From: “Brenda Lange”
Date: October 2, 2011 6:40:38 AM
Subject: Blog, Oct. 2, 2011
I realized long ago to go expecting the unexpected at the meetings in this village.
They are diamonds in the rough and God is moulding them into His Gems in a rapid way.
First we had Sunday school under a huge Mango Tree nearby, as over 120 kids showed up. Too many for our little shaded area.
We prayed for the sick children and had a fun time telling them the Noah’s Ark story and teaching them new songs.
Then the fun began as we held the adult meeting in our little rotten roofed mud hut.
Since last Sunday, the new pastor opened up huge windows in the mud walls for more light, so it was cool and cheerful inside their today.
After telling the story of Saul becoming Paul, with God’s forgiveness being the objective of the story, I asked them if they had any questions.
Arlindo, a young man with a small convenience store in Pequaria, testified that because of Jesus’ love for him, he has given up drinking and sleeping around.
But he asked for prayer to help him stop smoking. He then confessed that once the alcohol in his store sold out, he did not plan to buy any more to sell.
I told him if he was truly serious about being a follower of Jesus, that he needed to dump out the remaining vodka and gin instead of selling it to harm others.
He looked at me and said, “REALLY?” At the same time, his eyes got really big and he says: “I’ll be right back”, and runs out of the room!
Followed by a crowd of about 50 people, he returns 5 minutes later with 30 Gin and Vodka bottles in his arms.
He told the villagers his testimony and then began dumping the alcohol in an old toilet with the church members helping him.
The church men had to hold off the crowd while we dumped it, as they tried to grab the bottles from us before we emptied them.
I thought they were going to riot, but God used Jose, my most powerful guard, as His earthly angel to control the situation.
One sharp word from him and the trouble makers backed off!
(Jose’s nick name is the Gorilla, so you can imagine why no one back talks him.) J
He’s reminds me of the “Hulk”. Sweet and gentle until someone provokes him or tries to harm me.
With our stinky mission complete, Arlindo went back into the church and knelt before God to ask forgiveness for his sin.
We also prayed that God would take away his desire to smoke. He was so happy that he jumped up and began hugging everyone (which is not a normal reaction in this culture). We ended with a wild Jesus party, singing and dancing to the Lord!
1. Pequaria’s new church walls are half way built. They expect to complete the church this week.
2. Kwe Kwe’s church walls are finished, and awaits repairs on our Tractor so it can transport their roofing materials. Pastor Nevis has volunteered to pastor that church, but he needs a sponsor ($115/month). The members have located a mud hut for his parsonage and he would like to move in this month to begin leading that fast growing flock of new believers.
3. ERIC DRY is back in Balama, and will begin repairs on our Tractor’s leaking rear axle seal tomorrow. It’s a big job, so he needs prayer to get it done quickly as the tractor has been out of service for a week, putting a big strain on our construction and food programs.
4. Nacacca Church is still closed due to resistance from village leaders. The government called them in to respond to the charges, and did not like their replies.
Government action against them will be taken this week, so I’ll keep you informed. Nacacca new believers again walked the 4 miles to come to church in Balama today.
It is wonderful having Eric Dry back with us again after his 8 week supply trip to South Africa.
There is much to do before the rainy season hits us in November, so all of us will be moving at high speed for the next 6 weeks.
We appreciate your prayers and know that I enjoy personal e‑mails from all of you!
So feel free to write me a note.
Love and Blessings,
Bush Bunny Brenda and the Entire Balama Staff