“Ever wonder what happens to tailgaters when the truck must make a fast stop?”

Buyers from other areas are already in the remote areas buying up the beans that are ESSENTIAL life-saving protein for the 2,500+ orphans in our feeding programs. The bean harvest was moderate this year, so if too much goes out before we are allowed to buy, there may not be enough to meet our need.
Thanks to much favor, we have been granted permission to begin picking up the beans from all the church members on Monday followed by public buying.

“Thank you”, from all the orphans who are benefitting from your Love Gift of food.
Beans are the ONLY affordable protein in the area, and our children depend on it to keep them healthy. They only grow well in 5 areas of Balama county, so the supply is limited.
Eric, who returned to us ready for service on Thursday, and his team of drivers/helpers completed truck maintenance on Friday, so we are ready to roll at 5:30a.m. Monday. Bean weighing and transport is time consuming as each bag (weighing 140lbs) must be weighed, loaded onto a truck, and then driven up to an hour each way to get to our barns. We have a 6 and a 7 ton truck, but due to bad roads, we are not able to load to capacity. That means that each load, we can carry only 5 tons on one truck and 6 tons on the larger truck.
Please know that for the next 6 weeks this Bunny and her staff will be “hopping fast” to bring in the 100 tons we need before the beans are gone for the year. My blogs will be short and to the point, but know we appreciate your prayers for a safe and fast bean collection.
Two weeks ago, we started a “Saturday Sunday School” using the Awana program in the remote village of Nacala (where only a footpath for travel and “no bridge” river crossing). Pastor Carlitos Jorge, head of our Youth Programs, started this program with 80+ children in attendance. He invited the whole group to church Easter Sunday in Rovuma, and 40 young teens actually walked the 5km to worship with us. They had a great time, listening to the story of why Jesus died for us, as all of them are new believers. After church, a large AWANA GAMES competition was held, with everyone having a great time. The harvest is ripe and we are there to help “those seeking” to find Christ.
Andy was here as a multi-talented 19 year old, who worked with us over 8 years ago and the kids love him. Still a kid at heart, Andy is never still and always interacting with whoever is in the area. This very talented young man can only stay a few weeks due to his fishing job back in Alaska, but his stay is perfectly timed to help us get the beans into the barn. He’s the kind of man you can just point in the right direction and say “go and do” and Andy will make it happen. A BIG THANK YOU to his Cordova, Alaska, and Tennessee churches for supporting Andy in bringing over the essential life-saving supplies we so badly needed for our children.
Blessings, Bush Bunny Brenda Eric Dry Andy Gonzales Balama Staff