FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: JANUARY 29, 2022 RUN FAST, PLAY HARD! The rainy season leaves us few dry days, but our children are taking advantage of every minute. Hard rains hit on Monday, but by Tuesday, the playground was dry. It is amazing watching our youngest sharpening newly learned play skills each week. ![]() First graders having a “co-ed” soccer game to release all that pent up “rainy day” energy. From the toddlers to the preschoolers, all are staying happy and health as they “chase the balls” during play time. ![]() Watch this video of our 3‑year-olds having a “ball”! —> We only have 7 children in the 3- to 5‑year-old age group right now, but look out, because the 11 toddlers turning 2 years old this year will soon be in the mix! Watch as Baby Juma shows off his “dancing” skills learned from watching others. —> ![]() Adelaide and Chebany having a sandbox chat! ![]() Capena having some fun time with our toddlers at house #6, the Zebra house. HOUSE BURNS, LEAVING 2 ORPHANS WITH THE CLOTHES ON THEIR BACKS. These 2 youngsters, ages 11, and 9, were part of a Child Headed Household run independently of our help by their 18-year-old brother. Over the Christmas holidays, their mud hut caught fire, leaving them homeless. Social Services requested our assistance as the children were left with nothing. ![]() Two orphans from Child Headed Household now able to live with their aunt after their hut burned to the ground. The 18-year-old teen found a place to live, but the 11-year-old boy, and his 9‑year-old sister were not so fortunate. THANKFULLY, a “family search” located an Aunt who agreed to share her mud hut with them, but she had little food to spare. THANKS TO YOUR LOVE GIFTS, our staff was able to assist them with emergency food and clothing, and placed the 3 of them in our Thursday food give-out. THE HANDS OF JESUS REACH THE “LOST AND DESTITUTE” BECAUSE YOU CARE. THANK YOU FROM ALL OF US AT ORPHANS UNLIMITED. BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
Author Archives: Kim Hartman
FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: JANUARY 22, 2022 PLAY HARD WHEN THE SUN SHINES! Our children are doing exactly that in these photos and videos. ![]() Daily Praise and Worship is a favorite with all our children. Preschoolers showing off with their energetic rendition of “God Is So Good”, Deus e tambom in this video. –> We had an all-night rain storm in Balama on Monday that had us standing in water. But sandy loam soil dries quickly, signaling “PLAYTIME” for all our children who have an abundance of energy after being cooped up for a day. School starts at the end of the month, so in their minds, there is no time to waste! Sandra, 1st grader, shows off her skills at the Moz version of “Jacks” in this video —> ![]() Preschoolers share the swings as soon as the rains are gone. Click on the photo or this link to see Little Santos, on left, as he pushes his schoolmate for a higher swing.‑E ![]() Primary schoolers have a quick game of soccer. YOUR LOVE GIFTS KEEP THESE CHILDREN HEALTHY AND HAPPY. THANK YOU FOR GIVING TO THE LORD’S WORK AT OUR MISSION STATION. Blessings, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: JANUARY 15, 2022 ELECTRICITY COMING OUR WAY Electric hook-ups are scheduled for February 2022 for any home that is properly wired. Two electricians have worked long hours since January 3rd to wire all 7 of our orphan homes. House #7 is due to be completed today, meaning that we are by ready when the juice is hooked up. ![]() Electricians wiring House #7, the Leopard House. It’s an exciting milestone for all our staff, as nighttime call-outs for sick children will be a bit easier with lights in their rooms. TWO OF OUR YOUNGEST, NOW ON THEIR FEET! Chebany began to take shaky steps this week, and Baby Gilda makes her debut by standing independently. How time flies as our “baby houses” are becoming Toddler Homes. ![]() Gilda in middle standing independently for first time. Adelina, 3, on left, with Maezinha, almost 2, on right. See Chebany learning to walk at this YouTube link. —> Rains knocked out most of our outdoor games for the older children this week, but that’s the rainy season way. ![]() Foster Mother Cecelia entertains our youngest while their Foster Mothers prepare lunch and wash clothes. Note: Exam results for our 2 young men who tested will not be out till next week. Helder, our Teacher Graduate will do his first job interview next week. Please keep him in your prayers, as he is a bit nervous. With many “Duck Days” ahead through February, we thank you for your prayers that all will stay healthy. (A duck day is a rainy day, as only the ducks are happy!) MANY BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: JANUARY 8, 2022 CHEBANY STANDS INDEPENDENTLY! Another milestone for baby Chebany, as he finally grasped how to balance. After taking this photo, I gently took his hands and leaned him forward to nudge him into taking 2 steps before he sat down. ![]() Chebany stands independently for the first time. We are very happy for this little boy, who had a very rough start in life. His mother passed away when he was 11 days old, leaving a very sick Chebany in the care of an unloving father and uncle. Chebany was admitted to the hospital for a serious respiratory infection, where his father abandoned him 1 day later, and hasn’t been seen since. With loving care, lots of medical help, and proper nutrition, this fragile, malnourished infant now weighs 8.4 kg/18.5 lbs. at 13 months of age. Everyone calls him Alegria (JOY), as he is smiling or laughing most of the time. WE PRAISE GOD FOR EVERY MILESTONE HE MAKES, AS HE HAS BEATEN THE ODDS AGAINST HIM THANKS TO JESUS’ HEALING POWER. CLEAN WATER = LIFE Our water well repair team has been super busy throughout December. Hand pump water wells are PUMPED 24 HOURS A DAY from October until the rainy season begins, as all hand dug bucket wells dry up. Excessive use leads to breakdowns, and no other water sources are available to 1,000’s of people. ![]() Pulling out the ‘guts’ of a broken water well as 2 inner tubes had cracked. ![]() Repairing a broken top tube in a well doesn’t require pulling out all the tubes. Our team repairs hand pump water wells each year in both Balama and Meluco counties which serves the village orphans that your love gifts support. From December 27th to the 30th our team repaired 5 high use water wells in Meluco County. These wells are the sole source of water for more than 10,000 people. ![]() Put it all back together and the reward is clean water for the village. These are YOUR LOVE GIFTS AT WORK, for the lack of clean water brings disease and death, leaving behind more orphans. THANK YOU FOR SAVING LIVES BY SUPPORTING THIS ESSENTIAL PROJECT. BLESSINGS BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: JANUARY 1, 2022 HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL! ALL OUR SCHOOL CHILDREN PASSED INTO THE NEXT GRADE! Those results were announced Monday, making everyone very happy! With only 2 days of school per week and LOTS OF HOMEWORK for each child, this is truly amazing. SANDBOX FUN! Manel and a crew of 6 men took our 6‑ton-truck and loaded it with fresh sand TWICE in order to fill all 6 of our huge sand boxes where our younger kids practically live during daytime hours. Mama Brenda, as the children call me, followed with a give-out of sand box trucks, front-end loaders, and backhoes for the boys. The girls received kitchen tea sets with replicas of food, plates, and cooking pans. The photos show the smiling faces! ![]() Isaura enjoys a sip of “tea” from her new tea set. ![]() Our 3 amigos, plus Dixon (far right) enjoy the new sand and dump truck toys. ![]() The balls were a BIG HIT with our toddlers. video —> ![]() Anselmina and Chebane get super excited over their new ball while Salvador (being held by Foster Mother) isn’t too sure of this new “thing”. video —> We are grateful to the Lord Jesus, and all His helping hands (YOU) for making our whole year cheery and bright. OUR STAFF PRAY FOR ALL OF YOU! MAY 2022 BE A GREAT YEAR FOR ALL OF US, AS EACH DAY BRINGS US CLOSER TO OUR LORD’S RETURN. MANY BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: DECEMBER 24, 2021 A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL OF YOU! ![]() From our family to yours, MERRY CHRISTMAS! OUR CHILDREN TRULY ENJOYED THE HOLIDAY CHICKENS YOU PROVIDED! The photos of the Christmas Party tell only some of the story. Singing and even joyful dancing and jumping in place were how our exuberant children showed their love for Jesus as the party began. The cooks had a bit of a challenge deboning 60 lbs/ 30 kgs of cooked chicken for the main course, but thankfully they figured it out, and it was very tasty. Not a speck of food was left after feeding 142 children and Foster Moms! ![]() Our youngest enjoying their 1st Christmas party. ![]() Lining up for Christmas treats. TOYS FOR TOTS, AND A SHOPPING FOR THE TEENAGERS! Your love gifts bought large cars for the young boys, stuffed dolls for the little girls, and much more. Balls, tea sets, and sand hauling front end loaders will be given out next week after all sandboxes get fresh loads of sand for the rainy season. ![]() Your love gifts provided toys for the under-10-year-olds, and $8 in cash for the older children so they could go shopping! Smiles all around! ![]() Toddler Julio wants the red car we gave Chebany. Typical Christmas morning ‘tussles over toys’ with our little ones. I like to spread out the fun and candy between Christmas and New Years, giving a little at a time. THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR PRAYERS AND GENEROUS LOVE GIFTS DURING 2021. WE ARE TRULY HONORED TO BE GOD’S HANDS. SAVING THESE INNOCENT LIVES IS HARD WORK, BUT “IT TAKES A VILLAGE”. TOGETHER WE ARE SAVE LIVES, BOTH PHYSICALLY AND SPIRITUALLY. GOD’S BLESSINGS AND MERRY CHRISTMAS! BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: DECEMBER 18, 2021 HELDER GRADUATES TEACHERS SCHOOL! Helder is the first of our youth to get into and graduate from a school of higher learning! We are so, so proud of him. ![]() Helder on graduation day. As I write, Helder is on his way back to Balama with our 4 staff members who attended his graduation. I stayed with the other 57 children as they had a visit this a.m. from 2 companies who brought lots of goodies for them. (See story below). What’s next for Helder? He will start the application procedure to get a job with a School District hopefully in Balama District or a District nearby. Helder is now qualified to teach 1st to 7th grades. PRAY! For he needs “divine intervention” as the other 224 graduates are also looking for jobs. A very competitive situation for sure but we serve a God whose specialty is moving mountains! ![]() Yummy food gifts from CIS and Twigg companies. GRAPHITE MINE GIFTS GOODIES TO OUR CHILDREN Two companies (CIS AND Twigg, who are both part of the Graphite Mine just 6 miles from us) gifted us with 160 sack lunches, rice, milk, cereal, cooking oil, pasta, and 80 kgs/176 lbs. of 2 different kinds of frozen meat. What a treat! ![]() Every child received a sack lunch with a sandwich, chips, apple, and fruit juice. Our friend who is hosting our freezer full of Christmas chickens, kindly allowed us room in his large freezer to put 75% of the meat. The rest we distributed to each of our homes for a fun supper tonight, as it was beef balls that were frozen solid! The other items will be given out next week. ![]() The kids were in awe of their yummy sack lunches. God never ceases to surprise us as we made new friends today, who hopefully can help our teenagers, both boys and girls, with technical training. More on that next year. GOD IS GREAT, AND GREATLY TO BE PRAISED! A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL YOU DO THROUGH PRAYER AND LOVE GIFTS SO OUR CHILDREN CAN EXCEL IN WHAT GOD HAS FOR THEM TO DO. BLESSINGS BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: DECEMBER 11, 2021 EXCEPTIONAL FAMILY SHARES THEIR LOVE Wednesday afternoon a young couple walked in with an orphaned infant needing milk. Nothing unusual about that until we read the Social Services letter. This young couple were doing something few family members would do. Take in FOUR orphans after the wife’s sister passed away 2 days ago. Usually the children are split up between several family members. ![]() Hidina and her husband with orphaned infant named Delfina. Hidina and her husband have 3 children of their own, ages 4, 2, and 3 MONTHS! They are accepting responsibility for a 6‑week-old infant girl, plus her three siblings, ages 4, 7, and 10. We immediately accepted the orphans into our food program and gave this couple 2 large cooking pans. They most certainly need all the help they can get, as their family more than doubled in 1 day! I asked how they planned to handle 2 infants, and they assured me that the grandmother would assist. NOW THAT IS LOVE! ![]() Grandmother and Hidina’s husband brought Baby Delfina and her 3 sisters to receive food on Thursday. We will be observing and assisting these children with clothes and other items as this couple will need maximum help with their new “extended” family. Please keep them in prayer. At the moment, all 4 orphans are healthy, just a bit confused as to what is going on. THANK YOU FOR MAKING THIS POSSIBLE. BUSH BUNNY TIDBITS: 1. HOUSE #6 receives a roof over the sand pit/concrete play area just in time for the rainy season. Now that our infants are all walking, they needed a dry place to play for the next 4 months of the rainy season. ![]() House #6 gets a roof over their sandpit and concrete play area before the rains hit 2. BABY SALVADOR (House #6) is all tuckered out after watching the construction crew build a roof over his sandpit. The new portable baby beds I had made are lightweight, and allow our mothers to have the children nap outside in the shade while they work. Much safer now that these tykes can climb out of bed themselves! ![]() Toddler Salvador eagerly watched the building activity until he played out, taking a nap on one of the portable baby beds I had made 3. House #7 infants Fatima (now walking) but sitting in Foster Mother’s lap in photo, as well as Babies Gilda and Susanna (on right), all look on as Mama Gilda prepares food for lunch. ![]() 3 mothers from House #7 make good use of the shade tree while preparing food and watching their little ones. With temps at 97°F/36°C, the shade of a great Mango Tree is the coolest place around. FYI: Gilda (11 months) and Susanna, (7 months), are just now strong enough to sit up alone. A real milestone as they were both super tiny at birth. 4. The Christmas Chickens (30KG/66lbs.) are in our own small chest freezer (locked), and being energized by electricity at a nearby friend’s home until the Christmas party on December 23rd. Electricity is coming to our homes, hopefully just after Christmas. More on that after the holidays. WE ARE MOST GRATEFUL TO ALL WHO CONTRIBUTED TO THE FABULOUS CHRISTMAS PARTY WE HOPE TO HAVE FOR THE CHILDREN THIS YEAR! YOU ARE ALL SO LOVING AND KIND TO DO THIS FOR OUR CHILDREN. 🤗❤🐇 BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: DECEMBER 4, 2021 GIANT MANGO TREE A SHADY BLESSING The sun was intense as temperatures soared to 101°F/38°C, but our 150+ year old giant Mango tree at the playground gave shade that was “just right” for games, art, and dramas this week. Jess and Steph went all out to “make their day” as the children worked on art, learned to “10-pin bowl”, and cheered as David took down Goliath! ![]() Art on the shaded sidewalk. ![]() DAVID takes out Goliath even though he wore a motorcycle helmet! The crowd cheers this victory! Click photo for video.… See David v. Goliath video –> Ten Pin bowling the Balama way! Video–> ![]() Steph teaching the crab crawl. ![]() Jess teaching a paddicake game. ![]() De Bush Bunny shared Rummykub fun with our visitors. These 2 wonderful ladies flew back to S. Africa yesterday, Dec. 3rd, and are greatly missed by all of us. They left behind many smiling faces and new games which the children dearly love playing. THANK YOU JESS AND STEPH FOR BRINGING NEW JOY TO ALL OUR CHILDREN THESE LAST 2 WEEKS. BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: NOVEMBER 27, 2021 VISITORS A HUGE SUCCESS! This week Jessica and Stephanie held art classes, taught the children new games, and held puppet classes! The Puppet classes excited everyone, as most of the younger children were too little to become Puppeteers when this was taught several years ago. So, this time, a bench full of little boys got their turn at making the puppets talk. ![]() Making party hats in art class. Smiles and squeals of laughter were heard far and wide, as the children made up their own puppet skits. They practiced with both animal and children puppets. ![]() Happy boys as they learn to work the mouth of a puppet. Our children made up their own puppet skit and presented it to the class. Click the photo or link below to see the video. Youth Leader Bertino gave the class a real scare when he slowly eased the huge leopard puppet under the curtain at floor level while all the children were looking up at the puppet show. The Leopard caused even more screams and laughter, but at least the kids stayed in the room! We learned our lesson long ago that the snake puppet used in the Adam and Eve story must stay in its box! All children, with good reason, are scared of the deadly Mambas and Adders (rattlesnakes) in our area. A visiting team used the snake in a Sunday School class about 10 years ago, and found out how fast 100 kids could jump through windows! The room was completely empty in 60 seconds! So sneaky snake, who normally stays hidden, is now being used to guard the front door of Jess and Steph’s house! These young ladies are quite resourceful. You open the door to walk into their house, and meet the snake hanging on a piece of furniture at eye level. It does give one a fright, if you don’t know it is a fake! ![]() Jess with the snake puppet and Stephanie holding the leopard puppet. We have had a “thankful week” for all that God has provided for us. We prayed that all of you had a great week also. BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |