The Vision
“There has to be a Herculean effort made for these kids so we don’t lose them. Otherwise… you will have a society where kids haven’t been to school and therefore can’t fulfill even basic jobs… a society where a large proportion can have anti-social instincts because their lives have been so hard. You have a generation of children who will be more vulnerable to exploitation and to disease because they won’t have the same sense of self-worth.” Stephen Lewis, UN Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa Source: Africa Recovery (Oct. 2001) “AIDS Orphans: Facing Africa’s ‘silent crisis”’
Practical Solutions That Build A Tomorrow For Africa’s Children
Current Facts About The Situation in Africa:
Root issues creating African orphans include:
• Cholera and/ or Dysentery killing parents due to lack of clean water sources. (both kill in 3 days)
• Death during childbirth and from malaria due to the great distance that must be travelled to receive medical assistance. (both kill in 3–7 days)
• Lack of education and job opportunities contributing to rampant poverty and disease. (under 5 mortality rate-130/1000 live births)
• AIDS killing large portions of the population. (Unicef 2010 stats: estimated 99,000 children under age 15 have AIDS)***
1. EXPAND our village outreach model for orphan and widow rescue and rehabilitation to a 3rd county in 2012, to continue cutting the root causes perpetuating the orphan problem in this region.
2. Provide vital education and job skills for underprivileged and orphaned children through multi-level schools.
3. Expand our technical jobs training to include carpentry, brick laying, and goat husbandry.
4. Expand our newly formed goat breeding program to assist our orphans in becoming financially self-sustaining.
5. Church planting in all major villages where these orphans live. Providing spiritual training, sports programs, women’s support groups for the widows caring for the orphans, as well as practical hygiene teaching for the orphans.
6. Teach our orphan outreach model to missionaries in other rural parts of Africa.
These objectives can be reached with your help through the 5 real-world steps outlined here.