FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: JULY 9, 2022 CORN, CORN, AND MORE CORN! The majority of our staff’s whole week has centered around the corn buying with the photos pretty much telling the story. The remainder of the corn will be weighed and stored this coming week, completing this monumental task, so we can move on to buying rice. With more and more baby orphans showing up here weekly, our plan to fill the barns to capacity is more important than ever. ![]() Corn Mountain will feed over 1,500 Orphans and Widows for next 12 months Yesterday we thought our work was done when an anemic, orphaned, 7‑month-old baby girl was brought to us by the grandmother at 1pm. We gave them baby formula and Hypo baby food, teaching them how to properly feed this little one. They will now be attended each week at our Balama program, along with the 32 other orphaned infants receiving weekly assistance. (no photo to respect family wishes). ![]() 2,500 sacks of corn went through our scale this week. ![]() 78 TONS stacked for distribution from August to November. YOUR LOVE GIFTS ARE INVALUABLE AS LIFE IS NOT POSSIBLE FOR THESE INNOCENT LITTLE ONES TOTALLY DEPENDENT ON INFANT FORMULA THAT HAS RISEN FROM $5 TO $6/CAN. BITTER COLD SWEEPS BALAMA AREA With temperatures down in the low 50’s°F/15°C at dawn, and high winds constantly picking up and throwing dirt across people’s yards, few venture outside until the sun comes out to warm the air. The normal temps are always in the 90’s°F/33°C for 10 months of the year, so this big drop in temperature makes it very cold for all of us. THE WARM SWEAT SUITS YOUR LOVE GIFTS provided to our children are keeping them warm and healthy. THANK YOU FOR THIS PRECIOUS GIFT! ![]() Our little ones bundled up against the cold. Now back to the barns on Monday to finish the corn. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS FOR OUR SAFETY. BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |