On Saturday I went out to see the goats and inspect the new corral we just built for the 4 “teenage” boy goats who now think they are ready to be Daddies.
They keep chasing the little girl goats, so it was time to give everyone a rest by keeping them apart during the lunch break.
Just as I arrived, 3 goats were born and they were ALL GIRLS! Yippee and Praise the Lord!
One set of twins from the goats in barn Number 1 which is where all the individual donor’s goats live, and one single birth from Barn No. 2, which is the Butler FUMC barn. All 3 are healthy and were up sucking before I left the scene. The latest Butler FUMC twin boys were in our hollow tree, playing their version of “king of the mountain”. All is well on the “goat scene”.
I have to tell you that last week, one of the 3 week old boy goats got really upset when one of the teenage boy goats tried to mate his Mom.
If I’d had a video of the performance of that 3 week old, it would have made World’s Funniest Videos for sure! He had all of us in stitches during his 60 second performance to protect his Mom.
The little guy literally ran from front to back of the older boy like a fast moving puppy can nip and bite and dodge out of the way before a bigger dog can catch it. He had that bigger goat running in circles trying to defend himself. Needless to say, the older goat left his mother alone from then on!
Baby goats 1, Teenagers 0.
On Tuesday, both trucks and one Land Cruiser will roll out of our gates filled to the brim with corn and beans for the hungry kids in Namuno.
We plan 3 days of massive distributions this week, and 3 next week in order to get ALL THE FOOD to these children before the rainy season starts in November.
Had a small rain yesterday, so took that as a warning to “get hopping”!
In these 6 days over 50 TONS of corn and 12 TONS of beans will be distributed to the Namuno children.
Each child will also receive soap and iodized salt.
These are YOUR LOVE GIFTS at work.
Thank you for giving so that these kids might live to hear about Jesus.
Our 2 evangelists are working hard to bring the gospel to these children by attracting a crowd with a soccer ball.
Two churches have already been started in the last 30 days!
The crowd is growing as we had over 100 Sunday School children and about 40 teens and adults today.
Little 3 year old Gilda, a child who has brain damage and partial paralysis on her left side as a result of having cerebral malaria as a 2 year old, was seen by our Balama Doctor last week. He prescribed some medicine that I was able to buy in Pemba to help control her minor seizures that are a result of her brain damage. After 1 week on the meds, Gilda’s Mom reports that she had NO seizures this week at all! Gilda was super alert and seemed very content to be in church today. Normally she is very restless. It’s wonderful to see how such a small thing as getting a prescription filled for a single Mom can make a difference in 2 people’s lives.
Why no major miracle stories for several weeks?
Cause most of the group are HEALTHY thanks to Jesus and no miracles are needed at the moment.
The long lines for prayer for the sick are down to only 4 or 5 people!
I challenged everyone to bring a friend to church next week.
So all is going very well this side.
May God’s Blessings be heaped on all of you this week!
Bush Bunny Brenda and the Balama Gang