FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: AUGUST 1, 2020 VISITORS ENCOURAGE OUR CHILDREN At 9 a.m. yesterday we welcomed Balama’s Administrator and seven other key District Leaders to our mission station for a brief 20 minute orientation of our project. The Administrator was keen to see our food warehouses, which are stunning right now since they are full. The group then visited our children’s homes, and were impressed at how well our children live, and how respectful they act. The Administrator stated that electricity is due into our orphans’ community later this year, and we promised to get “hooked up” to it as soon as it is installed. That is the only utility we don’t have as of now, since running water was installed last year via an outdoor tap at each orphan home. ![]() O.U. Office Manager Capena (left) with New Administrator visiting our children’s homes. I thoroughly enjoyed getting to visit with him, and explain the many facets of our program. THANKS TO ALL OF YOU, WE ARE ABLE TO GO BEYOND THE NORMAL LIMITS TO KEEP OUR CHILDREN IN CLEAN LIVING CONDITIONS SO THEY STAY HEALTHY. PREVENTING ORPHANS IS OUR GOAL Missina, a widow at 27 years of age, was brought into the Balama hospital by her brother because her 10-week-old twin girls were losing weight drastically. Widowed during her pregnancy, Missina has little food due to a poor harvest, and her breast milk has dried up. From birth to 10 weeks, both twins had lost critical weight (800 gms each), making them look like they were 2 weeks old. Upon arrival at our mission, Sahina (3.1kg / 6.8 lbs) and Saina (3.3kg / 7.26 lbs) were alert, but HUNGRY! Children’s Director, Anna, orientated the mother and brother on how to mix formula, as the babies fed greedily on their new-found milk. ![]() Widowed Missina with 10 week old malnourished twin girls. Missina has 3‑year-old twins at home, so the whole family will benefit from your Love Gifts over the coming months, as the growing season is far ahead of us. (Harvest begins next March.) Without our food help, this mother and her 3‑year-olds would probably perish, leaving the babies with no female family member to care for them. OUR “PREVENT ORPHANS” PROGRAM is just as important as our “RESCUE ORPHANS” PROGRAM. One of our goals is to help malnourished, nursing or widowed mothers to regain their health so they can continue loving and caring for their own children. The last thing we want is to have to raise children in a situation that was totally preventable. THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROUS MONTHLY GIFTS THAT MAKE THIS PREVENTION PROGRAM POSSIBLE. OUR 3 MUSKETEERS ARE GROWING UP! Left to right in the photo are Adelino (3.5 years), Santos (3 years), and Mildo (4 years). They are quite the combo to contend with as once their little feet hit the floor, it is go, go, go, until they take a nap after lunch. Mildo is already in pre-school, and Adelino and Santos will join him in Feb. 2021. YOUR LOVE GIFTS ARE AT WORK, PUTTING SMILES ON THE FACES OF OUR LITTLE ONES. ![]() Our 3 Muskateers, Adelino, Santos and Mildo. FYI: School and churches will remain closed throughout August. Our school year is from February to end of October, so it looks like a lost year for all our students. BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |