FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: JULY 30, 2022 WHAT CAME IN NOW GOES OUT Our barns are FULL!!! ![]() 308 TONS OF CORN! ![]() 108 TONS OF BEANS! ![]() Last but not least. 90 TONS OF RICE IN THE HULL! The food has already started going out to those orphans and widows in the Balama area as they have only small farms which cannot sustain them for over a month. Our staff distributes food each Wednesday to our Children’s Homes at our mission, and each Thursday to the widows and orphans living near us. AGAIN THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO TO MAKE OUR “JOSEPH PROJECT” possible. In the Bible, God told Joseph to store up food for the next 7 “good years”, because a famine was coming that would last another 7 years. Each year we store up for the “time of hunger” that we know is coming from October to December. This is the peak of the dry season when nothing will grow, and many widows run out of even their starvation food (casava root). The Joseph Project provides those widows and orphans with life sustaining food so they won’t starve before the rains begin in late December and food can be grown again. LISTENING TO THE LORD is what makes our program such a big help to all. But it takes YOU listening to the LORD also, for this program “takes all of us” to make it a huge success. THANK YOU LORD FOR LISTENING EARS! GOD’S ANGELS PROTECT EVA FROM NEAR DEATH DISASTER ![]() Sweet Eva ® and her Grandmother Elisa. Eva is happy to be almost healed after being hit by a bad driver on a motorcycle. Eva was one of the first orphans we began to help in 2002 when I first started the Joseph Program. Her Grandmother Elisa had to raise Eva after her mother died of dysentery while visiting from another area. Eva was born with Cerebral Palsy, but is remarkable in that she talks, sings, walks, runs, jumps, and helps her Grandmother with household chores. Eva was doing one of those “chores” when a motorcyclist using bad judgement hit her as she returned from the local market with tomatoes for their evening meal. Eva was walking where she was supposed to be on the shoulder of the road, when a motorcyclist passed on the WRONG SIDE of the road, crossing the yellow stripe, and striking her as she left the market. FIFTEEN STITCHES LATER ON THE BACK OF HER HEAD, HER LEFT ARM, AND LEG, PLUS A HUGE SKIN ABRASION ON HER BACK where she slid on the tar road, Eva was released from the Emergency Room and sent home. I change her dressings daily to protect her stitches and treat her “road burn”. Most people hit by a speeding motorbike are not so fortunate as our EVA, for many are killed upon impact. THANK YOU JESUS FOR GUARDIAN ANGELS AROUND OUR CHILDREN! REMOTE VILLAGE EAGER TO KNOW JESUS! ![]() Our Pastoral Team of 14 Pastors and 2 assistants came to our monthly meeting yesterday with some fabulous stories of villagers eager to know JESUS! Pastor Gito requested help in a new area he was serving called “Mumbe” (Mum-bee) where the adults and children have requested he tell them all about Jesus. All the Pastors reported a steady influx of new people into their churches. SALVATIONS IN JULY: ADULTS-58, TEENAGERS-75, CHILDREN-420! The children are begging for our Bush Bikers for Christ (BBC) to come have “Sunday School” with them. PRAY, for we hope to get permission to restart this fantastic evangelistic outreach again in August. We hope to talk with government officials this coming week to get their decision on this. Before the Covid outbreak which shut down this program, our teams were reaching over 21,000 children in many villages EACH WEEK with the love of JESUS! WITH GOD, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE, so please join with us in asking God to reopen this door. BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |