PHILLIP FERGUSON II, 1970 — 2015 Phillip was a genius when it came to anything related to computers or the internet. When our old webmaster became terminally ill, it was Fil2 (as he was fondly known), who came to our rescue. He designed our new website as you see it today, and taught Linda Ferguson, my secretary and his mother, how to do blog updates. He was always ready to assist Linda with any technical difficulty, and was a key figure in our ministry for the last 3 years. We dearly miss Fil2, but his memory lives on through the website he built for us, so that others can know what Jesus has called us to do in Mozambique. NO BLOG LAST 2 WEEKENDS was in respect for Fil2, as well as Phillip Sr., Linda Ferguson and family, as she and her family laid Fil2 to rest with a great memorial service last Friday in Eagle Lake, TX. Anytime there is an interruption of the blog for any reason, I will always post it on my Facebook page. If you would like to keep up with me on FACEBOOK, then please send me a friend request AFTER Feb. 13th. I will have limited internet this next week and will not be able to respond while in South Africa. (see story below) Thanks for understanding and please continue to pray for Linda and family. Linda and I will continue to put out a weekly blog to keep you updated on all that transpires as we bring 1000’s to Christ in 2015. BUSH BUNNY AND STAFF SURVIVED THE INSPECTION! PTL it is over! Two days of show and tell, and the final recommendations on the 3rd day followed by me driving them back to Pemba. We did VERY well, as these 2 men were very favourable towards our program. They told us in the exit interview, to keep up the great work! They said our program is unique from all others in this State (Province), in that it truly meets the needs of the people “where they live”. They saw the “fruits” of our labors via the children, and were especially impressed with our orphans who have graduated, trained in a technical skill at our base, and have become productive citizens in the community. Three of our orphans still work with us (2 in our carpentry shop, and Nelson who continues to study in 11th grade at night school and teach AWANA to children in the daytime). God has been so gracious to us! THANK YOU ALL FOR PRAYING FOR US TO HAVE FAVOR. God gave it for sure! Now we wait. These men will file their report that will go to the top level officials for a decision on our permanent licensing. SCHOOL STARTS FEB. 9th! UNIFORMS, school books, back packs, math sets, and all the little things that it takes to outfit a student were given out on this afternoon. The kids get so excited when we distribute school materials. Easier said than done, as each child was sized and their school uniform custom made for them. All grades wear a white shirt, with grades 1–7 wearing MAROON pants/skirts, and the high school (8–10) wearing black pants/skirts. NOTE: Thanks to your generosity, our children are usually the only ones who have a complete set of textbooks in school. Sad, but some of these books are very hard to find, as they are not even sold in Pemba. The great hearted office manager, Capena, managed to buy the hard to find school books while on holiday over Christmas in Nampula City, 7 hours drive south of us. BBB FLYING TO SOUTH AFRICA FOR 5 DAYS Bunny’s laptop is slowly dying of old age. Time for an upgrade before it crashes. Eric Dry located a new computer for me with the new Windows 8.2 (had to be ordered to get it, but it came in today). I will be back in Balama on Friday night, Feb. 13th. Plan to eat all the ice cream I can find! STEPHEN MILLER OF CALIFORNIA JOINS OUR STAFF! Stephen arrived last Wed. right in the middle of the inspection. But thanks to Katie and Ashlynn, he is now receiving Bible School, Cooking lessons, and a basic orientation of our programs, as he waits for my in-depth orientation once I return from South Africa on Feb. 13th. FACING THE CHALLENGES 1. Electricity is still out, but word is it “might” be restored in the next week. Repairmen had to resort to lifting those HUGE metal towers with a helicopter, (very dangerous), since no crane could get into the area due to muddy conditions and continued rains. Feb. is our most rainy month of the season. Repairs of anything are super difficult. 2. BRIDGES STILL DOWN and river flooding making repairs almost impossible. Route to Maputo (only north to south road in whole country) is still cut off near Beira, so supplies are very limited in Pemba, since supply trucks cannot get through. (only Air or Ship cargos at the moment.) 3. SECOND BRIDGE at Lurio River, which divides us from Nampula City, our biggest northern supply post, is at full flood levels! Flood waters ARE AT THE SAME LEVEL OR FLOWING OVER THIS 300 YARD (METER) WIDE BRIDGE (that is a 50+ foot wall of water). 4. Heavy trucks are not being allowed to pass over the bridge at this time, as it is damaged. No repairs can be done at this time, but small vehicles are allowed to pass one at a time. TOGETHER WE ARE WORLD CHANGERS! Thank you so much for your continued support in prayer and love gifts. Blessings, Bush Bunny Brenda |