Nelius Franken of Cape Town, S. Africa, brings 15 BOXES of Portuguese tracts and and 2 BOXES of BIBLES as a gift to the people we minister too. This greatly needed for the 60 new students who have enrolled for our BUSHBIBLESCHOOL in Namuno District with Teacher/Evangelist Alberto.
But Cattle and Sheep Rancher, Nelius Franken, spends over 30 days each African winter (June/July), delivering invaluable Portuguese tracts and Bibles to remote areas like ours. I was greatly surprised last Sunday afternoon when he drove up, as he had lost my phone number and couldn’t let me know he was coming. After a quick unloading, we sat down to supper and great Christian fellowship, as he had to hit the road at 5:30a.m. the next morning.
THOUSANDS will benefit from this great literature about Jesus Christ.
The day before when Pastor Alberto left to start 2 Bush Bible Schools, I was only able to send SIXBIBLES (1/church) for the 830 new believers, because our supply was almost gone.
GODISNEVERLATE! He knew the need, and had them on the way long before the gospel was ever presented to these 6 bush villages.
We asked Jessus for peanuts, and they are rolling in , one bag at a time.
MUCHTHANKS to the village women willing to walk several miles with a bag of peanuts on their heads so that our kids can have peanuts in their corn porridge for breakfast. Peanuts are 1 of only 2 vegetable protein sources we have, and are considered a great treat, even when the harvest is good. Currently, we have 30 bags and we need 60. We asked God to provide it, and it is rolling in, 1 bag at a time.
Master Carpenter Mario, 62 years old, hard at work in our carpentry shop. In the last 10 years, he’s made almost every door, window, and table for the entire mission station. Sitting on the floor is their favorite work place. Mario converted from Islam to Christianity after 6 years of listening to morning devotions at our mission station.
Our trucks have been rolling, rolling, rolling, as we spent all of Wed., Thursday, and Friday doing a massive food give out to hungry orphans and widows. The poor harvest has affected the whole district, so the children have already run out of food from their fields. We will distribute to the last 2 villages on Monday, to complete the give out till first part of September.
Sun up is 6a.m. and the swings are swinging by 7 each morning! Never too cold to have a little fun.
Had my yearly physical and need a bit of maintenance as the ole Gall Bladder is not liking me very much. I’ll have it checked out, but need a miracle healing or it will have to be removed.
Prayers for a fast recovery are appreciated, as laparoscopic surgery is normally a 7 day recovery. Plan to be back in Moz. (after a bit of shopping and hopefully some great food) by August 17th. I’ve been on a bland, no fat diet for the last 30 days and I can tell you, it is BORING!
Capena and our staff will hold down the program while I’m gone. Keep us all covered in prayer, as it is a big responsibility for him to take on total leadership of our children’s programs.