FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: JUNE 18, 2022 FINALLY! BRINGING IN THE BEANS! Better late than never, as the 108 TONS of beans are finally dry and ready for storage! With a team of 43 men, we had 1,200 sacks (72 TONS), in the barn over the last 2 days. ![]() Capena, Office Manager, weighs 3 sacks of beans at a time while Carlitos Jorge holds the 🔦 torch. Moving 600 sacks weighing 132 lbs./60kg EACH, is no easy task, but these super strong men made it look easy. We begin preparing these beans for long term storage on Monday, June 20th, and will receive the final 600 sacks on Tuesday. So no need to count sheep next week, we will be counting beans in our sleep! ![]() Early bird start at 5a.m. on 2nd day of bean buying. Two of our pick-ups provide lights along with 3 🔦 torches. Keep us covered in prayer, for if all goes as planned, we will move ALL 108 TONS into our bean barn by Wednesday noon. ![]() 1st day’s beans in the barn. 600 sacks total. A BIRD’S EYE VIEW OF OUR MISSION STATION The VP of Orphans Unlimited blessed me this week with a satellite photo from Google Earth of our Balama mission station. I decided to share it with you, so you can see where we live without having to fly over here. The BIG GREEN SQUARE in the lower half of this photo is our 40 acre/16 hector mission station. The town built around us many years after we had purchased this land in 2002. The children’s homes are NOT on our mission property as the children live in the village area just outside our fence. ![]() Satellite photo of our 40 acres/16 hectare mission station in Balama. THE FAR LEFT UPPER CORNER of this GREEN SQUARE shows the food warehouses, which we are working in right now to fill with corn, beans, and rice by the end of July. Follow the dirt road down to the middle of our mission property and the FIRST LONG TIN ROOF in the trees is our office and my home (all under 1 roof). The other buildings are guest homes, and the covered areas where our trucks are parked. THE FAR RIGHT UPPER CORNER (sandy area) is our soccer field, with the All Purpose Food Distribution/Education/Playground Center sitting just north of the soccer field. If you turn LEFT at the Food Center, the dirt road takes you to the LONG BUILDING in the middle of the property. That is our church building. I hope this satellite tour helps you to understand better where every place is that I speak about in my blogs. KEEP THOSE PRAYERS COMING! IT’S LOTS OF WORK TO BRING IN 500 TONS OF FOOD BY END OF JULY! BLESSINGS TO YOU ALL! BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
Author Archives: Kim Hartman
FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: JUNE 11, 2022 PRE-TEENS COME FOR A VISIT National Children’s Month in Mozambique helps to “open the eyes” of the local young people to the important programs in their county. Having these youngsters visit our facility was a first for us, and the children were truly surprised to see such nice homes and loving foster parents. ![]() 17 children from Balama received a tour of 2 of our homes plus the playground. They were truly amazed at our program. Their one-hour visit included our “Victory Home”, the teenage boy’s dorm, and our playground/all-purpose teaching facility. All but one of the children didn’t know such a facility existed in Balama. I found that truly amazing! MOTHERS CONTINUE TO FLOW IN FOR FORMULA Our Baby Formula Assistant Program mostly serves Grandmothers having to raise orphaned Grandbabies, but we do get the occasional mother who doesn’t produce breast milk after birth. Why? Poor nutrition mostly accounts for their lack of breast milk, making it essential to place the infant on a baby bottle. ![]() Abandoned mother and Uncle are shown by Anna how to mix formula for 1.3kg/2.5 lb. Infant. ![]() I was amazed this 1.3 kg/2.5 lb. Infant could bottle feed. Super tiny little girl. Baby girl, Augusta, was born weighing only 1.3 kg/2.5 lbs., but despite her tiny size, she managed to grasp bottle-feeding immediately. THAT was a relief! This little girl needs all our prayers, for she is a high-risk infant due to her size, and the cold temperatures that exist here at this time. HAND POUNDING PRODUCES NUTRITIOUS RICE In our area, Hand Hulling the locally grown rice is the best way to preserve the many nutrients God placed in those tiny kernels. Once a month, we have a “Hulling Party” where all the local widows from our church come together for 5–6 hours to use one of their best skills. Removing the rice hulls by hand leaves all its goodness intact for our children. See video here —> It’s a great social time, as well as provides them a way to earn some pocket money. The rice stays untouched by the heat of hulling machines, and thus provides more nutrition for our children. I call that a “WIN/WIN” situation for all. SALVATION REPORT FOR MAY, 2022 Our 15 District-Wide Village Pastors met on May 31st to give me their salvation reports. CHILDREN: 286 TEENAGERS: 48 ADULTS: 58 GOD IS MOVING STRONGLY AMONG THE YOUTH OF BALAMA DISTRICT! THE WORD SAYS: Raise up a child in the way they should go, and they will not depart from it. The “good ground” (youth) is yielding a large harvest. Please keep these “tender hearts” in your prayers as our leaders show them the Jesus Way to live their lives. BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: JUNE 4, 2022 NATIONAL CHILDREN’S DAY FEAST A SUCCESS June 1st is National Children’s Day in Mozambique. The 1st to 7th graders are given a holiday as it is a day of fun and feasting for the younger children. With 28 fat chickens, 220 lbs/100kg of rice, 33 lbs/15 kgs of Montega beans, and all the “fixings”, these kids had a wonderful party. ![]() Always fun watching our littlest ones tackle those chicken pieces. ![]() Baby Fatima (pink hoody) thoroughly enjoyed the feast! ![]() From the youngest to the oldest, everyone feasted and enjoyed the fellowship! Our Children’s Day Celebration begins by singing God is so Good. See the video at this link—> ![]() Baby Franciano celebrates his first Children’s Day celebration. It’s a bit cool, as it is our “cold season” in Mozambique with chilly temperatures making a sweatshirt necessary, especially for the younger ones. Thanks to your generosity, a 2nd set of warm clothes has now been provided to each child so that the Foster Mothers can “wash one, while the children wear one”. THANK YOU FOR MAKING THIS WONDERFUL PARTY A HUGE SUCCESS! BABY REGINALDA NEEDS OUR PRAYERS “Reggie”, as we call her, was born with fragile bones. Her left femur broke 4 weeks ago but, even with treatment, it has healed bent to the left. MAF (Missions Aviation Fellowship) very generously offered to fly her to see an orthopedic surgeon in Nampula, 7 hours south of Balama. Going by road was out of the question with such fragile bones as this child has. ![]() Baby Reggie takes a plane ride with Missions Aviation Fellowship. She is the only orphan in our family to fly. Foster Mother Angelina thought it was pretty great to make a 7‑hour-drive in 45 minutes with the plane. This surgeon felt that with her being only 15 months old, we should wait before trying to correct the problem. With great disappointment, Reggie was flown back 2 days later, with instructions to be extremely careful when lifting her. She is on the best mineral supplements available to help increase her bone strength. WE NEED A JESUS MIRACLE, and ask that you join with us in praying for her left femur to straighten out, AND for the strengthening of all her bones. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD! THANK YOU and I will keep you posted on her progress. JUNE FOOD BUYING DELAYED UNTIL THE 20TH. With cold temperatures (55°F/15°C nightly and 72°F/23°C daily) and grey cloudy skies, there has been little sun to dry the beans properly. Many may laugh, but for people use to very HOT temperatures, and only thin cotton clothing, this is VERY COLD. That’s why your LOVE GIFTS are so valued, for it allows us to buy the needed clothing to keep our kids warm and healthy. Having to patiently wait for the beans to dry has all of us a bit frustrated. WE NEED STRONG SUNSHINE, so that is also a prayer request. I’ll keep you posted on how it goes over the next 2 weeks. BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
JESUINO SUFFERS FEBRILE CONVULSIONS On Monday at lunchtime, our executive staff was meeting outside under a cashew nut tree, also known as our 2nd office. I was facing our entrance road when I saw our Foster Father, Nuro, running towards us with a child in his arms. Capena and I ran to meet him with Capena carrying the convulsing Jesuino to the nearby table under the cashew nut tree. Anna, Children’s Director, and I raced into my house to grab a large basin and a bucket of water. Outside, Capena was stripping Jesuino’s clothes off him. Putting him into the basin, we began pouring the cool water over his body. His fever was high, as the water turned warm within 1 minute, but his convulsions stopped as the water cooled his body. Praise the Lord, for high fever is a sign of rapid onset Malaria. ![]() Jesuino, age 4, happy at home after his febrile seizure. Wrapped in a cotton “Caplana” (wrap around skirt), we rushed him to the Balama Hospital where a Dr. and Sister Ligia met us at the emergency room. An IV was started, and life-saving medications and fluids were given. A Rapid Malaria Test turned positive immediately, proving what we all suspected—a strong case of malaria. ![]() Jesuino’s Malaria Rapid Test turned positive immediately. Jesuino was admitted for 24-hour observation. He slept until 8pm when he thankfully awoke hungry, and fully aware of everyone around him. The next morning he was released with the normal oral medication that kills the malaria larvae, and had no further problems. Malaria has attacked many children this year in Balama, and not all had such a quick recovery as our Jesuino. OUR STAFF’S QUICK RESPONSE AND THEIR PRAYERS AS WE WORKED TO STOP THE CONVULSIONS, were key in Jesuino’s fast recovery from this killer disease. We are very grateful to the Lord Jesus for answering our prayers for this little boy. BALAMA’S LOCAL LEADERS VISIT OUR CHILDREN The Balama Chief of this Administration Post (a powerful position), as well as the Primary and Secondary School’s Directors requested to visit all 7 of our children’s homes this week. They said they were impressed after reading our 1st quarterly report, and desired to meet all of us. They were truly impressed by all they saw and those they talked with. The Chief said she was very happy to assist Helder, who has completed teacher’s college, to be placed in a job near our mission. Helder is currenly working to tutor our primary school children with their lessons. ![]() Capena, far left, speaking to our 4 visitors on Thursday this week. With many compliments and encouraging words, they left after spending 2 hours talking with the children and their foster mothers. It was great that this influential group now truly knows us and our children, for they have a heart to help them excel. PERSEVERANCE AND PERSISTENCE IN ACTION GRANNY MINIAH (Mee-nii-ah) lost her right leg many years ago during the Mozambican civil war. Instead of sitting at home waiting for a handout, she began to work her farming field sitting down. We met her over 10 years ago, as she was raising her 2 orphaned grandsons in a village about 5km/3 miles from our base. Since she struggled to grow enough food for the 3 of them, we immediately placed her into our weekly food program. We expected her to send a friend to pick up the food, but she actually WALKED the 3 MILES to our give-out on her crutches! Her friend came with to carry the food. NOW THAT IS BEYOND AWESOME, AND SHOWS A TRUE HEART OF LOVE FOR HER GRANDSONS! We soon organized an improved mud hut near our mission station, (mud brick walls with concrete floor and tin roof), to ease her burden, and assist her with the 2 boys who were nearing school age. HER FORTITUDE, AND DOING WHAT SHE COULD TO PROVIDE FOR HERSELF AND OTHERS, DEFINES PERSISTENCE AND PERSEVERANCE. ![]() Persistence and Perseverance are this widow’s motto. BE GRATEFUL TO JESUS, and do what you can with what you have. When she came to live with us, she immediately asked for a farming field. I took this photo on Wednesday this week as she walked home from her farming field with a tub of bean leaves on her head that she had just harvested from that very same field. It is an honor to assist such a strong woman of God, as is our Miniah. YOUR PRAYERS AND LOVE GIFTS MAKE ALL THIS POSSIBLE. THANK YOU FROM ALL OF US AT ORPHANS UNLIMITED. BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
HARVEST DELAYED The rainy season in Balama began 30 days later than normal, which means the harvest is just now being taken from the fields to be dried. Result: Beans will hopefully be dry by middle of June. All corn will only be dry by July. God has provided our children’s June corn needs via our 7‑ton truck driver, Pastor Manel of the Assembly of God. He knows a man who had stored up some of his 2021 corn and talked him into selling it to us. We are most grateful for this awesome provision! ![]() Buying last year’s corn to hold us over until 2022 harvest is ready in July. Our 2021 corn will be finished the first week of June, when we normally would be receiving the 2022 harvest. GOD KNEW WE WOULD NEED CORN, AND HAD A TOTAL STRANGER STORE IT FOR OUR CHILDREN. PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME! BREAKING GROUND FOR NEW TEEN BOYS DORM With over 3 weeks until the food-buying can begin, our bricklayers and I cleared the land and marked the new building site for the older teen boy’s dorm. This land is 2km or 1.2 miles from our mission station on the new main highway, thus easy access for all. With Balama town growing at a fast rate, this is the nearest plot of land that was available, and it was purchased 5 years ago! ![]() Breaking ground for new teen boys dorm. This dorm will be specifically for older teen boys who are in the final 3 years of school, and for those going to technical/professional schools. This leaves the original dorm near our mission for the 5th to 9th graders, as we have at least 5 young boys nearing the 5th grade with another 5 to follow in a few years. The time to take action is now! Our objective is to have this dorm ready by the end of 2022. FRAGILE FRANCIANO RELEASED FROM HOSPITAL This little boy, now 5.5 months, weighs only 3 kg/6.6 lbs. He’s fought and won after 2 bouts of malaria, thanks to 2 life-saving blood transfusions during his first hospital stay when we received him into our family. ![]() Baby Franciano showing weight gain after a week out of the hospital. Since he is so tiny, he can’t take the stronger malaria meds that would wipe out this deadly larvae. Our goal is to help him reach 5kgs/11 lbs. as soon as possible by giving him plenty of milk and high protein infant food (Hypo). Once he is at this weight, he can take the stronger malaria treatment. PLEASE KEEP HIM IN PRAYER AS HE IS EXTREMELY VULNERABLE RIGHT NOW. Your prayers for all of us are greatly appreciated. THANK YOU for helping us make a difference in 1000’s of children’s lives. BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
THE 2 BISHOPS ARRIVE AT LAST! INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR OF MISSIONS, DAVID KAZIMA, AND NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF MOZAMBIQUE, IMMANUEL ZALIRA, were our guests for 5 days this week. ![]() Bishop Kazima, Brenda, and the tall Bishop Zalira at Indian Ocean in Pemba. Our church and orphan projects are all under the umbrella of LIVING WATERS CHURCH, based in Blantyre, Malawi. Our national headquarters is in Tete city, Mozambique. ![]() Rough drawing of Mozambique with Malawi in the middle of the Y. Mozambique has the same land mass as Texas, just stretched out. It is BIG! Arriving in Pemba on Monday afternoon with the MAF (Missions Aviation Fellowship plane), gave us time to get to know each other as we had to stay overnight. ![]() Red and White MAF plane landing at Pemba. The distance from Pemba to Balama is a 4 to 5 hour intense drive (lots of pot holes), and it is not wise to travel after dark. Arriving in Balama on Tuesday, we wasted no time, as lunch was already prepared for us (chicken and rice). We then visited all 7 orphans homes, where these men held and hugged the Toddlers who came to them on their own! This is not normal as they shy from those they don’t know and shows that “Godly love” flows from them. Then off to the hospital to lay hands on, and pray for Baby Franciano. He is taking IV treatment for malaria. Wednesday, the 2 Bishops taught a 3 hour church leadership class to all 16 village Pastors, and the 11 BBC Youth Evangelist team. Wednesday afternoon was spent answering the many questions the Bishops had about all aspects of our program. ![]() Bishop Kazima with Interpretor Whitey, imparting Leadership Training to our Pastors. Early Thursday it was a 5 hour trek back to Pemba, where I continued to answer more questions. These 2 men are VERY HAPPY with our program, and wanted to glean from our evangelism experience in the Bush villages. EARLY FRIDAY MORNING, MAF flew into Pemba from their home base, Nampula, whisking them off to Tete City, 3 hours flight away. It was an intense, power-packed 5 days that I thoroughly enjoyed. Due to the great distance, it is only the 2nd time that Executive Church Officials have been able to visit us. Their Words of Wisdom will long be remembered by all of us. BABY FRANCIANO NEEDS PRAYER FRANCIANO was admitted last weekend with confirmed malaria. At 3.9kg/8,5 lbs. at 5.5 months, he must receive 7 days of IV treatment, not pills, thus admission is mandatory to save his life. PLZ PRAY for the healing of this fragile little one, as he is not digesting his food well. ![]() Foster Mother Estivania and Baby Franciano. GOD’S HEALING POWER IS THE BEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD! The PRAYER OF AGREEMENT is more powerful than any of us can imagine. THANK YOU for your loving support of our children. BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: MAY 7, 2022 9 LITTLE DISCIPLES LEARNING PORTUGUESE Through song and play time, these 9 little sponges, ages 3, 4, and 5, have mastered several Portuguese songs. See video at this link Singing from their hearts with all their might! Click photo for video. ![]() Little Disciples in their classroom. INTRODUCING JANDIRA JANDIRA (Jan Dee rah), is a new addition to our staff with a love for the wee ones, and multiple teaching talents. Her degree in Occupational Therapy along with her Portuguese/English language skills, has her widening the horizons of the Little Disciples as she assists in their learning program. ![]() Jandira, new teacher for the wee tykes and high schoolers. JANDIRA also assists our high school classes by helping them with their Biology and Chemistry lessons. I PRAISE THE LORD for sending us such a “gem” of a teacher. HIGH SCHOOL TEENS NEW GARDEN Our industrious young men decided they wanted to grow their own lettuce vs. spending their house money on it. Their small, but efficiently planned garden, and the ingenious making of a sprinkler can, shows us they are learning to be independent and economical thinkers. I am very proud of them for making these decisions all on their own. ![]() Dorm boys with their private garden. Note their special sprinkler can. FUN IN THE SUN! A few of our primary schoolers had a fun day on our 16 foot/4.8 meter high super slide this week, as we believe the rainy season is now over. It’s a joy to have activities back in full swing! ![]() Primary school kids enjoying the super slide! BECAUSE OF YOUR LOVE, OUR CHILDREN ARE FLOURISHING! ![]() From last week’s blog. Pastor Carlos with Granny and her orphaned grandson. BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: APRIL 30, 2022 DOING WHAT JESUS WOULD DO Pastor Carlos lives in a large village about 30km/18 miles from our base, and has churches in 2 areas. While making his rounds, he met a 47-year-old grandmother who was going hut to hut begging food for the 7 children now living with her. When she told Carlos her story, and that she urgently needed milk for a newborn, he immediately “did what Jesus would do”. A swift ride to Balama on his motorbike with grandmother and baby brought him ALMOST to our our mission station, as he blew a tire when within walking distance. We quickly provided emergency milk for the tiny 2.9kg/6.3lb. infant boy named Jessi. After hearing the WHOLE STORY about Jessi’s 4 orphaned siblings (under 9 years) and Gracinda’s 3 children (under 10), it was obvious this widowed Granny couldn’t cope without help! Because of the distance, and the fact that there was no other family to help, Carlos eagerly agreed to bring Gracinda and baby Jessi in every 2 weeks on his motorbike for milk and food assistance. There was no way she could handle 2 weeks-worth of corn flour and beans for 7 people (24kg/52lbs.), and the infant without a man’s help. YOUR LOVE GIFTS HELPED RESCUE THIS FAMILY FROM A VERY BAD SITUATION. Not only did your gifts provide life-saving baby formula and food, but also the fuel (and a new bike tire), so that Gracinda and the 8 children could stay in the program. Going the “extra mile” means we do whatever it takes to save children in a desperate situation. We are grateful to Pastor Carlos for going “those extra miles” with us. The relief I saw in Gracinda’s face today, tells me our help took a great burden off her shoulders. Baby Jessi is thriving, as he now weighs 3.2kg/7lbs! Gracinda truly loves the children dropped at her door and is doing a great job with raising Jessi. CLEAN WATER = LIFE! Manel and helpers worked for 4 hours to retrieve a broken water well rod and other debris that left a big part of 5,000 families without water for 2 days. When our Naccaca Pastor called us for help, it was pouring barrels of rain! Tlhe next day, cloudy skies prevailed, but the rain had stopped, allowing our team and the villagers to make the repairs. ![]() Water well team and villagers work together to repair the main village well. ![]() Water at last! Everyone is happy, and the non stop pumping begins! YOUR LOVE GIFTS AT WORK! CLEAN WATER IS ESSENTIAL FOR GOOD HEALTH. BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
GOD’S MIGHTY HAND SAVES 3 LIVES On Tuesday, the MAF (Missions Aviation Fellowship) pilot took off from their base in a single engine Cessna to fetch our visiting Bishops from Tete, a 3‑hour flight away. Just 10 minutes out of the airport, the pilot, Ryan, noticed an oil leak coming from the engine. Doing a quick turn-around, he headed back to their base. Oil leaks in plane engines causes the engine to “seize” if the oil level drops below a certain point. If you are in the air when the engine stops, down you go with little control! Ryan’s super alertness and lots of prayer for this trip, saved his life! ![]() Pilot Ryan of MAF. A man of God who listens when the Holy Spirit speaks After receiving the call (I had left at 3:30a.m. and was just 15 miles/33 kms from Pemba), I notified the Bishops that the plane wasn’t coming. They would have to reschedule. I was just super thankful that the Lord showed Ryan the leak at the ONLY possible moment when a crash could be avoided! So Bush Bunny and her faithful sidekick, Mario, a 2nd driver who always travels with me, changed plans and went on a shopping spree! Flexibility is a key item every missionary needs if they are to make the most of rapidly changing plans. I hadn’t been in Pemba since December 15th due to the rainy season road conditions, so much needed groceries and other supplies which are only available in Pemba were purchased. The local children’s clothing store surprised us with the early arrival of winter sweatpants, so an hour later, we left $200 lighter, but with most of the needed sizes for our 58 children. Our Visitors should arrive on May 10th, as that is the next date that both they and a different plane are available. BABY FRANCIANO JOINS OUR FAMILY AT 5 MONTHS, this orphaned tyke had the high fever of malaria, was super anemic (blood count of 4), and only weighed 2.6 kgs/5.7 lbs! His very ancient grandmother and a middle age Uncle had brought him to us, requesting baby formula. In critical condition, this little boy needed more care than they could provide. I rushed him off to the hospital, where he was immediately admitted and a blood analysis with blood type was ordered. By a miracle, a B+ donor was quickly located. By 5pm, he was receiving a life-saving transfusion. Still in a fragile state 2 days later, he received a 2nd transfusion bringing his blood count up to a safe 10. ![]() Tiny Franciano with Foster Mother Estevania, happy to be home from the hospital Released from the hospital on Monday, April 18th with no residual malaria, everyone is now hopeful that he will survive after such overwhelming challenges. Franciano is way too fragile to live in the bush, so with Social Service’s assistance, his family agreed to leave him in our care on April 22nd. GOD’S PLANS ARE ALWAYS THE BEST PLANS! Thank YOU, for your Love Gifts saved the life of this little boy. BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: APRIL 16, 2022 MALAWIAN MOTHER CHURCH SENDS VISITORS International Missions Director, Bishop David Kazima, and our newly appointed National Bishop, Emmanuel Zalira, will arrive in Pemba on April 19th for a 3‑day visit. Neither has ever been here to see our program. Living Waters Church of Blantyre, Malawi, is the founding church for Igreja Aguas Vivas (Church of Living Waters) in Mozambique. IT IS A GREAT HONOR to have these men visit, as Bishop Kazima was on the missions Board who allowed me to register their church in this Province/State way back in 1999. That birthed this massive orphan/church program. We haven’t seen each other since 1999 due to the physical distance between our ministry posts and difficulties in travelling to this area. Both men will tour our entire program as well as meet with our Village Pastors and the BBC while here. ![]() Bishop David Kazima, International Missions Director ![]() Bishop Emmanuel Zalira, National Pastor for Mozambique FRUITS OF OUR PASTORS’ LABOR From January to March, the “rainy season”, our Pastors have trudged through the mud to reach 100’s with the gospel. ![]() Village Pastors in group prayer. Many refugees are now able to return to their northern homes, so our time to reach them with God’s Word has come to an end. SALVATION NUMBERS ARE: ADULTS 206 TEENAGERS 224 CHILDREN 954 REFUGEES 52 A MAJOR MIRACLE occurred when a mother in need of a C‑section was prayed for by one of our Pastors. As the staff was preparing her for the very rough 40km/24 mile ride to the Regional Hospital, THE BABY TURNED IN THE WOMB and was delivered immediately! HALLELUJAH! Thank you Jesus! LARGE PYTHON TRIES TO STEAL A CHILD! The 2 brave men who walk our fence each day heard a woman screaming from her field that a snake was after her baby! The men raced to the area and grabbed the child before this 2.8 METER/9 FT. PYTHON could harm the 1 year old. They then bashed in the snake’s head. ![]() 2.8 meter/9 foot python killed by our fence guards. ![]() Courageous python killers. It is rare to find a python this long in our area, so it was shown all around our area before finally being buried. Non poisonous, but still deadly, it has a gripping bite that holds a small animal, or child, while they squeeze their prey until they suffocate. Moral: Not everthing that hugs means to say “I love you”. Happy Resurrection Day! BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |