Our 2 Pastors in Namara District, 24 miles (40 km) to the south of Balama, reported 4 miracle healings after praying for the sick in different locations.
Pastor Alberto reports healings and 25 new believers in Namuno churches
A man who suffered from Bilharzia (parasite infestation of the bladder causing bleeding and massive loss of energy) showed no blood in his urine and regained strength over the next 3 days following prayer! Medical fact: Even with proper medication, Bilharzia is a tough parasite to eradicate and the bloody urine does not disappear within 3 days after treatment.
Two others were delivered from chronic back pain and stomach problems, while a 3rd person became pain free after suffering chronic headaches for 5 years! Praise Jesus for all of this, and I pray for a greater anointing on these 2 Pastors as they continue to evangelize in this very remote area.
Monday early a.m. found us urgently admitting Baby Armando, 6 weeks old, with malaria. This is serious as babies this age do not weigh enough to use the normal treatments, so he had to be given IV Quinine. He is still in hospital with a positive malaria smear after 4 days of treatment.
On Tuesday afternoon, Baby Jacinta, 5 months old, was also admitted for a positive malaria smear. She weighs just over the 5kg (11 lb.) limit, and could receive the normal IV treatments. Jacinta was released Thursday afternoon to continue oral treatment at home for the next 3 days.
Both of these babies came to us in a very fragile, malnourished condition, which decreases their resistance to every sickness. Please keep them both in your prayers this week.
Malaria is on the increase in our area due to the rains slacking off in the last 2 weeks, allowing the mosquitos to breed and flourish. All our children and mothers sleep under mosquito nets, but anyone outside after 4pm can become infected as that is when the mosquitos begin feeding. We thank you for your prayers for all our children for malaria is rampant throughout all of Africa in the rainy season.
Crossed a river and walked 5 miles with his village orphans to fetch their school supplies and buy their shoes.
Precious Sozinho, 3 years old, demanded a backpack for preschool.
Just as the US Post Office has their motto about delivering mail in any weather, I believe our BBC and construction teams deserve the same. THROUGH MUD, RAIN, AND DARK OF NIGHT, THE LORD’S WORK MUST BE DONE WITH MIGHT!
Our TREES OF RIGHTEOUSNESS. The men reaping God’s harvest.
Our BBC and construction teams of construction workers faithfully arrive daily before 5 a.m (still pitch dark) for our daily devotions.
We do action songs, hear a message from God’s Word, then pray a blessing over all of them. The sky lightens by the time we are done, and all go off to their respective jobs.
Note: Construction made great progress as we continued pouring floors, built a bathroom, and mounted window frames at the new dorm this week.
Bush Bunny Brenda Lange
And the Balama staff