EVANGELIZING THE MULTITUDES Our team of Pastors and BBC Youth Leaders did an outstanding job this year reaching the lost, and teaching God’s Word to over 37,000 people a month in 3 counties.

Pastoral team praying together for bountiful harvest of souls. SALVATIONS: 1,443 — Includes all ages CHURCHES PLANTED: 7 HEALINGS: 14 — Includes a woman healed from a very poisonous snake bite just days ago, because immediate prayer was spoken over her in the name of Jesus!

BBC TEAM moving out at dawn to spread the Good News about Jesus. Our teachings on the Authority of the Believer is helping the locals USE GOD’S WORD in marvellous ways! It really excites all of us when we see people ‘s faith in action. PTL! FOUR FANTASTIC CHILDREN JOIN OUR FAMILY The Catholic Sisters notified me last Saturday afternoon of a Granny with 10 children in the village of Mecuti who were without food. Four of the children are true orphans having lost both parents recently. Two others are abandoned by Granny’s mentally ill sister while the remaining 4 are her children, husband deceased.

Granny and 9 of the 10 children in her care. Early last Sunday our team did an emergency food drop to them, as this village is over 12 miles into the Bush. Social Services were notified and decided to help lighten Granny’s load by asking us to provide a home for the 4 orphans, who were brought to live with us on Wednesday this week.

Family of 4 orphans joined us this week. Brothers Mario (age 14), Mashade (age12), and Benjalisha (age 8) are all good students in school and welcome our helping hand so they can continue to study. Their little sister, Nazita (age 6) will begin 1st grade in February when school opens for the new year. All 4 of these children need $30/month sponsors. Please give the gift that keeps on giving by blessing each if them with a sponsor for Christmas. BLESSINGS TO YOU ALL FOR HELPING GOD’S CHILDREN! BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF