DATE: May 21, 2016 |
CORN BUYING–HIGHEST PRIORITY With only 10 days to go, Capena, my office manager and head of food organization, is busy contacting village leaders to find out which Village Co-ops have corn to sell. Price agreements are the major point of the negotiations. MY PART: Getting the processing chutes and other equipment, (including the paper that pays for it all) ready as well as marking and counting out the 3,000 feed sacks that must be ready for distribution to the different groups. Dave Debour has a servant’s heart and is my saving grace as he is doing all he can to reduce my work load. Tackling this job with out missionary help can quickly steal one’s joy. I’m very grateful to Dave for his top notch help. 2 HELPERS FLY IN ON 27TH WITH FILM MAKING AS MAIN AGENDA May 27, I will be in Pemba fetching long time ministry supporters, Andy and Ashlee Gonzalez from the USA. (This is Andy’s 3rdtrip.) They raised their own support, and are giving 3 months to help with food buying, and making a updated film FOR ALL OF YOU! The new DVD will be a few months in coming but it will give all of you a better idea of the great job our bush evangelism teams are doing with the 7,000+ village children they are teaching about Jesus. I have seen some rough footage of the programs that Carletos Jorge took with his phone, and what they are accomplishing is equal to a mini crusade for Christ with each gathering! OOPS! MELUCO RAN OUT OF CORN ON THURSDAY Problem was resolved in 48 hours thanks to Manuel, our head driver, who willing made an emergency run on Friday. The Meluco orphanage manager told me 2 weeks ago that the corn should be enough, but his count was wrong. Since most of our staff grew up in the great civil war that lasted 25 years, one thing they never learned was to “think ahead”. They live in the NOW, and seldom think to replenish anything until it is GONE. This is one of the BIGGEST challenges/frustrations many Moz. organizations have with their management staff. Yes, we have worked hard to drill “inventory taking” and “thinking ahead” into their routines. Some learn it, and others don’t. Keeps us all on our toes for sure! NEW CHURCH GROUP IN MAURURA VILLAGE BUYS LAND Carlitos Jorge began this church just before Christmas. They met under a tree this rainy season, and have now been able to buy a 1 acre (half hectare) piece of land that is big enough for a church and a place for AWANA games during the rainy season. During the rainy season, many AWANA teams are very limited on where they can meet because every available spot, including all soccer fields, are planted in food crops. The villagers will now organize an “open air” building which consists of a grass roof with log benches inside. This will serve as the first phase of the church building until they can organize a mud brick structure. BLAST FROM THE PAST THE BUSH BUNNY ON “OLD FAITHFUL”. This felt poster was made by Anne Kunze, the great woman of God who discipled me during Bible School back in 1989/90. Anne used one of the first photos I ever had taken when I came to Mozambique 25+ years ago. I’m riding OLD FAITHFUL, my donkey, who was my first mode of transportation when I worked at the Vilanculous orphanage during the Mozambican Civil war. It is one of the few things that survived all the moves during these many years. It still hangs in my bedroom as a reminder of how far I’ve come since 1991. FYI: BUSH BUNNY turns 61 on MAY 26TH AND STILL HOPPING DOWN THE BUSH TRAILS! A box cake mix (chocolate) will be my treat for it was thoughtfully sent over by LINDA FERGUSON from our TEXAS office with Dave Deboer. Been a while since we had a cake baking, so I plan to enjoy it! BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE DAVE DEBOER, MICHIGAN Sent from Samsung tablet. |