A HAPPY PHOTO TO LEAD OFF THIS WEEK’S BLOG ![]() Happy kids on our super slide. ZITO’S SURGERY REVEALS BONE INFECTION THRIVING As I write, Zito is on his way back to us from the Pemba Hospital where he had surgery last Wednesday on his left hip. This THIRD SURGERY revealed that his continued drainage is AGAIN coming from his very infected femur bone. The surgeon cleaned up the infection from the site that was draining, but opted to keep him on antibiotics for 90 days before doing another major surgery on the infected femur bone. This young man has already been on strong antibiotics for 1 YEAR with NO results. I am now seeking advice from an orthopaedic surgeon in South Africa, to see what course of action he would take. Will keep you informed. KEEP THANKING JESUS FOR HIS HEALING. THIS BRAVE YOUNG MAN NEEDS A JESUS MIRACLE FOR SURE! CYCLONE HEADED TO OUR AREA THIS COMING WEEK While the USA was celebrating Thanksgiving Day, our area was besieged by 4 INCHES OF RAIN IN 3 HOURS from a mini-cyclone that hit during our night. A bigger cyclone is now forming in the Indian Ocean and official government warnings have been issued for our area. It is expected to hit by Wednesday this week (Dec. 4th). Our DIRT ROADS are already standing in water, which has damaged many mud huts in the Balama area. Yesterday I saw groups of people in the flooded areas desperately digging ditches to drain the water from their homes and building dams to block further flood waters from entering. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROUS HELP IN MAKING OUR HOMES SAFE WITH CONCRETE BRICKS AND STRONG TIN ROOFS, OUR 5 CHILDREN’S HOMES PROVIDE A SAFE HAVEN FOR ALL THE PRECIOUS LITTLE ONES LIVING THERE. Keeping them from playing in the mud puddles is another story. ![]() Gathering our kids out of the muddy water holes. Early rains in huge quantities (10+ inches in last 7 days) has caused super muddy roads which has halted any possible construction of #7 children’s home. Meanwhile, house #6 is awaiting inspection. Patience is the key item needed right now. Not the Bunny’s strong suit, but I’m learning. ![]() Road in front of our children’s homes after 10+ inches of rain. ![]() Area in front of our office on Thursday. ![]() Rains bring the critters looking for higher ground, namely walk ways near my house. PRAY FOR OUR SAFETY, AS WE DO NOT KNOW WHAT FACES US THIS WEEK WITH UNCERTAIN WEATHER CONDITIONS. Know that all the children are safe, healthy, and happy except when we make them get out of the mud holes. MANY BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF P.S.Don’t forget to check out and share our 2019 OU Video. |
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