FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: OCTOBER 14, 2023 BBC MOTORBIKE TEAM GIVES A HELPING HAND Granny Ruddie (Roo-dy) and her 2 orphaned grandsons, ages 6 and 7, live in a remote village that is a 1‑hour motorbike ride from our mission. No other family members exist, and Granny Ruddie is not strong in her legs (the reason she is sitting in the photo). The BBC routinely takes food to her and 2 other orphan families in this village. When the BBC team saw the condition of Granny Ruddie’s roof, Carlitos took photos to include in his request for funds to repair it. Granny and 2 orphaned grandsons in front of their mud hut Only the BBC goes to this area via their motorbikes, so that team of 4 men will repair the roof. They have organized to buy the needed grass and bamboo materials from local villagers in that area. Total cost to buy the materials is only $90/R1,620. So little can do so much to help others in need. THANK YOU, FOR YOUR LOVE GIFTS WILL MAKE IT POSSIBLE FOR US TO HELP THOSE WHO TRULY NEED IT. WEDNESDAY WAS VOTING DAY! The ever-growing Balama town will be designated a “city” in January, 2024, so the local residents will determine who will be Mayor of Balama. Since our foster mothers are essential workers, they cannot leave their children unless someone takes their place. Several staff and reserve mothers stepped in for a few hours while the mothers were taken by our 3 drivers to vote in their designated locations. Photo ID’s are required for all voters, so our Drivers checked that everyone had theirs before leaving our mission base. Once the first group of mothers were back, then those who stayed behind went to vote. My appreciation goes out to our 3 drivers who shuffled the mothers back and forth to the voting centers. A perk for the Drivers is that they were assigned to take mothers to the voting location where they were supposed to vote. All our staff were able to vote, so it went well. Since our 19 toddlers in Houses 6 and 7 know our staff and the reserve mothers, they stayed calm and played as usual, PTL! Not an easy thing to accomplish with that many little ones! Featured in the photo is Fatima, Assistant Children’s Director, holding Madelina, and Reserve Mother Mariamo holding wide eyed Orlencia. Substitute mothers step in to love on our babies while the Foster Mothers went to vote Everyone dresses up to go vote! It is a big thing to vote here, as that privilege has only been available to the public for about 20 years. It will be a week or 2 before the paper ballots are tallied and the results are known. DINO TAKES A DIVE Tuesday, while playing ball in his physical education class, dorm student Dino slipped while trying to block a ball, injuring his left wrist. The school took him to the hospital for treatment, which is just a short distance from where the accident happened. Turns out it is a bad sprain of his wrist, so the hospital staff splinted it for comfort and protection for 15 days. No more soccer for a few weeks, but Dino still managed a smile when I took his photo. Dino gives me a grin, even though he has to sit on the sidelines for a few weeks PLEASE KEEP US IN YOUR PRAYERS AS WE KEEP YOU AND ISRAEL IN OURS. BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |