From: “Brenda Lange” Subject: Blog, July 6
This week has been a whirlwind of activity that has kept us hopping from pre-dawn till dusk.
our 26 man construction team chipped away with hammers and chisels at HALF the school’s 70 YEAR OLD BASKEBALL COURT, removing the top 2 inches of concrete. Hard, gruelling work for sure. The new cement surfacing began yesterday, with our team laying 6 ft. X 15 ft. (2m X 4m) sections BY HAND with the cement being HAND MIXED in small quantities to keep it fresh and wet. We only have funds to complete HALF THE COURT and the 2 goal posts (total cost of just over $3,500). The other half will have to wait for another day, as our team has to get back to building the final orphan complex we started in April. We hope to have the Half Court Surface completed by July 12th. MY SPECIAL THANKS TO ERIC DRY for custom building the metal goal post supports and welding them into place. We hope the concrete and metal goals will be tough enough to handle the intense usage, as over 500 kids work out on this court weekly.
First let me say that this is NOT, I repeat NOT, one of our goats! OUR goats ride in style in the back of a pick-up truck when being moved for any reason. But Eric thought all of you would get a giggle out of this unique transportation method invented by a local African.
We call it the “GOAT BAAACKPACK”.
I’ll be heading out to Mopone at 7a.m. Sunday to meet our newest Believers and prepare them for the Jesus Film showing coming up June 20th. This village of 5,000 has NEVER SEEN A FILM OF ANY KIND, so this is a really big thing to all of them. I’ve always wanted to a be a pioneer, and Jesus gave me the desire of my heart. Taking HIS MESSAGE of love and salvation to these remote areas is the icing on the cake! MICHIGAN’S “GO” TEAM COMING JULY 17 Dale Meindertsma and Sally Dykema, both experienced short term missionaries, are returning for the THIRD TIME for another evangelistic visit to enhance the training of our Pastors as well as the new converts at Mopone village. Both of them are a “barrel of laughs”, and we look forward to their 10 day visit.
Our team painter and I spent over 3 hours at our mission station’s basketball court today marking off the “games pattern” for the AWANA TEAM that is coming July 31st. Larry Friend, the International Director of AWANA, is coming personally to train up 10 of our Youth Leaders. Scripture memory for children is the object of the programs with a barrel of FUN thrown in via the AWANA games on the basketball court. The HUGE, 37 ft. square game pattern is painted in FOUR COLORS so that teams of kids can compete against each other in many types of games. This will give us a way to attract the 6 to 12 year olds who are a bit small for shooting baskets into the regulation hoops. Our Sports Evangelism program is growing rapidly with Emma Clifford’s persistence. Her Dad is a High School Basketball coach in the USA, and Emma is a 6 FOOT NATURAL! Everywhere we go, we hear kids yelling “EMMA!” They love her and now call ALL OF US, EMMA! Until next week!
Blessings and Hugs, Bush Bunny Brenda and the Balama Team
Eric Dry
Linda Stanley
Emma Clifford
Danielle Van Zyl