FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: MARCH 13, 2021 GOD’S AMBASSADORS DELIVER LIFE SAVING SUPPLIES On March 9th, Dave H., a missionary pilot, flew into southern Mozambique to fetch a load of assorted life saving supplies that included Hypo cereal for malnourished infants. May seem like a small thing to many, but this trip took weeks of planning by our ground team. Pilot Dave unloading the Hypo packets. The Hypo Plus Power Food is an instant cereal with 23% soy protein and 23 vitamins and minerals. Mixed with warm infant formula, Hypo provides our malnourished infants with what their body desperately needs for steady weight gain and building muscle mass. MUCH THANKS TO THE PILOT, DAVE, AND OUR LAND CREW OF ERIC, CHANELLE, AND SIMBA, WHO WORKED LONG HOURS TO COORDINATE AND TRANSPORT THESE ESSENTIAL SUPPLIES. See the video of the missionary plane landing on a dirt strip near us at this link. CHRISTIANO FIRST TO BENEFIT FROM HYPO Christiano, still in the hospital, began eating his power-packed Hypo food yesterday, and is tolerating it well. Due to a 500gm (1 lb.) weight loss caused by his severe gastrointestinal infection, Christiano will remain in the hospital until his frail little body has gained weight. Hopefully, with the Hypo now in the mix, his stay can be shortened. PLEASE CONTINUE PRAYING FOR HIS FULL RECOVERY. Christiano needs your prayers. Cristiano is so tolerant of all that is going on, and I praise the Lord for our “Miracle Mother”, Vanessa, for all her hard work as his primary care giver. DIXON’S mother is the relief mother working with Vaneza at the hospital. No one knows better than her how a diet with Hypo can save a child. Her son, Dixon was in this same critical condition at 4 months old. Thanks to Hypo and good care, Dixon is now a strong 8‑year-old in 2nd grade! 8‑year-old Dixon and his pet chicken. (inset) Dixon when he first came to our O.U. family at 4‑months-old and received life-saving hypo. THREE TEENS FACE MAJOR EXAM ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17TH Please keep Helder, Ali, and Alferes in prayer as this exam can open the door to 18 months of teachers training for these three hard-working orphans. They are the first orphans in our program to qualify for higher education. Helder, Ali, and Alferes take life changing exam this week. THE FIRST FRUIT OF THE LAST 18 YEARS! THANK YOU FOR MAKING THIS POSSIBLE FOR THESE YOUNG MEN. BLESSINGS BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |