FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: FEBRUARY 20, 2021 RESCUING MULTIPLE LITTLE ONES IS NEVER EASY For 5 days, our staff has worked tirelessly to save 4 innocent babies suffering from abuse of some form. Three had to be admitted to the hospital this week, and a fourth was released to us on Friday after being admitted last week. Three of these innocent infants were on deaths door with post-malaria anemia beyond belief! Hemoglobins for all three ranged from 4 to 6, with 10 to 14 being normal. How they survived with little blood is a miracle for sure! ![]() CHRISTIANO, at our home after a rough 2 weeks in hospital. All 3 had different blood types, so the hospital and our staff scrambled to find blood donors. Mercifully, the Lord led us to 3 men with the right blood types, and all 3 have received life-saving transfusions. Little Gilda, a severely neglected twin, is now 4 weeks old and only 2.3 kg/5 lbs. She was released to us from the hospital on Monday after treatment for malaria and severe malnutrition because her mother rejected her. ![]() GILDA, sleeping after infection almost took her life Friday. An old tradition in this culture teaches that in multiple births, the mother’s milk can only support 1 baby, so she must choose which infant will live, and reject the other. This was true in the past decades, but not now, since through YOUR LOVE GIFTS, formula is available. Gilda developed a high fever on Friday afternoon and I had to rush her back to the hospital. She is responding slowly to IV meds, but the source of her fever is unknown. ![]() Julio, orphan neglected by Aunt, suffers from malaria and anemia. Please uphold the infants and all of us with prayer, as it has been emotionally stressful for us as we seemed to rush from one emergency to the next. BLESSINGS TO ALL OF YOU FOR MAKING THESE RESCUES POSSIBLE. NOTE: Baby Sinaida not shown, but received the needed transfusion yesterday and is slowly improving. Her grandmother loves loves her dearly, and is the one caring for her. NOTE TO MY TEXAS FRIENDS Know I prayed for all of you this week as you battled the elements to stay warm. My own Father at age 91, survived, thanks to many, especially Kim from our office. She donated warming devices to my Dad since his nursing home suffered a heating loss. Thanks to her 4 wheel drive, she was able to get to his residence. MY HEARTFELT THANKS TO ALL THE TEXAS AND LOUISIANA LINEMEN, THE TRUCKERS AND RANCHERS WHO LEFT FAMILY AND RISKED THEIR LIVES TO HELP RESTORE POWER AND KEEP FOOD ON THE STORE SHELVES IN THIS CRISIS. BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |