From: “Brenda Lange”
Date: December 10, 2011 3:29:13 AM CST
Subject: Blog, Dec. 10, 2011
Thanks to a very generous family foundation out of Dallas, TX, I was able to order the NISSAN UD 70 truck from the South African factory last Thursday.
If all goes as planned, Eric should be able to pick it up in Maputo in Mid-April, just in time for food buying in May.
This means:
1. With government permission, we now have the capability to expand in 2012 to help the orphans of Namuno county just 20 miles south of us. This is the area where a tornado levelled 5 villages in October.
The governor declared it a disaster area, and your love gifts provided them with 6 tons of food to help 100+ families get a restart in life.
We wanted to open an orphan program there this year, but were hindered because the government would not allow us to expand until our program is re-licensed (our documents are at the national capital now for approval), AND our one truck was already stretched to its limits serving the 1,600 orphans in the program plus the 115 orphans we added at the Elephant Village.
2. FOR 6 YEARS our food distribution program was at great risk with only 1 truck and 1 tractor to do all the work for food buying, distributing, and construction.
Each Year, our 6 ton Nissan hauled over 100 TONS of corn, beans (500 tons bought and 500 tons distributed), as well as most of the construction supplies needed for new churches, and orphan homes. IF IT HAD BROKEN DOWN then many children would have suffered hunger until it was fixed.
Repairs are not easily done since spare parts have to come from over 1000 miles away.
God was faithful and helped Eric Dry, our Associate Manager and master diesel mechanic, to keep it in great shape.
We had NO breakdowns in 6 years, other than flat tires due to hitting tree stumps in the bush.
This truck will continue working side by side with the new truck to benefit this program.
3. The 2nd truck will save time and money, as several of our distribution sites needed 7 tons of food.
Our current truck had to make 2 loads to get it all out there, but this truck can do it in one load.
4. We’ll also be able to organize TWO PROGRAMS in different counties on the same day, meaning we can serve many more children at the same time.
This bunny is so happy that words can’t describe my JOY!
The Bush Bunny is HOPPING HIGH!
God is making a way for us to RESCUE UNLIMITED NUMBERS OF ORPHANS.
When I received God’s vision for the Moz. orphans, He showed me a SEA OF CHILDREN’S FACES.
God’s “sea of faces” is starting to roll in.
PRAYER NEEDS for 2012:
We are asking the Lord for a 2nd truck driver, food warehouse #4 and 50 tons of food to fill that warehouse, so we can bless at least 300 orphans in Namuno county in 2012.
We also need to pray in the right Pastor/Administrator to run the Namuno project.
TWO MORE MISSIONARIES will be needed to handle this expansion, as Eric and I already handle a heavy leadership work load with those we serve in 2 counties.
A small FOOD WAREHOUSE and church will be needed in Namuno, as none exists.
Together, we can walk “hand in hand” with the least of these that Jesus has asked us to rescue.
Dixon is not out of danger yet, but after 30 days in the hospital, he’s putting on weight and looking very happy.
The Balama Dr. told me that EVERYONE who visits the hospital hears about Dixon’s fighting spirit and the fact that he always greets you with a smile.
The JOY he radiates is infectious and has blessed us all.
His first “weigh in” at our Balama Baby Care Center revealed his continued weight gain, and a stronger hand grip.
He is approaching 5 months, and will be started on rice cereal next week.
Within 2 weeks we hope to have him eating the high protein HYPO cereal with immune system boosters.
Once he can eat this, he will gain weight and build his natural immunities very quickly.
All our malnourished babies do very well on Hypo.
BABY AMEDO is the severely malnourished and anemic 3 year old we rescued 2 weeks ago when his parents brought him for prayer at the Pequaria church.
He was given a ride home last Saturday when the hospital released him after a successful transfusion. Our biggest challenge was finding someone willing to donate blood.
The locals here are very superstitious about this and most only donate to a family member.
His father and mother were too anemic and malnourished themselves to be donors. Once we found out Dixon’s blood type (there is no cross matching possible in our area), we began the search for a man with O+ blood. I’m O+ but they refuse to take a foreigner’s blood. It must be a Mozambican to reduce the risk of a reaction.
Pastor Jose, our new youth pastor/evangelist, gladly gave to save this little boy’s life.
We dropped them in Pequaria with a bag of food and Hypo Cereal for Amedo.
The whole family which includes a 5 year old sister and a baby brother, will enter our nutritional program to help them all regain their health.
Corn and Bean seeds will be taken to them when I go teach tomorrow at the church. They were starving, so ate their seed corn to stay alive.
Your Love Gift of seed will help this family become self-sufficient once again.
FYI: Pastor Jose will take my place in ministering at the Pequaria church while I’m in the USA in Feb. and March.
The Naccaca church is now open with a fast growing congregation after 2 meetings with over 60 adults and 30 children.
Kwe Kwe church reports that it is “bulging at its seems” on Sundays as many flock to hear about this “Jesus” who heals diseases.
GOD IS MOVING IN BALAMA COUNTY like nothing I’ve ever seen before.
P.S. Due to limited e‑mail service here, I do not receive Facebook, Linked In, or any other services of that type.
Thanks for asking me, but joining up on these programs is not possible.
Due to “iffy” internet this week, I am sending this blog a bit early.
If anything exciting happens Sunday, by assured, you will hear about it!
Blessings, Bush Bunny Brenda and the Balama staff