From: “Brenda Lange” Subject: Blog, June 8, 2013
Our team of 90 men, 2 trucks, and 4 young ladies pushed an amazing 167 TONS of corn into our barns this week! Just 35 tons remain in the field for the June buying season. Meluco’s price war was very intense, but Sylvia, our orphanage manager, was able to rescue 30 tons of corn before commercial buyers could get it.
The 4 young ladies helping us have been real troopers as it’s a dusty, dirty job. The cool season is upon us, so the temps are in the low 70’s each day, making it easier on all of us to get through the intense 5 hours of corn processing each morning. These men are unloading and stacking over 500 sacks of corn a day. Those bags weigh 140 lbs. (70KG) EACH! Moz. men are tough and VERY STRONG.
Linda Stanley took the girls “shopping at our local MALL today”. That’s our “nick name” for the local outdoor market in bustling downtown Balama! They bought me a new “Caplana” with a map of Mozambique on it. A Caplana is a 100% cotton cloth in vivid colors that makes a wrap-around skirt for the local women or in my case, a new table cloth for my book table.
Emma and Breanne have opened a “shade tree English class” on Saturday afternoons, so they are busy teaching verbs to 3 of our youth who help as interpreters when I teach in the villages.
One of our Land Cruisers is due for its yearly inspection in Pemba this week, so Danielle and Melissa are out “playing” with Eric’s high pressure water sprayer that turns a barrel of water into an instant CAR WASH! The girls came laughing into the office just now to tell me they were finished, and to show me how hard they worked. The LC looks GREAT! But “Mama Brenda” sent the girls straight to the showers as it looked like they’d had a mud-slinging contest! Guess I’ll have to hide the sprayer on Saturdays as I’m sure they’ll be volunteering to wash the 6 ton truck next! Not sure we would recognize them after that big job. From the sounds of wild laughter coming from the women’s quarters, the fun must be continuing in the showers!
Linda Stanley is in the kitchen, as I hear pots and pans banging. She’s mixing up a batch of her homemade GOAT ENCHILADAS for supper tonight. YUMMY! This Bunny can hardly wait. That life here in Balama on a quiet Saturday afternoon, where “fun” can be found if you just look for it!
Until next week!
Blessings, Bush Bunny Brenda Eric Dry Linda Stanley
Breanne Brammer–USA Emma Clifford-USA Danielle Van Zyl-RSA Melissa Olmsdahl-RSA