FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: JUNE 18, 2022 FINALLY! BRINGING IN THE BEANS! Better late than never, as the 108 TONS of beans are finally dry and ready for storage! With a team of 43 men, we had 1,200 sacks (72 TONS), in the barn over the last 2 days. Capena, Office Manager, weighs 3 sacks of beans at a time while Carlitos Jorge holds the 🔦 torch. Moving 600 sacks weighing 132 lbs./60kg EACH, is no easy task, but these super strong men made it look easy. We begin preparing these beans for long term storage on Monday, June 20th, and will receive the final 600 sacks on Tuesday. So no need to count sheep next week, we will be counting beans in our sleep! Early bird start at 5a.m. on 2nd day of bean buying. Two of our pick-ups provide lights along with 3 🔦 torches. Keep us covered in prayer, for if all goes as planned, we will move ALL 108 TONS into our bean barn by Wednesday noon. 1st day’s beans in the barn. 600 sacks total. A BIRD’S EYE VIEW OF OUR MISSION STATION The VP of Orphans Unlimited blessed me this week with a satellite photo from Google Earth of our Balama mission station. I decided to share it with you, so you can see where we live without having to fly over here. The BIG GREEN SQUARE in the lower half of this photo is our 40 acre/16 hector mission station. The town built around us many years after we had purchased this land in 2002. The children’s homes are NOT on our mission property as the children live in the village area just outside our fence. Satellite photo of our 40 acres/16 hectare mission station in Balama. THE FAR LEFT UPPER CORNER of this GREEN SQUARE shows the food warehouses, which we are working in right now to fill with corn, beans, and rice by the end of July. Follow the dirt road down to the middle of our mission property and the FIRST LONG TIN ROOF in the trees is our office and my home (all under 1 roof). The other buildings are guest homes, and the covered areas where our trucks are parked. THE FAR RIGHT UPPER CORNER (sandy area) is our soccer field, with the All Purpose Food Distribution/Education/Playground Center sitting just north of the soccer field. If you turn LEFT at the Food Center, the dirt road takes you to the LONG BUILDING in the middle of the property. That is our church building. I hope this satellite tour helps you to understand better where every place is that I speak about in my blogs. KEEP THOSE PRAYERS COMING! IT’S LOTS OF WORK TO BRING IN 500 TONS OF FOOD BY END OF JULY! BLESSINGS TO YOU ALL! BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |