GOD’S MIGHTY HAND SAVES 3 LIVES On Tuesday, the MAF (Missions Aviation Fellowship) pilot took off from their base in a single engine Cessna to fetch our visiting Bishops from Tete, a 3‑hour flight away. Just 10 minutes out of the airport, the pilot, Ryan, noticed an oil leak coming from the engine. Doing a quick turn-around, he headed back to their base. Oil leaks in plane engines causes the engine to “seize” if the oil level drops below a certain point. If you are in the air when the engine stops, down you go with little control! Ryan’s super alertness and lots of prayer for this trip, saved his life! Pilot Ryan of MAF. A man of God who listens when the Holy Spirit speaks After receiving the call (I had left at 3:30a.m. and was just 15 miles/33 kms from Pemba), I notified the Bishops that the plane wasn’t coming. They would have to reschedule. I was just super thankful that the Lord showed Ryan the leak at the ONLY possible moment when a crash could be avoided! So Bush Bunny and her faithful sidekick, Mario, a 2nd driver who always travels with me, changed plans and went on a shopping spree! Flexibility is a key item every missionary needs if they are to make the most of rapidly changing plans. I hadn’t been in Pemba since December 15th due to the rainy season road conditions, so much needed groceries and other supplies which are only available in Pemba were purchased. The local children’s clothing store surprised us with the early arrival of winter sweatpants, so an hour later, we left $200 lighter, but with most of the needed sizes for our 58 children. Our Visitors should arrive on May 10th, as that is the next date that both they and a different plane are available. BABY FRANCIANO JOINS OUR FAMILY AT 5 MONTHS, this orphaned tyke had the high fever of malaria, was super anemic (blood count of 4), and only weighed 2.6 kgs/5.7 lbs! His very ancient grandmother and a middle age Uncle had brought him to us, requesting baby formula. In critical condition, this little boy needed more care than they could provide. I rushed him off to the hospital, where he was immediately admitted and a blood analysis with blood type was ordered. By a miracle, a B+ donor was quickly located. By 5pm, he was receiving a life-saving transfusion. Still in a fragile state 2 days later, he received a 2nd transfusion bringing his blood count up to a safe 10. Tiny Franciano with Foster Mother Estevania, happy to be home from the hospital Released from the hospital on Monday, April 18th with no residual malaria, everyone is now hopeful that he will survive after such overwhelming challenges. Franciano is way too fragile to live in the bush, so with Social Service’s assistance, his family agreed to leave him in our care on April 22nd. GOD’S PLANS ARE ALWAYS THE BEST PLANS! Thank YOU, for your Love Gifts saved the life of this little boy. BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |