathers. His Sister, Zelia, in better physical condition than her brother, looked to be 3 years old, but is really 4! Children’s Director Anna dresses little Mateus. This size 12 month sweat suit swallows his little 16-month-old body. Their mother died on March 30th, 2018, after a long illness. The father died from unknown reasons just before Mateus was born in December, 2017. The grandparents, also very thin, were doing their best to help these newly orphaned children, but they had run out of food themselves. Their fields were washed away in the heavy flash floods that hit Balama District in Feb. and March. All four now benefit from your Love Gifts. They left us very happy with a new set of clothes for the children, as well as food to sustain the 4 of them until the next food give out on April 27th. THE LOVE OF JESUS AT WORK BECAUSE YOU CARE. 2018 CORN AND BEAN HARVEST Flash floods late in the growing season did severe damage to the corn and beans in many areas of Balama. This is a major blow financial blow to many farmers AND TO OUR CHILDREN, for we depend on their crops to feed over 2000 orphans in 2 Counties (Districts). The corn and bean harvest is expected to be average at best around our County (District). I’ll keep you updated in the coming weeks as the harvest numbers roll in. MUCH THANKS TO THE DONORS PROVIDING FOOD BUYING FUNDS, FOR THIS WILL BE A CHALLENGING YEAR FOR MANY CHILDREN. With your help, we will peak out our barns so we can help as many as possible. VICTORY SPONSORED CHILDREN’S HOME HAS WALLS! Victory Christian Center in Tulsa, OK is sponsoring a “2 bedroom expansion” with indoor eating area onto one of the orphans homes we built last year. The walls began going up last week, and the home will be ready for roofing in 10 days. Our brick layers are efficient, fast, and very good at what they do. Our new Victory home for orphans is making great progress. THANK YOU VICTORY for giving us a new home for our ever growing multitude of children. 16 BBC YOUTH MINISTERS WITNESS WAVES OF NEW CHILDREN (BBC=Bush Bikers for Christ, Youth Evangelistic Teams) 1. BBC 10 MAN/5 MOTORBIKE TEAM: minister to an average of 12,693 children/WEEK 2. BBC 4 man/5 day a week Bicycle Team (which began over 8 years ago) saw 2,439 NEW children come into their program in the last 3 months. The previous numbers were about 4,000 children/week in 10 villages. The new total is over 6,000/week! 3. Friday/Saturday, 2 man Bicycle Team reaching about 810 children/week in 2 unreached villages behind our mission station. The BBC Team is fueling up after long day in the Bush. THE BAWANA GAMES ARE NOW REACHING 19,503 CHILDREN PER WEEK IN 22 VILLAGES These “little sponges” learn a Bible Story and memorize a scripture AFTER running off some of their abundant energy playing really fun relay games. BRINGING IN GOD’S HARVEST IS A TEAM EFFORT THAT STARTS WITH YOU! Your Love Gifts provide motorbike fuel, bicycles, and the equipment/books needed for the BAWANA GAMES and BIBLE STUDY TIMES. These 16 young men do a great job of teaching these children God’s way to respect others, and team building skills. THEY ARE THE FUTURE GENERATION that will help build a better Mozambique. TOGETHER WE ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN THE LIVES OF THESE LITTLE ONES. BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
Monthly Archives: April 2018
Balama was honored with a visit from this country’s President on Thursday the 12th of April. President Nyusi was here to inaugurate the Syrah/Twigg Graphite Mine and the new Agriculture School that is just down the road from us. His helicopter’s pilot whisked him in and out with great skill between heavy rain storms that surrounded our area.
After his departure, our office manager received a call from leaders at the nearby graphite mine stating they had lots of nice TREATS left over from the inauguration and wanted to bless our children. Cake, fruit juice, apples, and other goodies were brought in and sparked an impromptu party enjoyed by all the orphans that afternoon.
And then the rains returned!
Oh well, the food was fabulous, and we are thankful that everyone traveled safely back to their homes.
The Ostrich House kids get a ride. Guaranteed giggles and smiles when Mama Brenda gives a ride to some of the preschoolers.
This smiling crowd gathered for a photo today for they are the orphans who attend our Little Disciples program each week to learn Portuguese, basic numbers and their ABC’S. Each day ends with a Bible story and devotions. When a camera appears, the foster mothers and teachers are not to be left out!
18 preschoolers send their love
Thought you would enjoy seeing our happy bunch which are a delight to us all. Truly a great group of God’s innocent ones who have a wonderful chance at a future thanks to your Love.
I went to the hospital today to check on this tough little guy, and met his Doctor in the parking area. SANTOS had completed his antibiotics and was ready for dismissal. PTL! God’s timing for sure!
We are to watch him closely for fever, but this little guy is on the road to recovery.
Now 15 days old, Santos is still quite tiny. His new family was thrilled to have him home, so I am sure he will receive the best care that their love can provide.
Baby Santos at home — Truly content with a smile to prove it
Thank you for your prayers and plz keep them coming, for we need him to pick up weight quickly. He’s spent his entire life just trying to survive. Now it is time for him to LIVE ABUNDANTLY in the love of JESUS.
DATE: APRIL 7, 2018 |
A baby boy born in his mother’s home on Good Friday, lost his mother to complications that same night. Unable to afford milk, formula, or find a nursing mother to suckle the boy by Saturday night, the family took the baby to our nearest church. At 7a.m. Easter Morning, I was handed a cold, very dehydrated baby with an umbilical infection. He had had nothing to drink since his birth 36 hours earlier.
Granny Josephine holding Baby Santos.
Grabbing formula, and a baby bottle, I put in a call to the Balama Doctor. He met us at maternity, as did my nurse friend, Sister Ligia. For 3 hrs the three of us prayed and worked to get fluids into this 2.8 kg (6 lb.) Infant. A IV was not possible due to his severe dehydration, so we got him to sip small amounts of glucose and electrolytes via a syringe. Getting him warm, and hydrated finally produced a vein and Sister Ligia was able to start an IV for antibiotics to stop his umbilical infection. PTL!
By Noon, it appeared our little one had a good chance to live. As we walked out of maternity happy but tired, I asked his family for his name. They didn’t have one so I suggested Santos, A name in Portuguese meaning Holy, for he was born at noon on Good Friday.
The family agreed.
Two days later, Santos and his granny Josephine, came to stay with us for a few weeks. Our Doctor didn’t want Santos too far away until his infection cleared, and he was eating well.
Social Services visited Santos the next day at our orphan home and approved his stay. It was obvious that his care was too complicated for his Granny to handle, so our foster mothers began training her in the basics of bottle feeding a fragile infant.
Now 8 days old, Santos is alert and eating well. Your love gifts are at work, for it “takes a village” to raise an orphan.
Santo’ s 2 uncle’s, Granny, and his 5 siblings
NOTE: Santos has four sisters and one brother ages 2 to 12 living in Rovuma Village. Their father passed away a few months ago, so two uncles and their families have now taken in these 5 children. Two of our staff selflessly came in on Easter Morning to make an emergency food drop so these children would not go hungry.
YOUR LOVE GIFTS make this possible. Your gifts will also provide them an education and a chance at a brighter future. Our Rovuma Pastor has invited them all to church followed by Bawana Games on Sunday.
Granny has never been to a church or heard of Jesus before this week. Tomorrow her eyes will be opened when she sees what Praise and Worship to Jesus is all about. Granny has already heard much about Jesus from our mothers, and it is obvious her stay will provide much more for her than basic baby care.
FYI. Your love gifts are supporting 33 ORPHANED infants in our baby program at this time. An infant under 90 days cannot survive without formula, so we thank all of you for providing life to these innocent ones.
It’s a bird, not a plane, and it’s bringing our once a year supplies from southern Mozambique!
Ambassador Aviation pilot Kent make a a perfect landing on a dirt airfield.
Thanks to the Christian team at Ambassador Aviation, (name changed from MAF), we were blessed last Monday with a supply drop. It was great to fellowship a few minutes with missionaries from that area who brought their children for an up close look inside the plane. Networking with other Christians on the mission field is a key ingredient in the advancement of God’s kingdom.
It takes a whole team behind the scenes to help us rescue 1000’s of orphans.
Unloading while others standby to carry boxes to our truck
A BIG THANK YOU to Eric Dry, and his daughter Chanelle, who gave up their holiday time to bring the supplies to the plane in Inhambabe, as well as Pilot Kent and Ambassador Aviation for flying them the last leg of the journey.