FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“DATE: MAY 23, 2020 ANOTHER TRIPLET IN TROUBLE Triplet Filomena from Rovuma Village developed a respiratory infection on Wednesday making it hard for her to drink from a bottle. When her family brought her to our Thursday weigh-in the next day, she had lost 125 gms. This shows just how serious any sickness can be for an infant that only weighed 1.75 kg (3.85 lbs) in her 2nd week of life. Her third-week-weight dropped to 1.6kg (3.52 kg). ![]() Triplet Filomena on back of father. She is so fragile it made my heart ache as they left for home. Please keep her in prayer, as she received medicine for her infection, but without the help of Jesus, we know her chances to recover are low. Her sister and brother are both doing well at this time. The cold temperatures (15ºC/55ºF) in the early a.m. is not helping the situation. This is UNUSUALLY COLD for May. THANK YOU FOR PRAYING FOR ALL OF THESE BABIES. MEET THE “7TH OF ABRIL” ORPHANS Carlitos Jorge, leader of the BBC Motorbike Teams, uncovered these 9 orphans and their grannies 18 months ago in a very remote village named “7th of ABRIL” during his evangelistic outreach. The 3 grannies and all 9 orphans were suffering from severe malnutrition, with some of them too weak to walk more than a few steps. Since it takes about 2 hours in a 4‑wheel-drive vehicle to get there on a very bad road, Carlitos suggested his BBC Team of 3 motorbikes take weekly food and other needed items to them on their normal BAWANA GAMES trip to that village. Six months later, the children were stronger and ready to attend school, so school materials were given out and off they went to learn their ABC’S. ![]() 9 orphans with grannies, now healthy and proud to show off their new sweat shirts your love gifts provided. This photo shows them 18 months after joining our program (2 weeks ago), and as you can see, all of them are looking healthy, including the grannies caring for them. Carlitos took them their winter sweat shirts which they proudly show off in the photo. With the schools closed these last 90 days, Carlitos and assistant Daniel visited them once every 2 weeks to take their food to them. YOUR LOVE GIFTS ARE AT WORK, MAKING A BIG DIFFERENCE IN THE LIVES OF THE INNOCENT. THANK YOU FROM ALL OF US WHO EAGERLY SERVE SO THAT THESE CHILDREN CAN HAVE A FUTURE. BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA TEAM |