Our annual State Level Social Service inspectors dropped by mid-morning Thursday, and stayed till 1.p.m. They checked the children’s records, then visited all the children in their homes, asking the older ones many questions. They also inspected the new children’s home still under construction. This 3 member team departed very satisfied with how our children are progressing in school as well as in their rapid growth rates.
State Children’s Director, State Children’s Lawyer and Balama Director
Our 5 older boys had just left for summer vacation the previous day, but Capena explained that all the boys are very interested in attending the new AGRICULTURALTRAININGCENTER that is being built just outside the Balama city limits. To enter, a student must have completed 10th grade, so it will be another year before our only 10th grader can apply. Three of the boys are in 9th grade and the youngest is in 7th grade.
For the first time, the State Level Delegation of the Mozambican Woman’s Organization (OMM) visited our children giving out lots of hugs, handshakes, and words of encouragement. This 12 member delegation had tears rolling down their cheeks as Capena told them the history of some of the children who now live with us. They left us with many words of encouragement and voiced a need for this type of program in all the Districts.
OMM Director greeting our older girls
Capena and District Administrator with OMM Delegates speaking to the older girls
OMM Director loving on a special needs orphan
An increasing number of people from our area are pumping water from our church’s water well each day. November is the last of the dry months, so many of the area’s wells dry up in October.
To accommodate the increased need, we are opening the well at 4 a.m. so that the “early birds” can beat the rush, and only close it at dark. Our well is deeper than most of the area wells, and is situated in a LARGE water reservoir that has never gone dry.
So we share what we have, so that others may have safe water to drink. After all, our church is called IGREJAAGUASVIVAS. (Living Waters Church)