FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: JUNE 26, 2021 HOSPITAL RELEASES BABY JUMA Nine-week-old Juma suffered from gastroenteritis vs. Malaria as first diagnosed. His treatment was changed and he recovered rapidly, PTL! Thank you all for your prayers. ![]() Baby Juma ready to leave the hospital. Our 10 infants are all home and healthy. Just a few runny noses which happens as this is our “winter”. Nighttime temps are around 50ºF/14ºC. Days are in the 70’s/20’s with a breeze. It’s very cold for our children, as they are accustomed to temperatures in the 90’sF/32ºC or greater. ![]() Dave with Baby Adelina (who doesn’t like strangers, but she took to Dave immediately!) BUMPS IN THE AIR, BUT DAVE IS HOME Dave flew out of Pemba on Wednesday to face a grueling trip home. Just before boarding, he received notification that his next flight from Johannesburg to England had been cancelled! I had to awaken our USA secretary at 2:30 a.m. USA time, who promptly called the airline to request another flight. Dave made the new flight at 11pm to Holland where he caught a flight to Atlanta, then to Grand Rapids. Exhausted, but thrilled to be home, Dave is willing to come again next year if possible. I PTL FOR HIS HELP AND DEDICATION WITH FOOD BUYING THIS YEAR. THANKS TO ALL WHO PRAYED FOR HIS SAFE RETURN. TRIPLETS REDUCED TO TWO On Thursday, 24th, the aunt and uncle of our latest triplets only came to weigh-in with 2 infants. Donito, the firstborn infant, had been admitted to the Montepuez Regional Hospital with breathing difficulties. Sadly, on Friday, a family member dropped by to tell us that Donito didn’t survive. His siblings, who were born by Caesarian section vs. natural birth for Donito, are both gaining weight, and doing well. PLZ PRAY FOR THIS FAMILY IN THEIR TIME OF MOURNING, AND FOR THE OTHER 2 INFANTS TO GROW STRONG. ![]() Donilto (1.9kg/4.18lbs.) and Denilta (2kg/4.4lbs) are getting stronger. YOUR LOVING PRAYERS AND EMAILS FOR ALL OF US ARE MUCH APPRECIATED. BLESSINGS BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
Author Archives: Kim Hartman
FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: JUNE 19, 2021 TEREZINHA NEEDS A HOME Two-month-old Terezinha was suddenly orphaned last Saturday night when her mother died at the Balama Hospital from post partum complications. The father abandoned them both when the mother became ill, and the only female relative is too elderly to care for her. A family friend brought her to my door early Sunday morning with a letter from Social Services asking us to accept her into our care. Healthy, but small for her age, Terezinha greedily attached herself to the bottle of formula I offered her. ![]() Terezhina needs a home. Foster Mother Vaneza accepted this little one as her own. She had a normal week at the Zebra House, now better known as the ‘Baby House’ with 7 of our 10 infants residing there. TEREZINHA NEEDS A $40/MONTH SPONSOR. Please email me if you would like to sponsor her. BABIES SALVADOR AND JUMA BATTLED MALARIA THIS WEEK. Monday at 11:45pm, Head Foster Mother of the ‘Baby House’, called me to say Salvador was very sick just 24 hours after completing his 3‑day-course of malaria medication. This meant he had “resistant” malaria and needed IV treatment IMMEDIATELY. He recovered well and is now happily back at his home with us. ![]() Salvador sleeps peacefully after rough start with malaria. ![]() SALVADOR IS BACK! JUMA, who has only been with us a short time, was rushed by Capena to the Hospital on Friday, as Salvador was being released. PLEASE PRAY for Juma as he has a sensitive stomach making it hard for him to keep fluids in his tummy. He is on IV fluids as I write. Malaria is notorious for causing vomiting, as rapid dehydration is part of the reason it kills so easily. BUSH BUNNY TIDBITS: 1. Our 7‑ton-truck carried our corn processing team to Meluco this week. Meluco is our remote orphan station in a county north of us, feeding 500+ orphans weekly. ![]() 7‑ton loaded with corn chute headed to Meluco on Tuesday. 2. Maezinha still working on walking Independently, but wanted to show off her new dress. ![]() Maezinha shows off her new dress. She struggles to walk Independently but is game to keep trying. 3. Widows with orphans received blankets this week as Balama is dealing with record low temperatures this June. No one looking forward to July as the temperatures usually drop even lower as our cold season peaks. ![]() Blanket give-out to our widows and orphans as coldest winter on record begins. YOUR LOVE GIFTS AT WORK AS WE WATCH OVER GOD’S CHILDREN. Blessings, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
TRIPLETS SURVIVE A WILD ENTRANCE! The pregnant mother went to the village hospital as she began her labor. Shortly, a tiny 1.6kg/3.5 lb little boy was born. To the amazement of the nurse on duty, there was another unborn infant sitting crossways that could not enter the birth canal. Balama’s ambulance rushed to the scene to take her to the regional hospital for a C‑section. However, the regional hospital realized there were 2 more infants to deliver, so this young mother was rushed to the state hospital in Pemba. Miraculously, mother and all 3 infants survived! ![]() Mother holds a baby boy, and Sister holds 1 boy, 1 girl. All born 1.6kg/3.5 lbs. A week later, Social Services received them in Balama, placing them in our infant formula program. All 3 are holding their weight after the first 3 days, but they are far from being at a “safe weight”. Please keep all of them in prayer, as their Mom is also weak after this ordeal. It will take some time for her to overcome her anemia even with vitamins. The father came to fetch the 2 women and 3 babies in the photo after fueling up down the road. It was a “hold your breath” moment as he tied 1 infant onto his chest, then had the 2 women load up, each with 1 baby tied onto their backs. They were back 3 days later using the same transport, for it is required that all infants weigh in to receive more formula. Pray for their travel safety as well! Updates to be given as they develop. ROUGH START THAT ENDS WELL Saying we had a rough 2 weeks of food buying since June 1st would be putting it mildly. RAIN STORMS WITH HIGH WINDS hit us both Mondays! First, it isn’t normal for heavy rains to hit us in June. Second, the June 1st rain was tolerable since we were only buying beans and had them all under the roof of our corn barn, PTL! This June 1st rain lasted only during the early morning, so except for wet ground, it didn’t even delay the Children’s Day Party. June 7th was s different story! A beautiful sunrise was whisked away by high winds that pushed heavy rain clouds over our area by 6 a.m. (We start at 5a.m.) As the light rain began, Manel and I remembered the “ERIC IDEA” from 5 years ago when rain hit us during food buying. The 2 of us raced to our base, grabbing 10 tarps, rolls of rope, and the 7‑TON TRUCK! ![]() Food buying in the rain. The photo shows the emergency tarping method that our Assistant Director taught us to use during bad weather at the barns. Tying the front of the tarps to the roofing beams, we use our 7‑ton truck as the “anchor”. It gives us the ability to continue working, although at a slower pace. The 2 tarps placed over the weighing area just behind the 7‑ton truck were RIPPED OFF the weight-room roof by the high winds during this storm. Thankfully, the trucks waiting to unload at our weigh-in spot were all tarped, so the corn stayed dry. We PTL that the storm passed in about 90 minutes, so we were able to finish our program for the day. ![]() Up the corn staircase, and throw it on top! The bag weighs 60kg/132lbs. And they make it look easy. The Balama staff thanks all of you for your prayers for our safety and the fact that 132 TONS of corn and 108 TONS of beans are all safely in their prospective barns. More food fun coming in July! ![]() Corn Barn after June buying. More to come in July. BLESSINGS BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
CHILDREN’S DAY PARTY A DELICIOUS HIT! Our children and foster mothers who live together also get to party together! We kept them in small groups as required, but it didn’t slow them down. The big hit of the day for me was watching Quiston STAND INDEPENDENTLY for the 1st time. He’s a bit behind the norm, but growing fast for having such a rough start. YOUR LOVE GIFTS MADE THIS PARTY POSSIBLE! THANK YOU FROM ALL OF US AT THE BALAMA MISSION STATION. ![]() Quiston thinking: I know I can do this! Yep, just give me time! ![]() Little Quiston has been trying so hard to stand with out holding on to any thing, that we had to applaud his persistence as he stands independently at the Children’s Day Celebration! SPONSOR’S SURPRISE Maezinha and Jesuino have the same sponsor. She asked permission to send a tiny gift to them. DAVE, our visitor, hand carried a t‑shirt for each of them when he came last week. Jesuino was confused by the wrapping paper since he’d never received a “hidden gift” before. Carlitos Jorge helped him open it, explaining there was a surprise inside. The look on his face when he saw the shirt was precious! Like a light going on inside his head! Maezinha is too young to understand so we opened hers for her. Her gift is a bit big, but she will quickly grow into it. ![]() 3‑year-old Jesuino gets a package from donor. His thoughts: What do I do with this? It’s all wrapped up on paper?” ![]() “OK, I get it! The good stuff is inside!” ![]() Maezinha, 14 months, gets a package too! 1 WEEK DONE, 1 TO GO. Five days of bean counting and the bean barn is full! PTL! A cold front brought heavy rains last Sunday and Monday making it a sloppy, slippery mess trying to get large trucks to our mission’s warehouse. Roads from the villages are all dirt. Mavala, the Mango Tree Church area, had their road closed for 2 days making it impossible for them to get here Monday morning. They finally made it about 2pm Monday afternoon by taking a longer, alternative route. Just after they unloaded, the 2nd wave of rains hit! It was so slippery near our warehouse after the 2nd rain that Joanna, who makes our team’s breakfast, fell in the mud breaking her right wrist! I took her to the hospital for a cast, and she and her children never missed making food for us. An Amazing woman for sure! ![]() JOANNA. Best bagia (fried bean patty) maker in Balama! Another busy week awaits us on Monday. Keep your prayers coming as we need to complete this program so our team can go to Meluco to help them with their corn buying. BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: MAY 29, 2021 DAVE ARRIVES AFTER GRUELING 3 DAYS IN THE AIR Dave, 1 of our 7 board members, arrived safely in Pemba this week, stating he thought international travel was tough 2 years ago (when he had a direct flight to S. Africa). To get here now, one must fly through Europe to RSA, with documents in hand to apply for a Visa at our airport, which was a stressful 2‑hour wait. Dave said you now have to jump through twice as many “hoops” as before. He will stay 27 days visiting me and the children before leaving to do it all over again. ![]() Dave and BBBRENDA in Balama I greatly appreciate having him do all this, as he is our only visitor since 2019. BUSH BUNNY BRENDA GIVEN SURPRISE PARTY! It was an exhausting day yesterday as we continued preparing for the June 1st food buying as well as paying our staff, and meeting with our 12 Bush Pastors from 2 counties/districts. At 3:30pm, I heard singing outside my door. Most of the executive staff and house mothers were doing their best to dance to my door holding a beautiful cake and singing Happy Birthday in ENGLISH! Only 3 in this group speak English, so the others must have worked hard to learn that song! See video at this link —> . ![]() Balama staff greet me with surprise party! I greatly appreciated their loving effort as the cake said “HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAMA BRENDA, 66”. It had to be specially made in the next town, 30 miles/55km away, for that town has the only bakery within a 4‑hour-drive of Balama! We had a great party, as there was enough cake for everyone. A great way to end the week. ![]() Birthday cake enough for all. ![]() Even the pup is in on the party. THANK YOU JESUS FOR MY MOZAMBICAN FAMILY, AND ALL MY INTERNATIONAL FRIENDS WHO SENT BIRTHDAY GREETINGS! It really touches my heart to receive your love, thoughts, and prayers. BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND STAFF HOPPING FAST BECAUSE YOU CARE THAT OUR CHILDREN WILL BE FED. BLESSINGS FROM DE BIRTHDAY BUNNY! BRENDA LANGE |
FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: MAY 22, 2021 ALFERES SAVES A LIFE! Wednesday, 4:30pm, I hear a yell. “BABY IN TROUBLE!” Leaving my kitchen, I see Alferes running to my house while cradling a small bundle in his arms. I hurried him into my house, instructing him to put the baby on the table inside my door, and remove her clothes. TWENTY-MONTH-OLD BABY ANGELINA from the Gazelle house was suffering a full-blown febrile seizure, (eyes rolled back, limbs stiff, convulsing, and not breathing). Her skin was super hot! As Alferes removed her clothes, I plunged my bath towel into a barrel of water in my nearby bathroom. Covering her body with that cool towel immediately began lowering her body temperature. Alferes stayed with her as I soaked 2 more towels to help cool her down rapidly. We had to bring down her temperature quickly to break the seizure so she could breath! By that time Angelina’s Foster Mother, Balbina, had reached my house crying hysterically (thinking her foster baby was surely dead). As Alferes and I wrapped Angelina in the cool towels, the seizure broke. I ordered Balbina to get into my King Cab pick-up as Alferes got in, holding the now breathing Angelina. Dominica, our Women’s Pastor, jumped in to provide emotional support as I backed out to take her to the hospital. With flashers blinking, and honking my horn to clear traffic, we arrived at the hospital in 2 minutes with Angelina CRYING LOUDLY! Music to my ears, for it meant SHE WAS BREATHING JUST FINE!!! A malaria quick test in the ER proved POSITIVE in less than 2 minutes! As the technician looked for a vein to start the IV meds that would kill the malaria larvae, he saw nothing! I raced to fetch Sister Lisha at her home, as she is the best Pediatric Nurse they have. But Sister Lisha also found no viable vein due to Angelina’s rapid dehydration from the high fever. The decision was made to give the malaria meds via injection into her buttocks (rarely used) BUT IT WORKS! Her fever began decreasing, and she began drinking an oral electrolyte solution that would rehydrate her body. Dehydration helps the malaria larvae to kill the kidneys quickly, causing the urine to turn black, thus malaria’s nickname “black water fever”. The Emergency Room that night was full of parents with infants suffering from malaria, which is rampant right now. PTL that the cooler temperatures have begun, which will decrease the number of malaria mosquitoes in our area. WE PTL THAT ANGELINA WAS SAVED THAT NIGHT, AS WELL AS THE OTHER INFANTS WE SAW TREATED WHILE IN THE ER. The Dr. allowed Angelina to come home the next afternoon, with strict instructions to complete the 3‑day treatment of Coartem, and provide twice-a-day liquid vitamins with iron, as her hemoglobin had dropped during the night to borderline low. We are giving her all she needs and she will be retested in 7 days to make sure her Hemoglobin is rising. ALL OF US WERE PRAYING during this entire time, THANKING JESUS for his miracle life saving love for our little Angelina. ![]() Hero Alferes, with Balbina and baby Angelina 2 days after her seizure THE REST OF THE STORY The next day, I asked Alferes how he encountered the sick baby. He told me that Balbina was crying and trying to run with the baby to my house when she became short of breath near our soccer field. Alferes was playing soccer when he spotted Balbina. Angelina was seizuring, so he just grabbed her and ran for my house (about 200 yards/meters away). PRAISE GOD FOR HIS QUICK THINKING, for it helped us break her seizure before she suffocated! KIDS SAVING KIDS! I LOVE IT! Right after food buying, I plan to teach a simple First Aid/CPR class to our teens. We are giving a crash course on malaria seizure treatment next week to our Foster Mothers, as that can’t wait. Alferes reacted correctly, but many of our teens told me they would not know what to do if someone was really hurt or having a seizure. It is fact that many a child or teen has saved a life because someone showed them what to do when they see someone is in distress. As a certified instructor in both First Aid and CPR from my college days, it is time I shared that knowledge with our children. THANK YOU FOR HELPING US TO HELP OTHERS. BLESSINGS BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: MAY 15, 2021 BABY OLIVIO DEPARTS SUDDENLY Last Sunday night, baby Olivio ate his supper, then slept soundly till midnight when he spiked a high fever. Vaneza called me, and we raced him to the hospital. He was comatose by 3 a.m. and joined hands with Jesus at 4 a.m. Reason: Sudden death due to Cerebral Malaria When the malaria larvae mature, they can clog the vessels in the brain. A person spikes a high fever becoming comatose in a few hours. Most do not respond to IV treatment and pass away very quickly. It only takes 1 mosquito bite to inject the malaria larvae into the bloodstream. Ten to 14 days later the first symptoms appear. Under normal circumstances, a 3 day course of anti-malarial meds is all it takes to eradicate it. If it goes cerebral, it can be deadly in hours. The younger a patient, the faster it kills. ![]() Foster Mother, Vaneza, holding Maizinha with Baby Olivio on her back. We miss Olivio dearly, with Vaneza missing him most of all. PLZ PRAY FOR VANEZA to have peace over this. Losing 2 infants in such a short time has been devastating to her, especially since it happened so unexpectedly with Olivio. HARVEST TIME HAS OUR TEENS WORKING HARD. Our teenagers were given 3 small fields to plant and care for, as every young adult would naturally be given this responsibility if they were living at home. With each student having “in person” classes only twice a week, these young adults have plenty of time to harvest their crops. ![]() A few of our teens harvesting their Juco Beans. Construction Intern, Alferes, is hard at work learning the difficult task of plastering a wall with cement under the supervision of a master bricklayer. Learning by “doing” makes the info “stick better” in one’s brain. See him at work, here —> ![]() Alferes learning how difficult it is to plaster a wall with cement Helder is deep in his studies at his teacher’s college just 60km/32 miles up the road in Montepuez. All seems to be going well as he only called us once this week. He seems to be settling in very well. THE FRUITS OF YOUR LOVE GIFTS ARE COMING FORTH AS OUR YOUTH BEGIN TO BLOSSOM INTO RESPONSIBLE YOUNG ADULTS. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU HAVE DONE TO MAKE THIS POSSIBLE. BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: MAY 8, 2021 HELP IS ON THE WAY! Long-time friend and O.U. Board member Dave D. will make the difficult trek from USA to Balama in 2 weeks time. No direct flights exist to Africa after a year of shutdown, so he must fly via Europe, change planes, then go south to S. Africa before travelling into Mozambique via another flight the following day. His stay will be a great boost to my morale, as I have not seen a visitor in 19 months! De Bunny will have company for June! Yeah! ![]() Dave joins us end of May. Please keep him in prayer for safe travel as flying internationally is no longer simple. Covid test USA, $275; Visa $220, return Covid test, $130, plus additional flight stops makes everything much more complicated, exhausting, and much more expensive! If you’d like to help him with ANY PART of his out-of-pocket costs, please send to our O.U office for the Dave fund. Thanks very much. SOZINHO HAS MINOR FOOT SURGERY On Friday, May 7th, Sozinho stepped on a large thorn which punctured his heel, requiring a trip to the Balama Emergency Room at the Balama Hospital for lancing and bandaging. ![]() Sozinho, 6 years, 1st grade, shows off his injured foot. He is all boy, as his last visit to the hospital required an arm cast after he fell 4 feet (1.2 meters) onto his elbow from a small tree he had climbed. Boys will be boys, no matter the culture. COOKIES!!! As soon as our children saw me carrying the cookie box their joyful cheers could be heard all over the neighbourhood! I don’t do this often, so when I do, it’s a welcomed treat that puts ear-to-ear smiles on many faces. ![]() Cookie treats for all, makes Mama Brenda very popular! Thanks for your wonderful Love Gifts that make this possible. ONE DAY AT A TIME WITH SWEET JESUS! BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: MAY 1, 2021 FUN IN THE SUN! Our children are super active and healthy, thrilled that their school is open and Bawana-time is now more fun than ever! I managed to catch their opening sing-a-long time on a short video this week. The youngest in the line on the left is 3‑year-old Jesuino, (Jezz wee no) who came to us in a very malnourished state as a newborn. His love for dancing and singing is hilarious, and he loves the laughter he sparks. He is a bit of a ham, for sure. We all got a super laugh when I showed the singing video to the children. As soon as Jesuino heard the singing, he started dancing and singing along. The whole group broke out in laughter at his actions, while Jesuino just kept right on dancing and singing. He is a character for sure! Video Link — Jesuino, on the left, making the most of sing a long time YOUR PRAYERS AND LOVE GIFTS HAVE MADE ALL THIS POSSIBLE. THANK YOU FOR PROVIDING THE LOVE AND CARE THIS GROUP NEEDED FOR A BRIGHT FUTURE. NOTE: Helder has made it through his first week of teachers’ school, only calling us 5 times for advice on uniform purchase and other school related needs. He’s learning fast how to do what is needed to meet school rules. ![]() Baby Juma still needs a sponsor. HOUSE #7: SHAPING UP AT A FAST PACE To the sound of mortar slapping the walls, I watched as our small construction team completed the final plastering on the front wall of House #7 on April 30th. Now the slower paced finishing work begins. The kitchen sink and table, as well as the Rocket Stove must still be built, but that takes time and patience as it must be done 1 stage at a time and allowed to dry before doing more. ![]() Major cement work completed on all walls of dining/kitchen area. The four 16-foot/4‑meter deep “long drop” toilets have been capped, allowing the bathroom foundation to be built. In S. Africa, a “long drop” is the name given to a USA “outhouse” but the difference is our long drops have no seat but just a covered 3‑foot/ 1‑meter-wide, 16-foot/4‑meter-deep hole with a small hole cut in the middle for doing your business. After all, we don’t want anyone falling in! ![]() Capped “long drops” allow bathroom foundation to begin this week. We will take it one step further by installing “sanitas” or a flat, stand upon, flush toilet so no one can fall in and our little ones won’t be scared when their toilet training begins. SAFETY FIRST! I will send a photo when all is completed so you will have the full picture. The photos show our current progress, and I will give an update at the end of May. Food buying begins June 1st, so all construction will come to a halt until the all-essential food buying program is completed in mid-July. Blessings and love to all of you as we continue moving forward one day at a time. As Texans often say: Your Bush Bunny is hopping on down the trail, letting no grass grow under her feet. BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: APRIL 24, 2021 14-DAY-OLD JUMA JOINS OUR FAMILY Juma is our 11th infant to date to enter our home, as his mother died of postpartum complications just a few hours after he was born. His Granny, Belicina, took over the care of Juma and his 3 young siblings. Their father abandoned them, so Granny had no other family to help her. Juma was immediately placed in our infant formula program and was slowly gaining weight. But after two weeks, Granny was exhausted from trying to cope with the demands of a newborn plus three other youngsters, ages 2 to 7. ![]() Granny Belicina with 5‑day-old Juma when he entered our milk program. She presented her problem to Social Services who immediately requested we help by taking the infant into our home. Juma is healthy and happily eats and sleeps in the arms of his foster mom, Felicina. JUMA NEEDS A $40/MONTH SPONSOR. Please consider helping him to grow into a healthy young boy. He needs your prayers as well as your financial assistance. ![]() ZEBRA HOUSE children watch closely as Juma is received into his new home HELDER ACCEPTED INTO TEACHERS COLLEGE! He leaves tomorrow, Sunday, to enter the college dorm. School begins on Monday. It will be the biggest challenge he has faced so far in his life. This 18-month-school will be intense as he prepares to become a Primary School teacher. CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR FIRST ORPHAN EVER TO ENTER INTO COLLEGE LEVEL STUDIES! Please keep your prayer coverage over him as he embarks on a new life. ![]() Helder, the 1st orphan from our program to enter college! YOUR LOVE GIFTS AT WORK, HELPING ORPHANS HAVE A CHANCE AT A GREAT FUTURE. BLESSINGS BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |