FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: JUNE 11, 2022 PRE-TEENS COME FOR A VISIT National Children’s Month in Mozambique helps to “open the eyes” of the local young people to the important programs in their county. Having these youngsters visit our facility was a first for us, and the children were truly surprised to see such nice homes and loving foster parents. ![]() 17 children from Balama received a tour of 2 of our homes plus the playground. They were truly amazed at our program. Their one-hour visit included our “Victory Home”, the teenage boy’s dorm, and our playground/all-purpose teaching facility. All but one of the children didn’t know such a facility existed in Balama. I found that truly amazing! MOTHERS CONTINUE TO FLOW IN FOR FORMULA Our Baby Formula Assistant Program mostly serves Grandmothers having to raise orphaned Grandbabies, but we do get the occasional mother who doesn’t produce breast milk after birth. Why? Poor nutrition mostly accounts for their lack of breast milk, making it essential to place the infant on a baby bottle. ![]() Abandoned mother and Uncle are shown by Anna how to mix formula for 1.3kg/2.5 lb. Infant. ![]() I was amazed this 1.3 kg/2.5 lb. Infant could bottle feed. Super tiny little girl. Baby girl, Augusta, was born weighing only 1.3 kg/2.5 lbs., but despite her tiny size, she managed to grasp bottle-feeding immediately. THAT was a relief! This little girl needs all our prayers, for she is a high-risk infant due to her size, and the cold temperatures that exist here at this time. HAND POUNDING PRODUCES NUTRITIOUS RICE In our area, Hand Hulling the locally grown rice is the best way to preserve the many nutrients God placed in those tiny kernels. Once a month, we have a “Hulling Party” where all the local widows from our church come together for 5–6 hours to use one of their best skills. Removing the rice hulls by hand leaves all its goodness intact for our children. See video here —> It’s a great social time, as well as provides them a way to earn some pocket money. The rice stays untouched by the heat of hulling machines, and thus provides more nutrition for our children. I call that a “WIN/WIN” situation for all. SALVATION REPORT FOR MAY, 2022 Our 15 District-Wide Village Pastors met on May 31st to give me their salvation reports. CHILDREN: 286 TEENAGERS: 48 ADULTS: 58 GOD IS MOVING STRONGLY AMONG THE YOUTH OF BALAMA DISTRICT! THE WORD SAYS: Raise up a child in the way they should go, and they will not depart from it. The “good ground” (youth) is yielding a large harvest. Please keep these “tender hearts” in your prayers as our leaders show them the Jesus Way to live their lives. BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |