BABIES BOOMING IN BALAMA!We received 4 in one day on Thursday, the 12th, so to say things were “hopping” around here is an understatement.
Three of the babies have family to care for them, but one of those babies was critical, so I had to rush her to the emergency room to be admitted. Baby Edna and her grandmother needed more than just milk and a baby bottle. BABY EDNA, THE NEWEST MEMBER OF OUR BALAMA FAMILY Granny Rosalina, Foster Mother Balbina with Baby Edna in her arms, and Children’s Supervisor, Annatersia (Anna-Ter-see-ah) Meet Baby EDNA Salihina (Sal-eh-hee-nah), born Nov. 25, 2014, who now lives permanently in our foster home for girls. PTL she is healthy, weighing in at 3.5Kg (7.7 lbs) as a 4 month old. Her mother died about a month ago, reason undetermined. Granny Rosalina (very up in age) brought Baby Edna to us immediately to ask for milk, knowing the little one would not survive without it. We watched Granny Rosa really struggle these last 30 days, trying to care for Edna. Living 8.5 miles (14 km) away, she suffered much to carry Edna to our milk distribution point each week, as no other family member exists to help carry the baby that long distance. Granny, very thin and unhealthy herself, knows she will not live to see the little one grow up, and asked us to take her into our care. With a few phone calls, Capena, our office manager, convinced Social services to allow us to adopt her since no other family exists. Granny will receive food every 2 weeks at our widow’s and orphan give out, since she was only eating the starvation root called Casava. She is very happy to get to visit Baby Edna when she fetches her food. BABY EDNA needs a sponsor for $30/month, as she is already on Baby Food and formula, and eating well. MAPUTO HERE WE COME Left to Right: Mario, (now in driving school, so he stayed behind), with Carlitos and driver Manuel about to depart for Maputo with truck and trailer. MANUEL and CARLITOS drove out at dawn on Thursday morning to begin the 5 day drive to Maputo (National Capital of Moz.) for our once a year supply run. On Monday, 16th, Capena and Stephen will “hold down the fort” in Balama, while I will fly to Maputo. Our truck team will fetch me at the airport for the 1 hour drive into South Africa. Once across the border, we will rendezvous with Eric Dry (who has the supplies,) This saves us 2 days driving, not having to go all the way to Pretoria. PTL FOR ERIC! (He is still a very vital part of our team, as he now acts as our liaison for whatever we need.) Once loaded, we will return to Moz. and sleep overnight. I will fly back with the heat sensitive supplies on the plane, and the truck will drive for 4 days to bring the rest. I will not have e‑mail service from 16th to 19th, so any messages will not be answered until I return to Balama next Friday. ISRAEL NEEDS YOUR PRAYERS! Friends of mine, Julie and Alf Saunders are caring for orphans and doing a fantastic work among the poor in the Golan Heights area of northern Israel. This area is just south of Syria, and is a big “hot spot” with many challenges at this time. Please keep them and all those living in that area in your prayers. It is reported that there is a heavy accumulation of troops just 6 miles across the border from there. SOLAR ECLIPSE HAPPENS THIS WEEK ON MARCH 20TH WITH THE 3RD BLOOD MOON FOLLOWING CLOSE BEHIND ON APRIL 4TH! GOD IS SHAKING THE HEAVENLIES, SO KEEP YOUR SPIRITUAL EYES SENSITIVE TO WHAT THE LORD IS ABOUT TO DO. TOGETHER WE ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE WORLDWIDE! PRAYER AND PRAISE ARE THE MOST POWERFUL TOOLS THAT GOD GAVE US. SO BOMB THE HEAVENLIES. FORCE DEMONS TO FLEE YOUR LIFE AND THE LIVES OF THOSE YOU PRAY FOR! JESUS WINS! YEAH!!!! Blessings from Balama, Bush Bunny Brenda Steven Miller |