This week De Bunny was hit with a mild case of malaria on Friday, and thus the late blog. (malaria is like a body flu with a bad headache). It tends to make thinking difficult, and writing impossible. The locals call it “malaria brain”, but thankfully it goes away by the 3rd day of treatment. So please excuse the short messages this week. Sitting up very long tends to make the headache return.
Peter from Syrah Resources returned last week with 3 bags full of clothes, shoes, and blankets from Australia.
His wife’s friend, Danika, sent these precious gifts, greatly blessing our many toddlers.
Australian clothing drop a big blessing on our many children under 4 years.
I did not have proper camera equipment to take photos of the total eclipse of the sun that happened last Wednesday.
But a friend of mine did in Pemba, so I shared his photos on my FB page, Brenda Sue Lange.
It was an eerie feeling having the sky go dark at 11:15 a.m. our time. I was in the kitchen organizing food when the increasingly dim light turned to DARK for about 5 minutes. It was like having the last light of dusk during midday. I could barely see what I was doing! Our biggest concern was for the kids, for we did not want them to be tempted to look at the event for fear of permanent damage to their eyes.
Our BBC Teams were out in force, telling all the children to stay under the shade trees and to not look at the sun for any reason.
From sunrise until the eclipse occurred, it was like the sun had no power. When I walked into a sunny area, there was NOHEAT felt on my skin. Our solar panels did not charge until the eclipse passed. So obviously, the sun’s rays were extremely weak until about noon. Then suddenly the heat of the sun was felt and all returned to “normal”.
Since an eclipse happened the day that Jesus was crucified, it brought to mind what the Bible tells us of the TERROR that those people felt when the day suddenly turned dark, the earth shook with a terrible earthquake, and the Temple Curtain SPLIT as Jesus’ spirit left his body.
Truthfully, it made me shudder as I “felt” only a MINOR bit of what those people experienced that day in Jerusalem.
Thanks to the help of a great Social Services Director in Balama, 6 year old triplet boys has been placed back into our food program. I’ll tell you the whole story next week, but in short, the grandmother brought their neglected situation to us last week, and they are now officially in her care. PTL!
GREENTEAM time thanks to our Austrailian doners at Syrah Resources who sent these fabulous clothes for our kids. The girls love the matching shirts.
THANKSTOYOURLOVEGIFTS, all 3 now have much needed food, new clothing, plus beds, blankets, and grass mats . (Granny had 1 bed for them, so we added 2 more.)
Your love gifts at work, as these goodies went out to the triplets 6 year olds just rescued. (They were all sleeping in one bed, so , thanks to you, they now each have a bed.)
I’ll get the full story to you next week along with photos for these 3 are “all boy” in their actions, and loved playing at our playground last Friday.