Dear Friends:
So sorry that I have been “out of touch” during this last month, but life has been too busy for much computer time.
But here’s the latest.
After our VOX visitors left on Aug. 2nd, we organized a supply trip to South Africa for Eric Dry, my Associate Director.
He left Aug. 6th for the 5 day drive to South Africa pulling a trailer.
That means that while he is away, I have to deal with all mechanical problems including vehicle breakdowns, flat tires, maize mill hassles, etc. ON TOP OF what I already handle.
Needless to say, I have not lacked for work.
But the latest news is great news.
We are receiving our STATE Governor today who is talking about the new TAR ROAD that is suppose to link Balama with Pemba.
This will be a GREAT ASSET to our mission station, but it won’t happen immediately. Patience is the name of the game, but at least there is HOPE that someday we will have a manageable road during the rainy season. This road will link us to Malawi lake eventually, as it is the official national highway from west to east in northern Mozambique.
The President’s wife is due here sometime in early October, so I’m told we need to get ready for an inspection.
With 5 constructions crews running, we are busy putting renovating the 17 widow’s houses with new “out houses” & have been able to replace the grass roofs on 3 houses with tin roofs.
We hope to get rid of all grass roofs by next year as the mosquitoes love to hide in the grass during the day, so they can eat on whoever sleeps below during the night.
Malaria is on the increase in our area, so tin roofs, means less malaria for our kids.
I got word from our Meluco orphanage, 6 hours drive from here, that one of the 4 babies in our care died yesterday. Her mother had AIDS & gave it to the baby. The 4 month old died from a respiratory infection that her little body couldn’t fight off. So sad that the innocent have to suffer for the online pharmacy no prescription sins of their parents.
The NEW LIFE CHURCH near Grand Rapids, MI, is helping us plant a pastor & a church in a village called ROVUMA, about 3 miles from our base.
This village has never had a church & only 3 known Christians live in this area of 5,000+ people. It will be a real ground breaking time for sure, as most are muslims or believe only in the witchdoctor’s power.
Our pastor & evangelical team have their work cut out for them.
Chris Nagowski from Butler, Methodist came in August to inaugurate the church they sponsor in Mavala village.
That church is growing weekly, thanks to the KIDS who are the greatest evangelists of all!
The Sunday that Chris was there, we gave the 15 adults & 8 kids a challenge. Bring a friend next week.
NO new adults showed up, but the 8 kids brought 10 new friends!
There is little doubt who is the “good ground” that Jesus talks about in the Bible.
I told Pastor Agusto, who runs this program, to work with the children & the adults will follow.
Kids will TELL everyone what they learn, and that is the best evangelism around.
Keep us in your prayers as we desperately need at least 2 more missionaries to join our staff.
You will find the requirements for these 2, SUPPORTED missioanary positions posted on this blog.
One spot is for someone to train into the management of this orphanage, so I can be free to pioneer & teach what I know to others who want to multiply our work.
The 2nd spot is for a WATER WELL DRILLING PERSON. (man or woman)
We will send you to drilling school in Houston if you qualify & will give a 2 year commitment.
This is a supported position. We need a driller by May, 2010.
Would love to hear from some of you, as I’m not getting much personal mail.
Love & HUGS, Bush Bunny Brenda