FATIMA SAFE, BUT IN NEED OF CLEAN WATER! We were THRILLED to get a call from Fatima’s School Director on Wed. morning saying Fatima and all the students at the business school were safe. PTL, prayers answered! They had heavy winds, lost their cell tower, and electricity which resulted in NO WAY TO PUMP WATER. So the School Director requested we send Fatima money to buy water from a local well for bathing and washing clothes, and drinking water from a local store. Most of Fatima’s classmates live in the Beira area which was destroyed. Sadly, most do not know where their families are, or even if they are safe. That is a mental torture beyond what any child should have to endure. Cell phone service was reconnected in Beira city, but there are still many other cell towers down throughout the flood area on the road we call the “Beira Corridor”. Keep praying for all of the student’s families to be located safe, and for contact be made to relieve the worried students. YOUR CYLCONE GIFTS AT WORK, for we are coordinating with the school director to get a LOCAL BUSINESS MAN WITH A TANK TRUCK to deliver a load of water to the school. MERCY AIR MAKES BIG DISCOVERY This message was posted by a Mercy Air pilot just 2 days ago. While flying over the flooded area, they discovered ELEVEN DIFFERENT GROUPS OF PEOPLE who had been overlooked during the initial surveys. Mercy Air’s Helicopter landed in one of the areas, and found out they were without food or clean water for 12 DAYS! Immediate plans were made and 2.5 TONS of food, water, and other essential items were taken to those 11 stranded groups. THANKS TO YOUR FUEL GIFTS THAT TOTALED $15,000, YOU ARE A PART OF THIS RESCUE! THANK YOU FOR HELPING 1000’S RECEIVE LIFE SAVING HELP FROM MERCY AIR’S 2 HELICOPTERS. ERIC HEADED TO CYCLONE AREA AS I WRITE! Thursday, I received a call from Eric, our Board Member in South Africa. He was requesting $500 in cyclone funds for his food and sleeping places while he drove the 7 DAY trip with a truck load of WATER PURIFICATION PACKETS to the Beira Cyclone victims. Two organizations in RSA got together to purchase the packets and provide the transport and fuel, but they needed a VOLUNTEER DRIVER WHO KNOWS THE AREA TO TAKE IT TO THEM. Eric was the obvious choice for he is available and drove that area more than 16 times when bringing up supplies for our ministry. HIS SUPPORT IS COMING FROM YOUR GIFTS, and the items he carries will provide a HUGE AMOUNT OF CLEAN WATER to those who have only dirty water in their area. The rescue groups supervising this rescue see this as the ONLY SOLUTION to provide clean water for the next few months until local wells are safe again. THOSE WHO SENT IN GIFTS LAST WEEK, THIS IS HOW YOUR GIFTS ARE HELPING AT THIS VERY MOMENT. TOGETHER WE ARE IMPACTING MANY LIVES IN THE CYCLONE AREA WITH PRACTICAL LIFE SAVING MEASURES. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR MAKING THESE RESCUE EFFORTS POSSIBLE. BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |