From: “Brenda Lange”
Subject: Blog, Sept. 24, 2012
Date: September 24, 2012 7:52:55 AM CDT
Two more Mommy goats had babies this weekend and we finally got a GIRL!
The 2nd baby was a boy. To keep a breeding herd going, we need more girls. I’m glad we sold Appaloosa, cause it seems he only makes boys.
Thanks to Eric and Samanatha, we had 2 healthy cooks for over the weekend. Eric and Sam made roast chicken with mashed potatoes for the 2 of us sickies. Important to keep to a bland diet when tummies aren’t too keen on fried or spicy foods.
I’m finally back to my “normal bunny hop” and Leona is much stronger today, as it is her 3rd day of treatment. Tomorrow is a holiday, so we expect to be back to full strength at the corn barns on Wed. Keep them “mealies” rolling is our cry! Gotta get them sacked and stacked as we have more food distributions coming.
Capena, my office manager, just got in from Namuno District where he began organizing the next food distributions. He spoke to both Pastors to see how the last 2 Sundays went. Pastor Annefe (Ah-nah-fee) in Shimweely has 39 people attend last Sunday at his first meeting. Pastor Ali has 28 people attend at his home in Namuno town and will start working with the 3 villages this week. So all is moving forward as these men “break new ground” for Jesus!
ZITO is walking with his crutches for short distances. I made the challenge, so now have to come up with a toy by this Sunday for his reward in distance crutch walking!
All is well this side.
Bush Bunny Brenda