From: “Brenda Lange”
Subject: Blog, June 10, 2012
Date: June 10, 2012 4:27:11 AM CDT
A large crowd of over 100 came to our Shade Tree church today, pouring in with their sick, lame, and blind.
Looked like a scene out of the Jesus Film!
We prayed for many, but only saw one miracle healing that was obvious.
A woman was in an motorcycle accident last year, hitting her head when the bike fell. She lost sight in her right eye (her blindness confirmed by 2 family members). She prayed to accept Jesus and as we prayed for her eye, she began to see!
We covered her good eye and began to point at objects, asking her what color they were. She told us immediately without hesitation.
But, we had to hold her eye lid open for her to be able to see.
Her eye lid nerves were also damaged in the accident, and she couldn’t open her eye lid without using her fingers. We prayed a second time for this, and she began to be able to open it half way. We encouraged her to begin to tell it to open all the way” in the name of Jesus”. With exercise, we feel it will soon open normally.
We met a little boy named Zito, who was kicked in his left hip and crippled during a soccer game 4 years ago. His left femur head is obviously out of the hip socket and his pelvis is also damaged. He was taken to the hospital but nothing was done for him. His parents confessed to being Muslim, but they say they are finished with Islam and prayed to receive Jesus.
We prayed for Zito’s healing but nothing happened. We encouraged the family to learn more about Jesus and to continue to have faith for Zito’s healing.
I sensed a blockage of unbelief in this family, especially the mother, and pray they will overcome their unbelief as they learn more about Jesus. Our team will be working with them this week in private.
We had a child set free from demons and his mother received Jesus.
It was wonderful to see all that Jesus did today, as people are starting realize that JESUS IS LORD over Diseases!
The Namara Church leaders came in this week to receive payment for the corn their church members grew.
My first question was “How’s the woman who was healed after prayer last week for her brocken ankles?”
The church leader beamed with a big smile and said he had visited her every day this week. She has not touched her walking stick since last Sunday.
She tells him that even though her feet didn’t totally straighten out, that her legs feel much stronger and “different” than before we prayed for her.
There is lots of excitement in the village over this.
When we arrived at the Cactus Shade Tree Church this morning, this woman came walking in with only a mild limp. Don and I both noticed that her feet were much straighter than last week. She gave her testimony to encourage others as many sick and lame came forward for prayer. It was wonderful to see her walking with much more confidence than last week.
Due to our wonderful team of missionaries, we are using 3 processing chutes (vs. 2 last year) for sacking the corn. We have set new records being able to move 49–53 TONS in a day with a crew of 90 men. We only work every other day as the 2 trucks can’t keep up with us due to the villagers being a bit slow in getting their corn to the weighing areas!
At present we have 133.5 TONS in the barn with another 135 tons in the field awaiting pick up.
Thanks for all your prayers, as the wonderful team of visitors, 2 trucks with patient drivers, and 90 strong men, are giving all they have to make this happen.

Our team member, Dave Vander Griend, carries 160 lb. bag of corn
Bush Bunny Brenda and her Team of Corn Stackers in Balama