Bush Beat BlogF
FALLING FROM A TREE TODAY SERIOUSLY INJURES ONE OF OUR ORPHANSAs I was busy writing this blog, 3 neighborhood men walked up to my home carrying 9 year old orphan, Fernando. He was unconscious after taking a face first fall from a mango tree nearby. Seems his grandmother was working in her field, and did not know Fernando had run off with 2 of his buddies to climb this tree out in the bush.. His “friends” ran off and left him when he fell, for he was unconscious after hitting the ground. When the 2 men found him unconscious, they put him in a sling and carried him to my house. I am so grateful these men found him, or he could have been laying out there for many hours before anyone missed his presence.Thankfully, he began to open his eyes and tried to sit up, as we placed him on a mattress in the back of my pick-up truck. I thought these men would then leave, but they jumped right in and helped me take him to the hospital. At the Emergency Room, we were met by Dr. Namposa who immediately started an IV of Mannatol (drug that reduces brain swelling). As I write this, Fernando opened his eyes and cried when his IV was started, but did not show any fight. He is disoriented and unable to speak. He did respond with a head shake and cries of pain as we touched his ribs. This ribs are badly bruised at the least, but there are no obvious fractures.Please excuse me as I cut this blog short, I will be going back to the hospital.I’ll keep you posted as it will be at least 24 hours before we know how bad his head injury is.SEPTEMBER FOOD GIVE OUTS A DUSTY JOBThis 12 year old girl fetching BEANS. She came alone to fetch food for her and her grandmother who is too weak to make the walk to the distribution sit
Baby Sandra, 14 months and now walking well, enjoys playing with the rim from a bicycle. Our children enjoy simple toys, and many of the older children make their own toys. Sparks imagination and improves their construction skills.Sunday school leaders, Bertino and Daude using our little boy and lion puppets to teach the children that Rebellion is a sin with dire consequences. (Little boy skipped school, and went to play in the woods. The lion found him and ate him up, for he was playing where he was not supposed to be.) We try to keep our stories as culturally sensitive as possible, as it helps the story “stick”.Girls Sunday afternoon soccer competition a bit hit with the neighborhood children.Capena, our office manager who doubles as our expert orphan field rep. (in coordination with Social Services and the 22 village leaders), visited the homes of 1138 orphans and their grandmothers or aunts. These children live in 22 different villages scattered across Balama District, so it’s a BIG JOB that takes at least 12 long days to accomplish. The objective is to determine which homes with orphans still need our food assistance, and who is now able to be independent.The numbers below reflect the hard work performed by our 10 man team who loads and unloads EACH SACK (132 lbs/60kg) BY HAND, or rather African style “on their HEAD”. It’s hard work, but our team of very strong men make it look easy.Our visitors who have tried lifting the sacks can tell you it’s not a job for weaklings.With our 2 trucks handling 4 to 5 tons per load ( weights must be reduced due to bad roads), these give outs are a 4 to 6 hour event at each distribution site (depending on the distance we must travel). Our closest distribution is only 9 miles out in the bush (45 minute drive), but the remaining sites are between 12 and 18 miles into the bush. Ninety minutes is the norm to cover those 18 miles on rough, dusty, dirt roads with many holes.September’s give out amounts are as follows:CORN: 20.1 TONS (334 sacks)BEANS: 5.69 TONS (540)SOAP: 19 CASES (1138 pieces)SALT: 18 SACKS (360 kg/2.2 lbs)No forklifts here, just a lot of strong men who know how to handle these sacks.Blessings,Bush Bunny Brenda LangeBalama Staff
“Bush Bunny” Brenda Lange