Subject: Mango Tree Church BEARING FRUIT!
Hi from BALAMA!
We are experiencing an exciting new move of God like none I’ve ever seen in my 20 years in Mozambique!
1. November is the 2nd busiest month of the year for us, as the rainy season is moving in.
From Dec. to March each year we deal with heavy rains almost daily. Our dirt roads turn to mush that buries many a pick up to the axle.
Bridges sometimes fail, leaving us with no way to get out since we only have one road to this area.
2. That means stock piling 4 months of supplies, repairing grass roofs on all 16 mud huts that supply our orphans.
Thanks to a few generous donors, we have been able to replace the grass with tin roofs on 5 of our orphan’s homes.
Our goal is to get all the grass roof’s replaced to make the houses healthier for the kids to live in.
Grass roofs leak no matter how good the roof, and it ‘s a great place for rats & mosquitoes to hide, bringing malaria & other diseases.
So all of us are busier than a bunch of beavers trying to protect their dam in a river flood!
3. Eric is busy drilling water wells. (We still need a mechanically minded person to help us drill next year.)
He has completed 3 wells since Oct. 5th & we hope to install a 4th before the rains hit.
4. TWO WEEKS AGO we reported on God’s strong move on the unbelievers in a small village called Rovuma.
Well God isn’t limiting his power to just one village.
Our “Paulo’s” witness (name changed for his protection) has now brought 45 people from 4 other villages to Christ!
More churches will be planted.
Today, a new church is born!
The Mavala Mango Tree Church is reproducing itself!
During November, we distribute food each week to the orphans in the 7 villages surrounding the Mango Tree Church.
The rains will start in December, making it impossible to deliver any food to these families until next May.
Our goal in November is to distribute 5 month’s worth of food so that the widows & orphans in our program will not go hungry until their fields produce a crop in April.
On November 13th, the orphans & their foster parents, heard the fabulous testimony of the man whom I featured in last months Bush Beat as “Paulo”.
Paulo was a muslim leader who went to over 27 witchdoctors trying to find a cure for his hands that were permanently damaged when he was hit by lightening 4 years ago.
Paulo had a “Jesus dream” which led to the miracle healing of both his hands.
He gives a powerful testimony of his Jesus miracle, & has already led more than 40 men & women to the Lord in the last 30 days in the village of Rovuma.
The Rovuma church their village water well exists because of the blessing of the New Life Church in Michigan.
TODAY, PAULO’S testimony sparked an avalanche of events that produced much fruit!
Pastor Agusto, head Pastor at the Mango Tree church, gave a powerful object lesson using a Mango Tree branch to show everyone how their life dries up if not fed by Jesus.
After his lesson, 45 men & women came forward to receive Christ as their Lord & Savior.
THIS IS NOT NORMAL for Muslims to do.
We have been preaching God’s Word to them for over 2 years with only small results, so this took all of us by surprise!
45 men & women from 4 villages accepted Jesus on November 20th.
Many were from the village of Mpaca (M‑pah-ka), where we will start our next church.
Pastor Pinto, & his Pastoral trainee, Ernesto, will go to Mpaca this Sunday to meet with these new converts.
This was a whirlwind day! After the preaching, we distributed food to over 200 children, met with my pastoral staff, & organized 2 of them to meet with the new converts of Mpaca on Sunday,
ALL this took place in 3 hours!!!!
Pastor Alberto will meet with the new converts from a village called 7th of September.
God is moving with GREAT FORCE through Balama District (county).
THANKS TO THE CHURCH MEMBERS OF BUTLER METHODIST in PA & NEW LIFE in MI, we now have 2 Christian Centers that are producing
Love, Bush Bunny Brenda
Subject: Mango Tree Church BEARING FRUIT!
Hi from BALAMA!
We are experiencing an exciting new move of God like none I’ve ever seen in my 20 years in Mozambique!
1. November is the 2nd busiest month of the year for us, as the rainy season is moving in.
From Dec. to March each year we deal with heavy rains almost daily. Our dirt roads turn to mush that buries many a pick up to the axle.
Bridges sometimes fail, leaving us with no way to get out since we only have one road to this area.
2. That means stock piling 4 months of supplies, repairing grass roofs on all 16 mud huts that supply our orphans.
Thanks to a few generous donors, we have been able to replace the grass with tin roofs on 5 of our orphan’s homes.
Our goal is to get all the grass roof’s replaced to make the houses healthier for the kids to live in.
Grass roofs leak no matter how good the roof, and it ‘s a great place for rats & mosquitoes to hide, bringing malaria & other diseases.
So all of us are busier than a bunch of beavers trying to protect their dam in a river flood!
3. Eric is busy drilling water wells. (We still need a mechanically minded person to help us drill next year.)
He has completed 3 wells since Oct. 5th & we hope to install a 4th before the rains hit.
4. TWO WEEKS AGO we reported on God’s strong move on the unbelievers in a small village called Rovuma.
Well God isn’t limiting his power to just one village.
Our “Paulo’s” witness (name changed for his protection) has now brought 45 people from 4 other villages to Christ!
More churches will be planted.
Today, a new church is born!
The Mavala Mango Tree Church is reproducing itself!
During November, we distribute food each week to the orphans in the 7 villages surrounding the Mango Tree Buy Acomplia Online Church.
The rains will start in December, making it impossible to deliver any food to these families until next May.
Our goal in November is to distribute 5 month’s worth of food so that the widows & orphans in our program will not go hungry until their fields produce a crop in April.
On November 13th, the orphans & their foster parents, heard the fabulous testimony of the man whom I featured in last months Bush Beat as “Paulo”.
Paulo was a muslim leader who went to over 27 witchdoctors trying to find a cure for his hands that were permanently damaged when he was hit by lightening 4 years ago.
Paulo had a “Jesus dream” which led to the miracle healing of both his hands.
He gives a powerful testimony of his Jesus miracle, & has already led more than 40 men & women to the Lord in the last 30 days in the village of Rovuma.
The Rovuma church their village water well exists because of the blessing of the New Life Church in Michigan.
TODAY, PAULO’S testimony sparked an avalanche of events that produced much fruit!
Pastor Agusto, head Pastor at the Mango Tree church, gave a powerful object lesson using a Mango Tree branch to show everyone how their life dries up if not fed by Jesus.
After his lesson, 45 men & women came forward to receive Christ as their Lord & Savior.
THIS IS NOT NORMAL for Muslims to do.
We have been preaching God’s Word to them for over 2 years with only small results, so this took all of us by surprise!
45 men & women from 4 villages accepted Jesus on November 20th.
Many were from the village of Mpaca (M‑pah-ka), where we will start our next church.
Pastor Pinto, & his Pastoral trainee, Ernesto, will go to Mpaca this Sunday to meet with these new converts.
This was a whirlwind day! After the preaching, we distributed food to over 200 children, met with my pastoral staff, & organized 2 of them to meet with the new converts of Mpaca on Sunday,
ALL this took place in 3 hours!!!!
Pastor Alberto will meet with the new converts from a village called 7th of September.
God is moving with GREAT FORCE through Balama District (county).
THANKS TO THE CHURCH MEMBERS OF BUTLER METHODIST in PA & NEW LIFE in MI, we now have 2 Christian Centers that are producing
Love, Bush Bunny Brenda
Subject: Mango Tree Church BEARING FRUIT!
Hi from BALAMA!
We are experiencing an exciting new move of God like none I’ve ever seen in my 20 years in Mozambique!
1. November is the 2nd busiest month of the year for us, as the rainy season is moving in.
From Dec. to March each year we deal with heavy rains almost daily. Our dirt roads turn to mush that buries many a pick up to the axle.
Bridges sometimes fail, leaving us with no way to get out since we only have one road to this area.
2. That means stock piling 4 months of supplies, repairing grass roofs on all 16 mud huts that supply our orphans.
Thanks to a few generous donors, we have been able to replace the grass with tin roofs on 5 of our orphan’s homes.
Our goal is to get all the grass roof’s replaced to make the houses healthier for the kids to live in.
Grass roofs leak no matter how good the roof, and it ‘s a great place for rats & mosquitoes to hide, bringing malaria & other diseases.
So all of us are busier than a bunch of beavers trying to protect their dam in a river flood!
3. Eric is busy drilling water wells. (We still need a mechanically minded person to help us drill next year.)
He has completed 3 wells since Oct. 5th & we hope to install a 4th before the rains hit.
4. TWO WEEKS AGO we reported on God’s strong move on the unbelievers in a small village called Rovuma.
Well God isn’t limiting his power to just one village.
Our “Paulo’s” witness (name changed for his protection) has now brought 45 people from 4 other villages to Christ!
More churches will be planted.
Today, a new church is born!
The Mavala Mango Tree Church is reproducing itself!
During November, we distribute food each week to the orphans in the 7 villages surrounding the Mango Tree Church.
The rains will start in December, making it impossible to deliver any food to these families until next May.
Our goal in November is to distribute 5 month’s worth of food so that the widows & orphans in our program will not go hungry until their fields produce a crop in April.
On November 13th, the orphans & their foster parents, heard the fabulous testimony of the man whom I featured in last months Bush Beat as “Paulo”.
Paulo was a muslim leader who went to over 27 witchdoctors trying to find a cure for his hands that were permanently damaged when he was hit by lightening 4 years ago.
Paulo had a “Jesus dream” which led to the miracle healing of both his hands.
He gives a powerful testimony of his Jesus miracle, & has already led more than 40 men & women to the Lord in the last 30 days in the village of Rovuma.
The Rovuma church their village water well exists because of the blessing of the New Life Church in Michigan.
TODAY, PAULO’S testimony sparked an avalanche of events that produced much fruit!
Pastor Agusto, head Pastor at the Mango Tree church, gave a powerful object lesson using a Mango Tree branch to show everyone how their life dries up if not fed by Jesus.
After his lesson, 45 men & women came forward to receive Christ as their Lord & Savior.
THIS IS NOT NORMAL for Muslims to do.
We have been preaching God’s Word to them for over 2 years with only small results, so this took all of us by surprise!
45 men & women from 4 villages accepted Jesus on November 20th.
Many were from the village of Mpaca (M‑pah-ka), where we will start our next church.
Pastor Pinto, & his Pastoral trainee, Ernesto, will go to Mpaca this Sunday to meet with these new converts.
This was a whirlwind day! After the preaching, we distributed food to over 200 children, met with my pastoral staff, & organized 2 of them to meet with the new converts of Mpaca on Sunday,
ALL this took place in 3 hours!!!!
Pastor Alberto will meet with the new converts from a village called 7th of September.
God is moving with GREAT FORCE through Balama District (county).
THANKS TO THE CHURCH MEMBERS OF BUTLER METHODIST in PA & NEW LIFE in MI, we now have 2 Christian Centers that are producing
Love, Bush Bunny Brenda
Subject: Mango Tree Church BEARING FRUIT!
Hi from BALAMA!
We are experiencing an exciting new move of God like none I’ve ever seen in my 20 years in Mozambique!
1. November is the 2nd busiest month of the year for us, as the rainy season is moving in.
From Dec. to March each year we deal with heavy rains almost daily. Our dirt roads turn to mush that buries many a pick up to the axle.
Bridges sometimes fail, leaving us with no way to get out since we only have one road to this area.
2. That means stock piling 4 months of supplies, repairing grass roofs on all 16 mud huts that supply our orphans.
Thanks to a few generous donors, we have been able to replace the grass with tin roofs on 5 of our orphan’s homes.
Our goal is to get all the grass roof’s replaced to make the houses healthier for the kids to live in.
Grass roofs leak no matter how good the roof, and it ‘s a great place for rats & mosquitoes to hide, bringing malaria & other diseases.
So all of us are busier than a bunch of beavers trying to protect their dam in a river flood!
3. Eric is busy drilling water wells. (We still need a mechanically minded person to help us drill next year.)
He has completed 3 wells since Oct. 5th & we hope to install a 4th before the rains hit.
4. TWO WEEKS AGO we reported on God’s strong move on the unbelievers in a small village called Rovuma.
Well God isn’t limiting his power to just one village.
Our “Paulo’s” witness (name changed for his protection) has now brought 45 people from 4 other villages to Christ!
More churches will be planted.
Today, a new church is born!
The Mavala Mango Tree Church is reproducing itself!
During November, we distribute food each week to the orphans in the 7 villages surrounding the Mango Tree Church.
The rains will start in December, making it impossible to deliver any food to these families until next May.
Our goal in November is to distribute 5 month’s worth of food so that the widows & orphans in our program will not go hungry until their fields produce a crop in April.
On November 13th, the orphans & their foster parents, heard the fabulous testimony of the man whom I featured in last months Bush Beat as “Paulo”.
Paulo was a muslim leader who went to over 27 witchdoctors trying to find a cure for his hands that were permanently damaged when he was hit by lightening 4 years ago.
Paulo had a “Jesus dream” which led to the miracle healing of both his hands.
He gives a powerful testimony of his Jesus miracle, & has already led more than 40 men & women to the Lord in the last 30 days in the village of Rovuma.
The Rovuma church their village water well exists because of the blessing of the New Life Church in Michigan.
TODAY, PAULO’S testimony sparked an avalanche of events that produced much fruit!
Pastor Agusto, head Pastor at the Mango Tree church, gave a powerful object lesson using a Mango Tree branch to show everyone how their life dries up if not fed by Jesus.
After his lesson, 45 men & women came forward to receive Christ as their Lord & Savior.
THIS IS NOT NORMAL for Muslims to do.
We have been preaching God’s Word to them for over 2 years with only small results, so this took all of us by surprise!
45 men & women from 4 villages accepted Jesus on November 20th.
Many were from the village of Mpaca (M‑pah-ka), where we will start our next church.
Pastor Pinto, & his Pastoral trainee, Ernesto, will go to Mpaca this Sunday to meet with these new converts.
This was a whirlwind day! After the preaching, we distributed food to over 200 children, met with my pastoral staff, & organized 2 of them to meet with the new converts of Mpaca on Sunday,
ALL this took place in 3 hours!!!!
Pastor Alberto will meet with the new converts from a village called 7th of September.
God is moving with GREAT FORCE through Balama District (county).
THANKS TO THE CHURCH MEMBERS OF BUTLER METHODIST in PA & NEW LIFE in MI, we now have 2 Christian Centers that are producing
Love, Bush Bunny Brenda
Subject: Mango Tree Church BEARING FRUIT!
Hi from BALAMA!
We are experiencing an exciting new move of God like none I’ve ever seen in my 20 years in Mozambique!
1. November is the 2nd busiest month of the year for us, as the rainy season is moving in.
From Dec. to March each year we deal with heavy rains almost daily. Our dirt roads turn to mush that buries many a pick up to the axle.
Bridges sometimes fail, leaving us with no way to get out since we only have one road to this area.
2. That means stock piling 4 months of supplies, repairing grass roofs on all 16 mud huts that supply our orphans.
Thanks to a few generous donors, we have been able to replace the grass with tin roofs on 5 of our orphan’s homes.
Our goal is to get all the grass roof’s replaced to make the houses healthier for the kids to live in.
Grass roofs leak no matter how good the roof, and it ‘s a great place for rats & mosquitoes to hide, bringing malaria & other diseases.
So all of us are busier than a bunch of beavers trying to protect their dam in a river flood!
3. Eric is busy drilling water wells. (We still need a mechanically minded person to help us drill next year.)
He has completed 3 wells since Oct. 5th & we hope to install a 4th before the rains hit.
4. TWO WEEKS AGO we reported on God’s strong move on the unbelievers in a small village called Rovuma.
Well God isn’t limiting his power to just one village.
Our “Paulo’s” witness (name changed for his protection) has now brought 45 people from 4 other villages to Christ!
More churches will be planted.
Today, a new church is born!
The Mavala Mango Tree Church is reproducing itself!
During November, we distribute food each week to the orphans in the 7 villages surrounding the Mango Tree Church.
The rains will start in December, making it impossible to deliver any food to these families until next May.
Our goal in November is to distribute 5 month’s worth of food so that the widows & orphans in our program will not go hungry until their fields produce a crop in April.
On November 13th, the orphans & their foster parents, heard the fabulous testimony of the man whom I featured in last months Bush Beat as “Paulo”.
Paulo was a muslim leader who went to over 27 witchdoctors trying to find a cure for his hands that were permanently damaged when he was hit by lightening 4 years ago.
Paulo had a “Jesus dream” which led to the miracle healing of both his hands.
He gives a powerful testimony of his Jesus miracle, & has already led more than 40 men & women to the Lord in the last 30 days in the village of Rovuma.
The Rovuma church their village water well exists because of the blessing of the New Life Church in Michigan.
TODAY, PAULO’S testimony sparked an avalanche of events that produced much fruit!
Pastor Agusto, head Pastor at the Mango Tree church, gave a powerful object lesson using a Mango Tree branch to show everyone how their life dries up if not fed by Jesus.
After his lesson, 45 men & women came forward to receive Christ as their Lord & Savior.
THIS IS NOT NORMAL for Muslims to do.
We have been preaching God’s Word to them for over 2 years with only small results, so this took all of us by surprise!
45 men & women from 4 villages accepted Jesus on November 20th.
Many were from the village of Mpaca (M‑pah-ka), where we will start our next church.
Pastor Pinto, & his Pastoral trainee, Ernesto, will go to Mpaca this Sunday to meet with these new converts.
This was a whirlwind day! After the preaching, we distributed food to over 200 children, met with my pastoral staff, & organized 2 of them to meet with the new converts of Mpaca on Sunday,
ALL this took place in 3 hours!!!!
Pastor Alberto will meet with the new converts from a village called 7th of September.
God is moving with GREAT FORCE through Balama District (county).
THANKS TO THE CHURCH MEMBERS OF BUTLER METHODIST in PA & NEW LIFE in MI, we now have 2 Christian Centers that are producing
Love, Bush Bunny Brenda
Subject: Mango Tree Church BEARING FRUIT!
Hi from BALAMA!
We are experiencing an exciting new move of God like none I’ve ever seen in my 20 years in Mozambique!
1. November is the 2nd busiest month of the year for us, as the rainy season is moving in.
From Dec. to March each year we deal with heavy rains almost daily. Our dirt roads turn to mush that buries many a pick up to the axle.
Bridges sometimes fail, leaving us with no way to get out since we only have one road to this area.
2. That means stock piling 4 months of supplies, repairing grass roofs on all 16 mud huts that supply our orphans.
Thanks to a few generous donors, we have been able to replace the grass with tin roofs on 5 of our orphan’s homes.
Our goal is to get all the grass roof’s replaced to make the houses healthier for the kids to live in.
Grass roofs leak no matter how good the roof, and it ‘s a great place for rats & mosquitoes to hide, bringing malaria & other diseases.
So all of us are busier than a bunch of beavers trying to protect their dam in a river flood!
3. Eric is busy drilling water wells. (We still need a mechanically minded person to help us drill next year.)
He has completed 3 wells since Oct. 5th & we hope to install a 4th before the rains hit.
4. TWO WEEKS AGO we reported on God’s strong move on the unbelievers in a small village called Rovuma.
Well God isn’t limiting his power to just one village.
Our “Paulo’s” witness (name changed for his protection) has now brought 45 people from 4 other villages to Christ!
More churches will be planted.
Today, a new church is born!
The Mavala Mango Tree Church is reproducing itself!
During November, we distribute food each week to the orphans in the 7 villages surrounding the Mango Tree Church.
The rains will start in December, making it impossible to deliver any food to these families until next May.
Our goal in November is to distribute 5 month’s worth of food so that the widows & orphans in our program will not go hungry until their fields produce a crop in April.
On November 13th, the orphans & their foster parents, heard the fabulous testimony of the man whom I featured in last months Bush Beat as “Paulo”.
Paulo was a muslim leader who went to over 27 witchdoctors trying to find a cure for his hands that were permanently damaged when he was hit by lightening 4 years ago.
Paulo had a “Jesus dream” which led to the miracle healing of both his hands.
He gives a powerful testimony of his Jesus miracle, & has already led more than 40 men & women to the Lord in the last 30 days in the village of Rovuma.
The Rovuma church their village water well exists because of the blessing of the New Life Church in Michigan.
TODAY, PAULO’S testimony sparked an avalanche of events that produced much fruit!
Pastor Agusto, head Pastor at the Mango Tree church, gave a powerful object lesson using a Mango Tree branch to show everyone how their life dries up if not fed by Jesus.
After his lesson, 45 men & women came forward to receive Christ as their Lord & Savior.
THIS IS NOT NORMAL for Muslims to do.
We have been preaching God’s Word to them for over 2 years with only small results, so this took all of us by surprise!
45 men & women from 4 villages accepted Jesus on November 20th.
Many were from the village of Mpaca (M‑pah-ka), where we will start our next church.
Pastor Pinto, & his Pastoral trainee, Ernesto, will go to Mpaca this Sunday to meet with these new converts.
This was a whirlwind day! After the preaching, we distributed food to over 200 children, met with my pastoral staff, & organized 2 of them to meet with the new converts of Mpaca on Sunday,
ALL this took place in 3 hours!!!!
Pastor Alberto will meet with the new converts from a village called 7th of September.
God is moving with GREAT FORCE through Balama District (county).
THANKS TO THE CHURCH MEMBERS OF BUTLER METHODIST in PA & NEW LIFE in MI, we now have 2 Christian Centers that are producing
Love, Bush Bunny Brenda
Subject: Mango Tree Church BEARING FRUIT!
Hi from BALAMA!
We are experiencing an exciting new move of God like none I’ve ever seen in my 20 years in Mozambique!
1. November is the 2nd busiest month of the year for us, as the rainy season is moving in.
From Dec. to March each year we deal with heavy rains almost daily. Our dirt roads turn to mush that buries many a pick up to the axle.
Bridges sometimes fail, leaving us with no way to get out since we only have one road to this area.
2. That means stock piling 4 months of supplies, repairing grass roofs on all 16 mud huts that supply our orphans.
Thanks to a few generous donors, we have been able to replace the grass with tin roofs on 5 of our orphan’s homes.
Our goal is to get all the grass roof’s replaced to make the houses healthier for the kids to live in.
Grass roofs leak no matter how good the roof, and it ‘s a great place for rats & mosquitoes to hide, bringing malaria & other diseases.
So all of us are busier than a bunch of beavers trying to protect their dam in a river flood!
3. Eric is busy drilling water wells. (We still need a mechanically minded person to help us drill next year.)
He has completed 3 wells since Oct. 5th & we hope to install a 4th before the rains hit.
4. TWO WEEKS AGO we reported on God’s strong move on the unbelievers in a small village called Rovuma.
Well God isn’t limiting his power to just one village.
Our “Paulo’s” witness (name changed for his protection) has now brought 45 people from 4 other villages to Christ!
More churches will be planted.
Today, a new church is born!
The Mavala Mango Tree Church is reproducing itself!
During November, we distribute food each week to the orphans in the 7 villages surrounding the Mango Tree Church.
The rains will start in December, making it impossible to deliver any food to these families until next May.
Our goal in November is to distribute 5 month’s worth of food so that the widows & orphans in our program will not go hungry until their fields produce a crop in April.
On November 13th, the orphans & their foster parents, heard the fabulous testimony of the man whom I featured in last months Bush Beat as “Paulo”.
Paulo was a muslim leader who went to over 27 witchdoctors trying to find a cure for his hands that were permanently damaged when he was hit by lightening 4 years ago.
Paulo had a “Jesus dream” which led to the miracle healing of both his hands.
He gives a powerful testimony of his Jesus miracle, & has already led more than 40 men & women to the Lord in the last 30 days in the village of Rovuma.
The Rovuma church their village water well exists because of the blessing of the New Life Church in Michigan.
TODAY, PAULO’S testimony sparked an avalanche of events that produced much fruit!
Pastor Agusto, head Pastor at the Mango Tree church, gave a powerful object lesson using a Mango Tree branch to show everyone how their life dries up if not fed by Jesus.
After his lesson, 45 men & women came forward to receive Christ as their Lord & Savior.
THIS IS NOT NORMAL for Muslims to do.
We have been preaching God’s Word to them for over 2 years with only small results, so this took all of us by surprise!
45 men & women from 4 villages accepted Jesus on November 20th.
Many were from the village of Mpaca (M‑pah-ka), where we will start our next church.
Pastor Pinto, & his Pastoral trainee, Ernesto, will go to Mpaca this Sunday to meet with these new converts.
This was a whirlwind day! After the preaching, we distributed food to over 200 children, met with my pastoral staff, & organized 2 of them to meet with the new converts of Mpaca on Sunday,
ALL this took place in 3 hours!!!!
Pastor Alberto will meet with the new converts from a village called 7th of September.
God is moving with GREAT FORCE through Balama District (county).
THANKS TO THE CHURCH MEMBERS OF BUTLER METHODIST in PA & NEW LIFE in MI, we now have 2 Christian Centers that are producing
Love, Bush Bunny Brenda
Subject: Mango Tree Church BEARING FRUIT!
Hi from BALAMA!
We are experiencing an exciting new move of God like none I’ve ever seen in my 20 years in Mozambique!
1. November is the 2nd busiest month of the year for us, as the rainy season is moving in.
From Dec. to March each year we deal with heavy rains almost daily. Our dirt roads turn to mush that buries many a pick up to the axle.
Bridges sometimes fail, leaving us with no way to get out since we only have one road to this area.
2. That means stock piling 4 months of supplies, repairing grass roofs on all 16 mud huts that supply our orphans.
Thanks to a few generous donors, we have been able to replace the grass with tin roofs on 5 of our orphan’s homes.
Our goal is to get all the grass roof’s replaced to make the houses healthier for the kids to live in.
Grass roofs leak no matter how good the roof, and it ‘s a great place for rats & mosquitoes to hide, bringing malaria & other diseases.
So all of us are busier than a bunch of beavers trying to protect their dam in a river flood!
3. Eric is busy drilling water wells. (We still need a mechanically minded person to help us drill next year.)
He has completed 3 wells since Oct. 5th & we hope to install a 4th before the rains hit.
4. TWO WEEKS AGO we reported on God’s strong move on the unbelievers in a small village called Rovuma.
Well God isn’t limiting his power to just one village.
Our “Paulo’s” witness (name changed for his protection) has now brought 45 people from 4 other villages to Christ!
More churches will be planted.
Today, a new church is born!
The Mavala Mango Tree Church is reproducing itself!
During November, we distribute food each week to the orphans in the 7 villages surrounding the Mango Tree Church.
The rains will start in December, making it impossible to deliver any food to these families until next May.
Our goal in November is to distribute 5 month’s worth of food so that the widows & orphans in our program will not go hungry until their fields produce a crop in April.
On November 13th, the orphans & their foster parents, heard the fabulous testimony of the man whom I featured in last months Bush Beat as “Paulo”.
Paulo was a muslim leader who went to over 27 witchdoctors trying to find a cure for his hands that were permanently damaged when he was hit by lightening 4 years ago.
Paulo had a “Jesus dream” which led to the miracle healing of both his hands.
He gives a powerful testimony of his Jesus miracle, & has already led more than 40 men & women to the Lord in the last 30 days in the village of Rovuma.
The Rovuma church their village water well exists because of the blessing of the New Life Church in Michigan.
TODAY, PAULO’S testimony sparked an avalanche of events that produced much fruit!
Pastor Agusto, head Pastor at the Mango Tree church, gave a powerful object lesson using a Mango Tree branch to show everyone how their life dries up if not fed by Jesus.
After his lesson, 45 men & women came forward to receive Christ as their Lord & Savior.
THIS IS NOT NORMAL for Muslims to do.
We have been preaching God’s Word to them for over 2 years with only small results, so this took all of us by surprise!
45 men & women from 4 villages accepted Jesus on November 20th.
Many were from the village of Mpaca (M‑pah-ka), where we will start our next church.
Pastor Pinto, & his Pastoral trainee, Ernesto, will go to Mpaca this Sunday to meet with these new converts.
This was a whirlwind day! After the preaching, we distributed food to over 200 children, met with my pastoral staff, & organized 2 of them to meet with the new converts of Mpaca on Sunday,
ALL this took place in 3 hours!!!!
Pastor Alberto will meet with the new converts from a village called 7th of September.
God is moving with GREAT FORCE through Balama District (county).
THANKS TO THE CHURCH MEMBERS OF BUTLER METHODIST in PA & NEW LIFE in MI, we now have 2 Christian Centers that are producing
Love, Bush Bunny Brenda