From: “Brenda Lange” Subject: Blog, May 18, 2013
Thank you all for your prayers for as you can see, we exceeded the minimum 80 tons necessary to keep the kids in food. Monday, the team will join our 80 man hauling crew to start the processing so the beans can be stored for up to a year.
Our visitors arrived safely with all luggage on Wed. afternoon. When traveling 10,000 miles, getting here with all luggage intact is something to brag about! Pastor Buzz has helped bring in the beans for the final 2 days while the 3 young ladies helped with children’s ministry.
Today, the team was up at 4:30a.m. to be at the goat barn by 5:30a.m. Best time to deworm since their tummies are empty, and it’s cool weather for everyone.
Breanne Brammer weighing with a “wrap-around goat weight tape, so Brenda can give the right dose of de-wormer.
Emma Clifford gets lots of attention from a very friendly baby goat. If you put him on the ground, he follows you around so he can chew on your skirt when you stand still.
Breanne Brammer and Danielle Van Zyl are both from farm families and were a GREAT HELP with weighing and drawing up the medicine for the goats while I did the dosing (gotta keep your fingers in the right spot in their mouth or you’ll lose it!) They have very powerful jaw teeth.
Danielle Van Zyl and her new “baby”.
Emma Clifford and Pastor Buzz Snyder took the photos and then wandered off to play with the babies.
Pastor Buzz Snyder and Pastor Joaguim (goat barn manager)
After all, it does get a bit boring when you do the same thing to 70 goats in a row. Our 8 goat wranglers did all the catching and holding. They are getting very good at it, and our goats are a bit tamer than last year, so all went smoothly. Last year our “ Mommy goats” were really WILD!
The photos tell it all.
Love and Hugs from the Balama Team Bush Bunny Brenda Eric Dry Linda Stanley Visitors: Pastor Buzz Snyder Breanne Brammer Emma Clifford Danielle Van Zyl
PS A happy “thanks” to Amy Clifford, of Magnolia, Texas, for noticing the juxtapositioning of our great pics of Emma and Danielle in Blog #1, published ealier today.
Amy is Emma’s Mom, and she noticed the mistake right away… good going Amy. You are a blessing!