Email in Mozambique is down again. If you have sent email to Brenda in the past few days she hasn’t been able to read it. If it is something you need a prompt reply to, please resend it to the Texas office, linda@orphansunlimited.org. Brenda calls via our SAT phone each morning and I can relay emergency messages. (I pray by the time you read this blog the email service will be restored.)
Yesterday the final bags of beans were processed and stored away in the barns of Orphans Unlimited in Mozambique. One hundred ten (110) tons of beans will provide food for our children and foster mothers for the coming year with ample supply to feed those in the villages who are in need.
I tried to do the math on how many servings of beans is in 110 tons. Using my one pound bag of pinto beans as a measure to begin with , I estimated eight,(8) servings per each pound of beans. Brenda says the diet of the village people is based on beans, corn, some rice and the vegetables they can grow. Some years there are more rewards from their home gardens and some years none. So counting with my “pinto bean” scientific method there are enough beans to feed 1,760,000 servings*we are assuming U S Tons as the measure, divided by 365 days, divided by 3 meals a day, these beans will feed 1,607 people for a year. If beans are on the menu for 2 meals a day, these beans will sustain 2,411 people for one year.
We are so grateful for our summer missionaries who arrived just on time to help bring in the food harvest.Thanks to Don, Kaylan, David and Bryce.
There will be a one week pause in food processing before the corn crop buying begins. This week our team will have some time to work with the youth and share the Bread of Life, Jesus, with those who are spiritually hungry. Thanks to all the team for your labor and your vision as you adjust to life in the bush.
I am enclosing a precious picture of Brenda and one of the new baby goats. I hope you like it,too.
Thanks again for your continuing support. Without your prayers and financial provision Orphans Unlimited could never provide for these least of these.
Linda Ferguson
Orphans Unlimited