DATE: MARCH 20, 2019
Tropical Cyclone Idai slammed into the coast of Mozambique near Beira on Friday. Similar in strength to a Category 3 hurricane, the storm left widespread destruction and communities under deep water in an area over 30 miles wide! Hundreds of people are already confirmed dead and survivors are still stranded on rooftops and in trees as the flooding has not yet receded.
Our little Fatima is in this area and we have no way of finding out how she is because no phone services exists. All cell towers were damaged as well as roads and bridges have been washed away for many miles.

Before and after flooding: People are stranded on rooftops.

People gathering in the highest areas.
Our Christian friends, Mercy Air, who depend on donations, are in the area helping survivors with their helicopter and plan to send their 2nd chopper on Monday.
Funds are needed immediately to assist with FUEL for their emergency food drops and rooftop rescues. No gift is too small.
All love gifts designated CYCLONE RELIEF will be sent directly to them to help them with FUEL.

Mercy Air making air drops of food for stranded citizens.

Mercy Air flight paths making relief runs on Tuesday.
Food packs have been donated by other groups, but there is no way to get it to those in need except through air drops. These guys are working long hours to get help to those stranded in trees, on roof tops, and small islands of land.
The water will not recede for weeks, and no roads exist to the neediest areas.

People are still stranded throughout the area.
Let’s give them a helping hand and pray our Fatima and her schoolmates are safe.
Please email me if you are able to help. If I know your gift is on its way, I will pull from our emergency funds to speed up our helping hand.
Make checks payable to Orphans Unlimited but please note CYCLONE RELIEF on the memo line of the check.
Alternatively, you can donate to us via PayPal at this link and use the pulldown to indicate Cyclone Relief.